SineProgresibo, a torrent of progressive movies

A mirror of this folder containing Filipino progressive movies from 1974 to 2018.

File list:

  1. 1974 - Tatlo, Dalawa, Isa (dir. Lino Brocka).m4v
  2. 1976 - Insiang (dir. Lino Brocka).mkv
  3. 1976 - Sakada (dir. Behn Cervantes).m4v
  4. 1984 - Sister Stella L. (dir. Mike de Leon).mp4
  5. 1988 - A Rustling of Leaves (Dir. Nettie Wild).avi
  6. 1989 - Orapronobis (Dir. Lino Brocka).mp4 (Alternative non-torrent download link, if it's down, contact me!)
  7. 2002 - Dekada 70 (Dir. Chito S. Roño) .mp4
  8. 2004 - Red Saga (Dir. Kiri Dalena).mp4 (Alternative non-torrent download link)
  9. 2005 - Sa Ngalan ng Tubo (Tudla Prod.) .mpg (Alternative non-torrent download link)
  10. 2012 - Nanay Mameng (dir. Adjani Arumpac).m4v .m4v
  11. 2013 - Barber's Tale (Mga Kwentong Barbero).mkv
  12. 2013 - The Guerilla Is a Poet (Dir. Kiri & Sari Dalena).mp4
  13. 2013 - Yanan (dir. Mae Urtal Caralde).m4v
  14. 2015 - Ang Mga Alingawngaw ng Pagpapasya (Dir. Hector Calma).mp4 (Alternative non-torrent download link)
  15. 2015 - Portraits of Mosquito Press (Dir. JL Burgos).mp4 (Alternative non-torrent download link)
  16. 2017 - Gikan Sa Ngitngit Nga Kinailadman (Dir. Kiri Dalena).m4v
  17. 2017 - Lupalop (Panday Sining).mp4 (Alternative non-torrent download link)
  18. 2017 - Tu Pug Imatuy (dir. Arnel Barbarona).m4v
  19. 2018 - Pagkatapos Ng Tigkiriw (dir. Danielle Madrid).mp4 (Alternative non-torrent download link)

Total file size of all videos combined is 12.9 gibibytes (13,867,844,173 bytes).

Download this torrent file or use this magnet link and start torrenting using your favorite torrent client. Don't forget to seed to at least 2.0 ratio after downloading. Remember, when you share data, you share communism! ;)