import os import subprocess import psutil import platform import socket RAM = psutil.virtual_memory() CPU = platform.processor() OS = os_name = platform.system() VER = "PCLISH v0.0.5a" PROMPT = "shell@localhost" def execute_command(command): try: if "|" in command: s_in, s_out = (0, 0) s_in = os.dup(0) s_out = os.dup(1) fdin = os.dup(s_in) for cmd in command.split("|"): os.dup2(fdin, 0) os.close(fdin) if cmd == command.split("|")[-1]: fdout = os.dup(s_out) else: fdin, fdout = os.pipe() os.dup2(fdout, 1) os.close(fdout) try: except Exception: print("pclish: command not found: {}".format(cmd.strip())) os.dup2(s_in, 0) os.dup2(s_out, 1) os.close(s_in) os.close(s_out) else:" ")) except Exception: print("pclish: command not found: {}".format(command)) def pclish_cd(path): try: os.chdir(os.path.abspath(path)) except Exception: print("cd: no such file or directory: {}".format(path)) def pclish_echo(txt): print(txt) def pclish_oscmd(ARGS): os.system(ARGS) def pclish_help(): print("""pclish: here are the commands available help: shows this page cd: change directory ver: displays shell version ls: lists files in current dir system: shows system information mkdir: creates a directory shtdwnsubsys: shuts down the sub system oscmd: allows you to run an OS level command""") def pclish_ls(): print("pclish: this feature is not yet supported") def pclish_ver(): print(VER) def pclish_mkdir(dir): os.mkdir(dir) def pclish_system(): print("System: XCU Python Based Shell Env") print("RAM:") print(RAM) print("CPU:") print(CPU) print("OS:") print(OS) print("Shell:") print(VER) def pclish_shtdwnsubsys(): print("Shutting Down XCU Python Based Shell Env") exit() def main(): while True: inp = input(PROMPT) if inp == "exit": break elif inp[:3] == "cd ": pclish_cd(inp[3:]) elif inp == "help": pclish_help() elif inp == "ver": pclish_ver() elif inp == "ls": pclish_ls() elif inp == "mkdir": pclish_mkdir(dir) elif inp == "shtdwnsubsys": pclish_shtdwnsubsys() elif inp == "system": pclish_system() elif inp == "echo": pclish_echo(txt) elif inp == "oscmd": pclish_oscmd(ARGS) else: execute_command(inp) # Main if '__main__' == __name__: main()