
97 lines
3.1 KiB

from os.path import join
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copy
# General information about the project.
project = 'jwcook'
needs_sphinx = '4.0'
master_doc = 'index'
source_suffix = ['.md', '.rst']
version = release = '0.0.1'
html_static_path = ['../assets']
exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'README.md']
templates_path = ['_templates']
# Sphinx extensions
extensions = [
# MyST extensions
myst_enable_extensions = [
# Strip prompt text when copying code blocks with copy button
copybutton_prompt_text = r'>>> |\.\.\. |\$ '
copybutton_prompt_is_regexp = True
# HTML general settings
# html_favicon = join('../assets', 'favicon.ico')
html_css_files = [
html_title = "jwcook's home page"
# html_logo = '../assets/logo.png'
html_show_copyright = False
html_show_sphinx = False
# HTML theme settings
pygments_style = 'gruvbox-light'
pygments_dark_style = 'gruvbox-dark'
html_theme = 'furo'
# Color variable reference: https://github.com/pradyunsg/furo/blob/main/src/furo/assets/styles/variables/_colors.scss
html_theme_options = {
# 'light_logo': 'logo-light.webp',
# 'dark_logo': 'logo-dark.webp',
'sidebar_hide_name': True,
'light_css_variables': {
'font-stack': 'JetBrainsMono',
'color-brand-primary': '#b57614',
'color-brand-content': '#076678',
# 'color-foreground-primary': 'black',
# 'color-foreground-secondary': '#5a5c63',
# 'color-foreground-muted': '#646776',
# 'color-foreground-border': '#878787',
'color-background-primary': '#d5c4a1',
'color-background-secondary': '#ebdbb2',
# 'color-background-hover': '#efeff4ff',
# 'color-background-hover--transparent': '#efeff400',
# 'color-background-border': '#eeebee',
# 'color-background-item': '#ccc',
'dark_css_variables': {
'font-stack': 'JetBrainsMono',
'color-brand-primary': '#fabd2f',
'color-brand-content': '#83a598',
# 'color-foreground-primary': '#ffffffcc', # for main text and headings
# 'color-foreground-secondary': '#9ca0a5', # for secondary text
# 'color-foreground-muted': '#81868d', # for muted text
# 'color-foreground-border': '#666666', # for content borders
'color-background-primary': '#504945', # for content
'color-background-secondary': '#3c3836', # for navigation + ToC
# 'color-background-hover': '#1e2124ff', # for navigation-item hover
# 'color-background-hover--transparent': '#1e212400',
# 'color-background-border': '#3c3836', # for UI borders
# 'color-background-item': '#444', # for 'background' items (eg': ' copybutton)
# Gruvbox colors:
# bg0 #282828
# bg1 #3c3836
# bg2 #504945
# bg3 #665c54
# bg4 #7c6f64
# gray #928374