import plugin, requests, dictdata import os.path as fs domain_blacklist = dictdata.DictData("dh_blacklist.json") #domain_blacklist = dict(blacklist=domain_blacklist) if not fs.exists("tlds.txt"): r = requests.get("") r.raise_for_status() with open("tlds.txt","w") as f: f.write(r.text) with open("tlds.txt") as f: tlds = [l.lower().strip() for l in f if l.strip() and not l.startswith("#")] def get_domainhacks(*args): word = "-".join(args).lower() possible_hacks = [] for tld in tlds: if tld in domain_blacklist["blacklist"]: continue if not (tld in word): continue index = word.rfind(tld) prefix = word[:index].rstrip("-") suffix = word[index+len(tld):].lstrip("-") dh = dict() dh["prefix"]=prefix dh["tld"]=tld dh["suffix"]=suffix dh["full"]="{}.{}/{}".format(prefix,tld,suffix).rstrip("/") possible_hacks.append(dh) possible_hacks.sort(key=lambda x: len(x["suffix"])) return [x for x in possible_hacks if len(x["suffix"])==len(possible_hacks[0]["suffix"])] @plugin.command("domainhack"," [word word...]") def domainhack_cmd(bot,channel,nick,*words): hacks = get_domainhacks(*words) if not hacks: bot.say(channel,nick+": Unfortunately, no domain hack for that exists (that I know of)!") return bot.say(channel,nick+": Domain hacks include "+", ".join([x["full"] for x in hacks]))