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115 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env node
const { prompt } = require('enquirer');
const program = require('commander');
const pkg = require("./package.json");
const fs = require("fs");
const validUrl = require("valid-url");
const ora = require("ora");
const ttmsh = require("./index.js");
const fileBytes = require("file-bytes");
const chalk = require("chalk");
// configure program with version, description and commands
.command("shorten [url]", {
isDefault: true
.command("upload [path]")
.option("-f, --force", "force an upload (disable file size checks)")
// if any command isn't handled, this is run
program.on("command:*", () => {
console.error("Invalid command: %s\nSee --help for a list of available commands.", program.args.join(" ")));
// pass the arguments to the program to be parsed
// this function is ran when the upload command is used
// 'path' is passed in from the program and *should* be a valid filename
async function upload(path, cmd) {
if (cmd.force) {
console.warn(chalk.yellow("Forcing upload. Expect problems!"));
// if we don't have a path set or the path doesn't exist
if (!path || !fs.existsSync(path)) {
// ask the user to (re)type a path
const response = await prompt([
type: 'input',
name: 'path',
message: 'Which file would you like to upload?',
hint: "Type a file path (e.g file.txt, ../file.txt)",
// check that the file exists before we allow the user to submit
validate: (input) => fs.existsSync(input) ? true : "Invalid file path"
// set the path variable to be the response that we just got
path = response.path;
fileBytes(path).then(size => {
var sizeMib = size / 1048576;
var ret = ttmsh.retention(sizeMib);
if (ret === -1 && !cmd.force) {
console.error(`This file is ~${sizeMib.toFixed(2)} MiB, which is over the limit of ${ttmsh.config.max_size} MiB!`));
} else if (ret === -1 && cmd.force) {
console.warn(chalk.yellow.bold(`This file is ~${sizeMib.toFixed(2)} MiB, which is over the limit of ${ttmsh.config.max_size} MiB!`));
console.warn(chalk.yellow("Attempting upload anyway..."));
} else {
console.log(chalk.cyan(`This file is ~${sizeMib.toFixed(2)} MiB and last ~${ret} days.`));
// run the action, i.e upload the file
doAction("upload", path);
// this function is ran when the shorten command is used
// 'url' is passed in from the program and *should* be a valid url
async function shorten(url) {
// if we don't have a url set or the url isn't really a url
if (!url || !validUrl.isWebUri(url)) {
// ask the user to (re)type a url
const response = await prompt([
type: 'input',
name: 'url',
message: 'Which URL would you like to shorten?',
hint: "Type a URL (e.g",
// check that the url is valid before we allow the user to submit
validate: (input) => validUrl.isWebUri(input) ? true : "Invalid URL"
// set the url variable to be the response that we just got
url = response.url;
// run the action, i.e shorten the url
doAction("shorten", url);
// this is run when we need to contact (via the module index.js)
function doAction(action, data) {
// create an spinner to show that we are trying to upload
const spinner = ora(`${action}ing...`)).start();
// use the ttmsh module to run the action with the data, data).then((result) => {
// if we were successful, display our result (i.e the url)
}).catch((e) => {
// if something went wrong, display an message with the error`${"Whoops! There was a problem while completing your request -")} ${}`);