# ttm.sh CLI A CLI application for interacting with ttm.sh. *Although this is mainly a CLI application, there is also a [module](#3-module) that you can use in your own projects!* - [1. Installation](#1-installation) - [1.1. From NPM](#11-from-npm) - [1.2. From Source](#12-from-source) - [2. Usage](#2-usage) - [2.1. Shorten](#21-shorten) - [2.2. Upload](#22-upload) - [3. Module](#3-module) - [4. Contributing](#4-contributing) ## 1. Installation ### 1.1. From NPM This method is recommended as there is less setup. ```sh npm install -g ttmsh # now you can use the command 'ttmsh' ``` ### 1.2. From Source ```sh git clone https://tildegit.org/jakew/ttmsh-cli.git cd ttmsh-cli npm install npm link # now you can use the command 'ttmsh' or 'node ./cli.js' or './cli.js' (only on nix) ``` ## 2. Usage ### 2.1. Shorten You can either include the URL in your command: ```console jakew@tilde:~$ ttmsh shorten https://google.co.uk √ https://ttm.sh/Ef ``` ...or not include it and be asked later: ```console jakew@tilde:~$ ttmsh shorten √ Which URL would you like to shorten? · https://google.co.uk √ https://ttm.sh/Ef ``` *Note: You will be asked again if you pass in an invalid URL.* ### 2.2. Upload Like with [shorten](#shorten), you can either include a file path in your command: ```console jakew@tilde:~$ ttmsh upload message.txt √ https://ttm.sh/j0.txt ``` ...or don't include it and be asked later: ```console jakew@tilde:~$ ttmsh upload √ Which file would you like to upload? · message.txt √ https://ttm.sh/j0.txt ``` ## 3. Module You can also use the mini API wrapper in your application. Here's some example code on how to use it. ```js const ttmsh = require("ttmsh"); // upload a file to ttm.sh ttmsh.do("upload", "/path/to/file/to/upload.txt").then((result) => { console.log(`Here's your link: ${result}`); }).catch((err) => { console.error("Something went wrong.", err); }); // shorten a link with ttm.sh ttmsh.do("shorten", "https://example.com/this/is/a/long/url").then((result) => { console.log(`Here's your link: ${result}`); }).catch((err) => { console.error("Something went wrong.", err); }); ``` ## 4. Contributing I'd love for people to add in new features and improve on my current work so feel free to open a pull request!