Dmitry Bogatov b074e81b2b feat: Scaffold an Yesod application
Right now I have no idea how it works, but it builds with "stack
build" and serves something on localhost:3000. I am not exactly happy
that building and interactive development depends on "stack(1)"
instead of more familiar "cabal repl", but I can live with it.

It requires Postgres database running on the localhost, which is
configured in my NixOS configuration, and not inside of this
repository. Probably can be done better.
2024-02-11 03:23:49 -05:00

106 lines
3.1 KiB

-- | Running your app inside GHCi.
-- This option provides significantly faster code reload compared to
-- @yesod devel@. However, you do not get automatic code reload
-- (which may be a benefit, depending on your perspective). To use this:
-- 1. Start up GHCi
-- $ stack ghci chirp:lib --no-load --work-dir .stack-work-devel
-- 2. Load this module
-- > :l app/DevelMain.hs
-- 3. Run @update@
-- > DevelMain.update
-- 4. Your app should now be running, you can connect at http://localhost:3000
-- 5. Make changes to your code
-- 6. After saving your changes, reload by running:
-- > :r
-- > DevelMain.update
-- You can also call @DevelMain.shutdown@ to stop the app
-- There is more information about this approach,
-- on the wiki:
-- WARNING: GHCi does not notice changes made to your template files.
-- If you change a template, you'll need to either exit GHCi and reload,
-- or manually @touch@ another Haskell module.
module DevelMain where
import Prelude
import Application (getApplicationRepl, shutdownApp)
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.IORef
import Foreign.Store
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
import GHC.Word
-- | Start or restart the server.
-- newStore is from foreign-store.
-- A Store holds onto some data across ghci reloads
update :: IO ()
update = do
mtidStore <- lookupStore tidStoreNum
case mtidStore of
-- no server running
Nothing -> do
done <- storeAction doneStore newEmptyMVar
tid <- start done
_ <- storeAction (Store tidStoreNum) (newIORef tid)
return ()
-- server is already running
Just tidStore -> restartAppInNewThread tidStore
doneStore :: Store (MVar ())
doneStore = Store 0
-- shut the server down with killThread and wait for the done signal
restartAppInNewThread :: Store (IORef ThreadId) -> IO ()
restartAppInNewThread tidStore = modifyStoredIORef tidStore $ \tid -> do
killThread tid
withStore doneStore takeMVar
readStore doneStore >>= start
-- | Start the server in a separate thread.
start :: MVar () -- ^ Written to when the thread is killed.
-> IO ThreadId
start done = do
(port, site, app) <- getApplicationRepl
(runSettings (setPort port defaultSettings) app)
-- Note that this implies concurrency
-- between shutdownApp and the next app that is starting.
-- Normally this should be fine
(\_ -> putMVar done () >> shutdownApp site)
-- | kill the server
shutdown :: IO ()
shutdown = do
mtidStore <- lookupStore tidStoreNum
case mtidStore of
-- no server running
Nothing -> putStrLn "no Yesod app running"
Just tidStore -> do
withStore tidStore $ readIORef >=> killThread
putStrLn "Yesod app is shutdown"
tidStoreNum :: Word32
tidStoreNum = 1
modifyStoredIORef :: Store (IORef a) -> (a -> IO a) -> IO ()
modifyStoredIORef store f = withStore store $ \ref -> do
v <- readIORef ref
f v >>= writeIORef ref