
157 lines
4.9 KiB

use std::fs;
use std::env;
use std::fmt;
use std::usize;
use std::collections::HashMap;
mod eval;
struct Program {
data: Vec<String>,
pc: usize,
vars: HashMap<char, String>
impl Program {
fn from_string(program: String) -> Program {
let mut op_list: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
for opcode in program.split("\n").collect::<Vec<&str>>() {
let new_op = opcode.to_owned();
if new_op.len() != 0 {
return Program{ data: op_list, pc: 0, vars: HashMap::new() };
// Reads the arguments passed to an opcode, and inserts variables where necessary
fn args_or_vars(&self, arguments: &str) -> String {
let mut builder = String::from(""); // Empty string that will be rebuilt based on the loop
let argument_vec: Vec<char> = arguments.chars().collect(); // Deconstructed arguments
// Iterate through each char
for index in 0..argument_vec.len() {
let current_char = argument_vec[index];
let str_to_push: String;
if index > 0 {
// Only test for the dollar sign if it's not the first character
// This is because there can't be anything before the first character, otherwise it's not the first
if argument_vec[index-1] == '$' {
// If the previous character is a dollar sign, we can skip this iteration because we know the variable has already been handled
if current_char == '$' {
// If the current char is a $, we know that the next char should be a variable
let variable = argument_vec[index+1];
let key = self.vars.get(&variable);
match key {
Some(value) => str_to_push = value.to_string(),
None => panic!("NotFoundError: Variable {} has not been defined", variable)
} else {
// If there's no variable, then just push the char that was already there
str_to_push = current_char.to_string();
fn add_var(&mut self, arguments: &str) {
let argument_vec: Vec<char> = arguments.chars().collect();
let name = argument_vec[0];
let value: String = argument_vec[1..].into_iter().collect();
self.vars.insert(name, value);
fn parse(&mut self, instruction: &String) {
// Opcode is the first character, arguments are everything after the first char
let opcode = instruction.chars().collect::<Vec<char>>()[0];
let arguments = &instruction[1..];
match opcode {
'p' => println!("{}", self.args_or_vars(arguments)),
'a' => println!("{}", eval::do_math(self.args_or_vars(arguments), '+')),
's' => println!("{}", eval::do_math(self.args_or_vars(arguments), '-')),
'm' => println!("{}", eval::do_math(self.args_or_vars(arguments), '*')),
'd' => println!("{}", eval::do_math(self.args_or_vars(arguments), '/')),
'l' => self.add_var(arguments),
'#' => {}, // Do nothing for comments
_ => panic!("SyntaxError: No such opcode: {}", self.pc)
fn run(&mut self) {
println!("{}", self);
while self.pc < {
// Grab instruction from op list and parse the instruction
let instruction =[self.pc].to_owned();
self.pc += 1;
impl fmt::Display for Program {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Program ({:?})",
fn main() {
// Grab args and a filename
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
if args.len() == 1 {
// Args will always have at least 1 argument, which is the name of the executable.
// That's why we're checking index 1, not index 0.
panic!("You must provide a filename!");
let filename = &args[1];
// Read contents of the provided file and construct a symbolic Program from it
let contents = fs::read_to_string(filename).expect("Something went wrong reading the file");
let mut prog = Program::from_string(contents);;
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn make_program(contents: &str) -> Program {
fn test_math() {
assert_eq!(eval::do_math("2-2".to_string(), '+'), 4);
fn test_undefined_opcode() {
fn test_undefined_variable() {