
155 lines
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#pragma once
#include <signal.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <streambuf>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace neovision {
class Application;
class Vector2D;
* @brief Terminal event callback.
* This function signature is used for registering terminal event callbacks.
* The application is passed as a convenience, as anything that needs to be
* accessible within the function can be wired into the application class.
typedef std::function<void()> TerminalEventCallback;
* Class for terminal i/o operations.
* Any terminal setting changes made during the lifetime of the class will be
* restored to their previous state when the instance is destroyed.
* While you can use this class on it's own, it is sort-of assumed that the
* Terminal is instantiated by the Application class.
* Specifically, the callback functions rely on the 'TheApp' pointer being
* set in order to dispatch their events.
* @todo this is going to require platform-specific split implementations.
class Terminal {
bool m_initialized{false};
termios m_savedTerminalSettings{};
TerminalEventCallback m_onResize;
TerminalEventCallback m_onTerminate;
struct sigaction m_resizeSignal{};
std::chrono::milliseconds m_ioTimeOut{100};
int m_fd{0};
static void sigIntHandler(int);
static void sigWinchHandler(int);
* Constructor.
* @brief Destructor.
* @brief Cleanup
* Call this on exit. The destructor will attempt to, but it's not
* guaranteed to actually run correctly that way since we can't predict the
* order in which things are destroyed.
void Cleanup();
* @brief Initialize.
* Initializes the terminal for use. You should call this after
* constructing.
void Initialize();
* @brief Processes terminal events.
* Checks for ioctl signals, triggers callbacks as-needed.
void ProcessEvents();
* @brief Reads n bytes from terminal input.
* @param[in] n How many bytes to read.
* @return Returns the data read from terminal input.
std::wstring Read(size_t n);
* @brief Restores terminal settings back to their original state.
void Restore();
* @brief Sets the on-resize callback function.
* This function gets executed when the terminal gets resized.
* @param callback Function to be executed when the terminal gets resized.
void SetOnResize(TerminalEventCallback callback);
* @brief Set the on-terminate callback function.
* This function gets executed when the terminal gets killed, for instance
* with ctrl+c or a kill command.
* If you've got cleanup to run for graceful termination, you should hook
* into this to execute it.
void SetOnTerminate(TerminalEventCallback callback);
* @brief Get the terminal size.
* @return Returns the terminal size as a Position with X representing the
* number of columns, and Y the number of rows.
Vector2D Size();
* @brief Get IO timeout.
* @return Returns the current I/O timeout.
std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout() const;
* @brief Set IO timeout.
* @param[in] t New IO timeout in seconds.
void Timeout(const std::chrono::milliseconds& t);
* @brief Disables buffered i/o in the terminal.
void Unbuffer();
* @brief Writes data into the terminal.
* @param data Data to write.
void Write(const std::wstring& data);
} // namespace neovision