const express = require("express") const websocket = require("ws") const cors = require("cors") const level = require("level") const expressWS = require("express-ws") const cuid = require("cuid") const gitlog = require("gitlog") const db = level("./db.level", { valueEncoding: "json" }) const app = express() const eWSS = expressWS(app) app.use(cors()) app.use(express.static(__dirname)) const validateChannel = channel => { if (typeof channel !== "string" && typeof channel !== "number") throw new Error("Invalid type for channel!") } const wildcardChannel = "*" const messageLog = [] const broadcast = (wss, msg, sender) => { validateChannel(; const toSend = { ...msg, type: "message", ID: cuid(), time: new Date().getTime() } wss.clients.forEach(socket => { let send = socket.readyState === websocket.OPEN if (socket.type === "client") { send = send && (socket.channels.includes( || socket.channels.includes(wildcardChannel)) && socket !== sender } else if (socket.type === "peer") { send = send && true } if (send) { socket.send(JSON.stringify(toSend)) } }) messageLog.unshift(toSend) // push to front for nice ordering return toSend } // Get short-hash of last commit as version const version = gitlog({ repo: __dirname + "/..", // this file is inside /src, and the repo stuff is outside of here number: 1, fields: [ "abbrevHash" ] })[0].abbrevHash // Featureset of this version const features = [ "" ]; const clientCommands = { open(message, sendBack, ctx) { const channel = const ws = validateChannel(channel) if (!ws.channels.includes(channel)) ws.channels.push(channel) sendBack({ channels: ws.channels }) }, close(message, sendBack, ctx) { const channel = const ws = validateChannel(channel) // Remove channel from list if exists const index = ws.channels.indexOf(channel) if (index > -1) { ws.channels.splice(index, 1) sendBack({ channels: ws.channels }) } else { throw new Error("Channel " + channel + " not open.") } }, log(message, sendBack) { const start = message.start || 0 const end = message.end || 100 sendBack({ log: messageLog.slice(start, end) }) }, message(message, sendBack, { wss, ws }) { sendBack(broadcast(wss, message, ws)) } } const ctx = { wss: eWSS.getWss(), db } const websocketCommandProcessor = (ws, commands) => { const send = x => ws.send(JSON.stringify(x)) ws.on("message", raw => { try { const message = JSON.parse(raw) if (typeof message === "object" && message !== null && message !== undefined) { const commandName = message.type const command = commands[commandName] if (!command) { throw new Error("No such command " + commandName) } const sendBack = x => send({...x, type: "result", for: commandName}) command(message, sendBack, { ws, ...ctx }) } else { throw new Error("Message must be object") } } catch(e) { console.error(e) send({ type: "error", error: e.toString() }) return } }) }"/connect", (ws, req) => { ws.channels = [] ws.type = "client" websocketCommandProcessor(ws, clientCommands) })"/peer", (ws, req) => { }) const port = parseInt(process.env.PORT) || 4567 app.listen(port, () => console.log("Skynet " + version, "listening on port " + port))