Add facility to wrap descriptions in preformatted text for ASCII art descriptions

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Robert Miles 2021-10-13 10:13:20 +00:00
parent 9df5d78c0d
commit 91fee78d2a
1 changed files with 14 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -5,7 +5,15 @@ from functools import wraps
# The amount of recent entries to show on the homepage
# Ships whose descriptions need to be quoted in a pre text block. Key is ship name, value is alt text.
"": """An ascii banner split in two halves. The left half reads "" in a figlet font. The right half lists the server as AnonServ 0.9.infinity, the readable frontends as QEC, Gemini, Gopher, and Web, as well as listing Email as a write-only frontend. The description under these listings reads "'Sup losers, it's your boy Phantom Override back at it again. They got us once but they'll never find us out amongst the stars. Lose lose." At the bottom of the banner it lists the email address for submissions, which is"""
# Utility lambda to get line count
LINE_COUNT = lambda fn: int((["/usr/bin/wc","-l",fn],stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout or b"-1 somethingswrong").decode("utf-8").split()[0])
class DefaultToGopher(JetforceApplication):
@ -151,7 +159,13 @@ def ship(request,ship=None):
def __generator():
description = os.path.join("/var/gopher",ship_unquoted,".description")
if os.path.exists(description):
if ship_unquoted in DESC_PRE:
yield "```"
yield DESC_PRE[ship_unquoted]
yield "\n"
yield from app.load_file(description)
if ship_unquoted in DESC_PRE:
yield "```"
yield "\n"
if os.path.exists(os.path.join("/var/gopher",ship_unquoted,"ABOUT")):
yield f"=> /{ship}/ABOUT About {ship_unquoted}\n"