diff --git a/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md b/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md index b0c43b7..66fc29e 100644 --- a/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md +++ b/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ https://tildegit.org/team/site/src/branch/master/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md) | [tilde.pw](https://tilde.pw) | tilde.pw is a unix server with some people on it and that unix server hosts webpages and other things too. | [signup form](https://tilde.pw/signup.php) | | | [tilde.town](https://tilde.town) | tilde.town is an open, welcoming and safe place for the exploration of lo-fi HTML art, hi-fi javascript experiments, generative poetic works, and digital socialization in a post-facebook age. | [signup form](https://cgi.tilde.town/users/signup) | | | [tildespark](https://tildespark.ddns.net) | Tilde Spark is a constantly evolving intentional community devoted to free software, open hardware and meeting new people! | [signup info here](https://tildespark.ddns.net/ikiwiki/tildespark/howtojoin/) | down | +| [ttylde](https://ttylde.karx.xyz) | ttylde is an experimental tilde running FreeBSD. Currently seeking new members! | [signup form](https://ttylde.karx.xyz/signup.php) | | | [unix.lgbt](https://unix.lgbt) | unix.lgbt is an explictly LGBTQ+ friendly public unix/tilde! we offer web, gemini, irc and various other community services. | [signup form](https://unix.lgbt/register.php) | | | [wilde.ftp.sh](http://wilde.ftp.sh/) | The world's first (and possibly only) Windows-based tilde! | [signup form](http://wilde.ftp.sh/signup.php) | down | | [xhec.one](https://xhec.one) | A brand new ~ running on Arch Linux. Seeking members and suggestions for content :) | [signup instructions](https://xhec.one)