removed outline, replaced with topics to cover

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ a beginner's guide for programming the varvara computer based on the {uxn} core,
=> uxn technical documentation
the tutorial is divided in 8 days (or sections), as it can be followed along with a workshop.
the tutorial is divided in days as it can be followed along with a workshop.
(as of today, this is a work in progress)
@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ irc channel: #uxn on
this is a summary of the uxn instructions covered in each day of the tutorial.
short mode is covered on day 2, and return and keep mode are covered on day 5.
## day 1
* ADD: take the top two elements from the stack, add them, and push down the result ( a b -- a+b )
@ -124,100 +126,17 @@ this is a summary of the uxn instructions covered in each day of the tutorial.
* JSR: unconditionally jump to the address in the working stack, pushing down into the return stack the address of the next instruction in memory
* STH: take a value from the working stack and push it down into the return stack. in return mode, do the opposite.
# to cover
# draft outline
this outline is here and now as a reference of the overall structure of the tutorial.
changes are expected to happen.
## day 1: the basics
* why uxn?
* {postfix} notation
* uxn computer architecture
* installation and toolchain
* a very basic hello world
* labels, macros, and runes
* an improved hello world
* print a digit
new instructions: LIT, DEO, ADD, SUB
=> uxn repo
## day 2: the screen
* short mode
* system colors
* draw pixels
* sprites: chr format, nasu
* draw sprites
* stack operations
* practice: manual repetition of sprite
new instructions: DEI, MUL, DIV, SWP, OVR, ROT, DUP, POP
new mode: short mode
=> nasu
## day 3: interactivity with the keyboard
* controller vector
* flow control: conditionals, relative and absolute jumps
* runes for addresses
* button and key
* bitwise masks
* practice: move/change sprite with keyboard
new instructions: EQU, NEQ, JCN, JMP, AND, ORA, EOR, SFT
## day 4: loops and animation
* flow control: repetition of a sprite
* screen vector
* variables: zero page, relative, absolute
* offsets in addresses
* animation timing
* practice: animated sprite
new instructions: LTH, GTH, STZ, STR, STA, LDZ, LDR, LDA
## day 5: interactivity with mouse
* mouse device and vector
* return stack and mode
* subroutines: parameters, calling, returning
* practice: sprite as pointer
* practice: simple drawing tool
new instructions: STH, JSR
new mode: return mode
## day 6: audio
these are topics and examples that have still to be covered in the remaining days of the tutorial:
* higher level drawing routines: multi-tile sprites, point inside a rectangle, rectangle intersecting rectangle
* the audio device
* samples as audio sprites
* adsr
* pitch
* practice: small music instrument
## day 7: keep mode and other devices
* keep mode
* re-writing code with keep mode
* file device: saving and loading a simple state
* datetime device: reading the date and time
* practice: visualization of time
new mode: keep mode
## day 8: demo time
* share what you created :)
# support
if you found this tutorial to be helpful, consider sharing it and giving it your {support} :)