
88 lines
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How it works:
- On !minercoin, generate a mathematical challenge and present it in a non-bot-parseable way. Store the answer for later.
- On the next message in the channel the challenges are presented and issued from by said user, check and see if the answer is correct.
- If the answer is correct, reward the user with MinerCoins.
- If not, no reward is issued.
- Only let the user try a challenge every hour."""
import plugin, time, random
from pluralslib import plural
from dictdata import DictData
challenges = DictData("challenges.json")
last_used = DictData("times.json")
count = DictData("minercoin.json")
def get(source):
username = source.user
return count.get(username,0), last_used.get(username,0), challenges.get(username)
def set(source,ncount,nlast_used,nchallenge=None):
username = source.user
# OK, this needs explaining.
# [int count, lambda verify, lambda answer, string question]
# count = how many numbers to generate
questions = [
[2,lambda x,y: (x>=0 and x<=100),lambda x,y: int(round((x/100.)*y)),"Calculate {}% of {}. (round to the nearest whole number)"]
def get_question():
q = random.choice(questions)
nums = [random.randint(0,200) for x in range(q[0])]
while not q[1](*nums):
nums = [random.randint(0,200) for x in range(q[0])]
chq = q[3].format(*nums)
cha = str(q[2](*nums))
return chq, cha
def minercoin(bot,channel,nick,*args):
if args[0] not in "ask count cooldown".split():
bot.say(channel,"{}: Usage: !minercoin <ask/count/cooldown>".format(nick))
return True # only allow selected subcommands
elif channel!="#bots":
bot.say(channel,"{}: MinerCoin is only awarded in #bots, same as tildes!".format(nick))
return True
return False
leadins = ["pro-minercoin question","anti-autoasker question","pro-login question","pro-minerobber challenge"]
def minercoin_ask(bot,channel,nick,*args):
cnt, last, challenge = get(bot.event.source)
if (int(time.time())-last)<(60*60) and nick!="minerobber": # if it hasn't been an hour since the last one...
bot.say(channel,"{} is a doodoo head and needs to wait longer between attempts! (1 hour between attempts)".format(nick))
question, challenge = get_question()
bot.say(channel,"{}: {}: {}".format(nick,random.choice(leadins),question))
def minercoin_listen(bot,channel,nick,message):
cnt, last, challenge = get(bot.event.source)
if challenge is None: return
elif message==challenge:
bot.say(channel,"{}: You are a winner and get 1 MinerCoin!".format(nick))
bot.say(channel,"{} is a quitter and gets no MinerCoin!".format(nick))
def minercoin_count(bot,channel,nick,*args):
if bot.event.source.user in count:
cnt = get(bot.event.source)[0]
bot.say(channel,"{}: You have {}".format(nick,plural(cnt,"MinerCoin")))
bot.say(channel,"{}: You don't have any MinerCoin! Get some by asking! (!minercoin ask)".format(nick))
def minercoin_cooldown(bot,channel,nick,*args):