
152 lines
4.8 KiB

# General information about the project.
project = 'jwcook'
needs_sphinx = '4.0'
master_doc = 'index'
source_suffix = ['.md', '.rst']
version = release = '0.0.1'
html_static_path = [
] # Exclude assets/images (automatically copied)
exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'README.md']
templates_path = ['../templates']
# Sphinx extensions
extensions = [
# MyST extensions
myst_enable_extensions = [
# Strip prompt text when copying code blocks with copy button
copybutton_prompt_text = r'>>> |\.\.\. |\$ '
copybutton_prompt_is_regexp = True
# autosectionlabel_prefix_document = True
# Sphinx-tags settings
tags_create_tags = True
tags_extension = ['md']
tags_output_dir = 'tags'
tags_overview_title = '{fas}`tags` Tags'
tags_page_title = '{fas}`tag` Tag'
tags_create_badges = True
tags_badge_colors = {
'python': 'primary',
'coding': 'secondary',
'status:*': 'info',
'*': 'dark',
# HTML general settings
# html_favicon = join('../assets', 'favicon.ico')
html_css_files = [
html_js_files = ['style.js']
html_title = '~jwcook'
html_logo = '../assets/images/avatar.png'
html_last_updated_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d'
html_show_copyright = False
html_show_sphinx = False
# HTML theme settings
pygments_style = 'gruvbox-light'
pygments_dark_style = 'gruvbox-dark'
html_theme = 'furo'
# Color variable reference: https://github.com/pradyunsg/furo/blob/main/src/furo/assets/styles/variables/_colors.scss
html_theme_options = {
# 'light_logo': 'logo-light.webp',
# 'dark_logo': 'logo-dark.webp',
'sidebar_hide_name': True,
'light_css_variables': {
'font-stack': 'JetBrainsMono',
'color-brand-primary': '#b57614',
'color-brand-content': '#076678',
# 'color-foreground-primary': 'black',
# 'color-foreground-secondary': '#5a5c63',
# 'color-foreground-muted': '#646776',
# 'color-foreground-border': '#878787',
'color-background-primary': '#d5c4a1',
'color-background-secondary': '#ebdbb2',
# 'color-background-hover': '#efeff4ff',
# 'color-background-hover--transparent': '#efeff400',
# 'color-background-border': '#eeebee',
# 'color-background-item': '#ccc',
'dark_css_variables': {
'font-stack': 'JetBrainsMono',
'color-brand-primary': '#fabd2f',
'color-brand-content': '#83a598',
# 'color-foreground-primary': '#ffffffcc', # for main text and headings
# 'color-foreground-secondary': '#9ca0a5', # for secondary text
# 'color-foreground-muted': '#81868d', # for muted text
# 'color-foreground-border': '#666666', # for content borders
'color-background-primary': '#504945', # for content
'color-background-secondary': '#3c3836', # for navigation + ToC
# 'color-background-hover': '#1e2124ff', # for navigation-item hover
# 'color-background-hover--transparent': '#1e212400',
# 'color-background-border': '#3c3836', # for UI borders
# 'color-background-item': '#444', # for 'background' items (eg': ' copybutton)
# Gruvbox colors:
# bg0 #282828
# bg1 #3c3836
# bg2 #504945
# bg3 #665c54
# bg4 #7c6f64
# gray #928374
def setup(app):
"""Run some additional steps after the Sphinx builder is initialized"""
app.connect('builder-inited', patch_furo_sidebar_toctree)
def patch_furo_sidebar_toctree(app):
"""Monkey-patch Furo's sidebar toctree to override its max depth. This is done to include the
tags overview page generated by sphinx-tags without adding redundant items to the tree.
Otherwise, a page shows up once in the main tree, and then an additional time under every tag
it's associated with.
Furo made the (sensible) design choice to always display the entire site in the sidebar tree,
and doesn't provide a way to limit the tree depth. Reference:
Note: This involves private utility methods, and is likely to break in future versions of Furo.
import furo
from furo import _compute_navigation_tree
def mod_compute_navigation_tree(context):
toctree = context["toctree"]
def mod_toctree(maxdepth=-1, **kwargs):
return toctree(maxdepth=SIDEBAR_MAXDEPTH, **kwargs)
context["toctree"] = mod_toctree
return _compute_navigation_tree(context)
furo._compute_navigation_tree = mod_compute_navigation_tree