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** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
** of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License v2 for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program;
#define OFFMAP '?' /* space character */
#define SPACE '`' /* space character */
#define NEWCO '+' /* new company character */
#define STAR '*' /* star character */
#define BLACKHOLE '@' /* black hole character */
#define END_PERCENT 45 /* end when this much of the map is full */
#define INIT_CASH 600 /* initial player cash */
#define SPLIT_PRICE 300 /* when stocks split 2-1 */
#define NUMCO 5 /* number of companies (don't change) */
#define INIT_CO_COST 9 /* initial company start cost */
#define FOUNDER_BONUS 5 /* founder gets this much stock */
#define NUMMOVES 6 /* number of moves options a player gets */
#define MAXPLAYERS 4 /* total number of players a game can have */
#define STARCOST 26 /* company's price increase near star */
#define BLACKHOLECOST -25 /* price increase near black hole */
#define NEWCOCOST 10 /* company's price increase near new co */
#define Mx 12 /* x dimension of map */
#define My 10 /* y dimension of map */
/* macros to look at surrounding spaces on the map: */
#define iscompany(c) ((c)>='A'&&(c)<='Z')
#define ripe(c) ((c)==STAR||(c)==NEWCO)
#define co_near(move) (iscompany(up_obj(move))||iscompany(down_obj(move))||iscompany(left_obj(move))||iscompany(right_obj(move)))
#define s_or_bh(c) ((c)==SPACE||(c)==BLACKHOLE)
/* player and company structures: */
typedef struct {
char name[100];
int holdings[NUMCO];
long int svalue; /* stock value -- not always accurate!! */
long int cash;
int ishuman;
typedef struct {
char name[100];
int price;
int size;
int potential;
int risk; /* value related to chance of being swallowed by Black Hole */
int netpot; /* potential - risk */