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Skynet Protocol


Connections are by websocket. Messages must be JSON-serialized objects containing a type key, like this:

  "type": "log"

Arguments to commands are keys in this object:

  "type": "open",
  "channel": 42

Commands return either results:

  "type": "result",
  "channels": [42]

or errors:

  "type": "error",
  "error": "Invalid type for channel!"

Connected sockets may be sent events, such as:

  "type": "message",
  "channel": 42,
  "message": "Hello, World!"


Available at /connect. This is the interface client.lua uses.



Takes channel (channel to open - string or number) and opens it for the socket sending this command. Opening * will listen to messages on all channels.

Returns channels, a list of channels which are now open.


Takes channel and closes it channel - opposite of open.

Returns channels, a list of channels which are now open.


Takes message (contents of message to send) and channel (channel to send on) and sends the message to all clients listening on the channel specified. See message event for further details.

Returns the message sent.


Optionally takes start and end (slice of message log to return).

Returns the server's message log (on all channels); this consists of an array of message events. The message log is newest-first and not persisted across server restarts.



This contains all the information present in the message command which produced it (should always include channel and message), but also has time (as produced by new Date().getTime()) and ID (unique per-message ID).

These are sent when another client uses the message command with a channel your socket is listening on.

Here is an example message:

  "type": "message",
  "channel": 42,
  "message": "Hello, World!",
  "ID": "cjmxia0pv0000k2t3z8p26cjm",
  "time": 1538834413603


Coming Soon.