package words import ( _ "embed" "strings" "" "time" ) //go:embed words.txt var words string //go:embed dictionary.txt var dictionary string func GetSolution() (string, int) { wordSlice := strings.Split(words, "\n") today := time.Now().In(time.UTC).Truncate(24 * time.Hour) day := (today.UnixMilli() - 1624057200000) / 864e5 index := day % int64(len(wordSlice)) return strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(wordSlice[index])), int(day) } func contains(words string, word string) bool { slice := strings.Split(words, "\n") for _, item := range slice { if item != "" && item == word { return true } } return false } func IsValid(word string) bool { word = strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(word)) if len(word) != 5 { return false } return contains(words, word) || contains(dictionary, word) } func Check(word string, solution string) (correct, present []int) { correct = []int{} present = []int{} exclude := []int{} word = strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(word)) for i, letter := range word { // check if correct position if letter == int32(solution[i]) { correct = append(correct, i) exclude = append(exclude, i) continue } // is the letter in the word for j, letter1 := range solution { if letter == letter1 && !util.ContainsInt(exclude, j) { present = append(present, i) exclude = append(exclude, j) break } } } return }