import requests, json from urllib.parse import urlencode from bot import IRCLine BOT = None def respond(event,msg): is_pub ="#") BOT.socket.send(IRCLine("PRIVMSG", if is_pub else event.hostmask.nick,":"+(event.hostmask.nick+": " if is_pub else "")+msg)) def get_delta(fv,tv): d = (tv-fv) d = d/fv return d TOKEN="" try: with open(".finnhub_token") as f: except: print("Token not found!") def on_get_stock(event): if not BOT: return if not TOKEN: respond(event,"khuxkm is an idiot and forgot to supply an API token. I can't do anything about that!") return if len(!=1: respond(event,"You can only request 1 symbol at a time.") return symbol =[0].upper() r = requests.get(""+urlencode(dict(symbol=symbol,token=TOKEN))) if r.status_code!=200: respond(event,"The finnhub API returned a status code of "+str(r.status_code)+".") return try: res = r.json() except: respond(event,r.text) return if "pc" not in res: respond(event,f"No such stock ticker {symbol}!") return try: previous_close, current_value = res["pc"], res["c"] delta = "{:+0.2%}".format(get_delta(previous_close,current_value)) respond(event,f"{symbol} is currently valued at {current_value} ({delta} from previous close)") except: respond(event,"Error calculating delta!") print(json.dumps(res,indent=2)) def register(bot): global BOT BOT=bot bot.event_manager.on("command_getStock",on_get_stock)