
40 lines
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class config:
class self:
nick = "bot6"
username = "jan6_bot" # you can set it to your username
realname = "jan6's bot"
source = ""
class server:
name = "libera"
host = ""
port = 6697
ssl = True
nickserv_auth = True
# get password from secret file
nickserv_pass = open("pass.txt", "r").read().strip()
channel = "##jan6"
autojoin = ["##share", "#1337331"]
class admin:
accounts = ["jan6"]
hostmasks = ["jan6!jan6@mischievous.deity"]
class cmd:
prefixes = ["6", "'"]
# disabled commands, won't run via normal means, probably
disabled = []
# admin-only override,
# useful for testing broken commands which should still be normal-user accessible
admin_only = []
capabilities = [