Dmitry Bogatov b074e81b2b feat: Scaffold an Yesod application
Right now I have no idea how it works, but it builds with "stack
build" and serves something on localhost:3000. I am not exactly happy
that building and interactive development depends on "stack(1)"
instead of more familiar "cabal repl", but I can live with it.

It requires Postgres database running on the localhost, which is
configured in my NixOS configuration, and not inside of this
repository. Probably can be done better.
2024-02-11 03:23:49 -05:00

99 lines
3.3 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module TestImport
( module TestImport
, module X
) where
import Application (makeFoundation, makeLogWare)
import ClassyPrelude as X hiding (delete, deleteBy, Handler)
import Database.Persist as X hiding (get)
import Database.Persist.Sql (SqlPersistM, runSqlPersistMPool, rawExecute, rawSql, unSingle)
import Database.Persist.SqlBackend (getEscapedRawName)
import Foundation as X
import Model as X
import Test.Hspec as X
import Text.Shakespeare.Text (st)
import Yesod.Default.Config2 (useEnv, loadYamlSettings)
import Yesod.Auth as X
import Yesod.Test as X
import Yesod.Core.Unsafe (fakeHandlerGetLogger)
runDB :: SqlPersistM a -> YesodExample App a
runDB query = do
app <- getTestYesod
liftIO $ runDBWithApp app query
runDBWithApp :: App -> SqlPersistM a -> IO a
runDBWithApp app query = runSqlPersistMPool query (appConnPool app)
runHandler :: Handler a -> YesodExample App a
runHandler handler = do
app <- getTestYesod
fakeHandlerGetLogger appLogger app handler
withApp :: SpecWith (TestApp App) -> Spec
withApp = before $ do
settings <- loadYamlSettings
["config/test-settings.yml", "config/settings.yml"]
foundation <- makeFoundation settings
wipeDB foundation
logWare <- liftIO $ makeLogWare foundation
return (foundation, logWare)
-- This function will truncate all of the tables in your database.
-- 'withApp' calls it before each test, creating a clean environment for each
-- spec to run in.
wipeDB :: App -> IO ()
wipeDB app = runDBWithApp app $ do
tables <- getTables
sqlBackend <- ask
-- TRUNCATEing all tables is the simplest approach to wiping the database.
-- Should your application grow to hundreds of tables and tests,
-- switching to DELETE could be a substantial speedup.
-- See:
let escapedTables = map (\t -> getEscapedRawName t sqlBackend) tables
query = "TRUNCATE TABLE " ++ intercalate ", " escapedTables
rawExecute query []
getTables :: DB [Text]
getTables = do
tables <- rawSql [st|
SELECT table_name
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = 'public'
AND table_type = 'BASE TABLE';
|] []
return $ map unSingle tables
-- | Authenticate as a user. This relies on the `auth-dummy-login: true` flag
-- being set in test-settings.yaml, which enables dummy authentication in
-- Foundation.hs
authenticateAs :: Entity User -> YesodExample App ()
authenticateAs (Entity _ u) = do
request $ do
setMethod "POST"
addPostParam "ident" $ userIdent u
setUrl $ AuthR $ PluginR "dummy" []
-- | Create a user. The dummy email entry helps to confirm that foreign-key
-- checking is switched off in wipeDB for those database backends which need it.
createUser :: Text -> YesodExample App (Entity User)
createUser ident = runDB $ do
user <- insertEntity User
{ userIdent = ident
, userPassword = Nothing
_ <- insert Email
{ emailEmail = ident
, emailUserId = Just $ entityKey user
, emailVerkey = Nothing
return user