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12 KiB

# Peter Norvig's BASIC interpreter in Python
# Licensed under MIT as is the rest of norvig/pytudes (
import re
tokenize = re.compile(r'''
\d* \.? \d+ (?: E -? \d+)? | # number
[A-Z]\d? | # variable names (letter + optional digit)
".*?" | # labels (strings in double quotes)
<>|>=|<= | # multi-character relational operators
\S # any non-space single character ''',
tokens = [] # Global variable to hold a list of tokens
def tokenizer(line):
"Return a list of the tokens on this line, handling spaces properly, and upper-casing."
line = ''.join(tokenize(line)) # Remove whitespace
return tokenize(line.upper())
def peek():
"Return the first token in the global `tokens`, or None if we are at the end of the line."
return (tokens[0] if tokens else None)
def pop(constraint=None):
"""Remove and return the first token in `tokens`, or return None if token fails constraint.
constraint can be None, a literal (e.g. pop('=')), or a predicate (e.g. pop(is_varname))."""
top = peek()
if constraint is None or (top == constraint) or (callable(constraint) and constraint(top)):
return tokens.pop(0)
def remove_spaces(line):
"Remove white space from line, except space inside double quotes."
def lines(text):
"A list of the non-empty lines in a text."
return [line for line in text.splitlines() if line]
def Grammar():
return {
'LET': [variable, '=', expression],
'READ': [list_of(variable)],
'DATA': [list_of(number)],
'PRINT': [labels_and_expressions],
'GOTO': [linenumber],
'IF': [expression, relational, expression, 'THEN', linenumber],
'FOR': [varname, '=', expression, 'TO', expression, step],
'NEXT': [varname],
'END': [],
'STOP': [],
'DEF': [funcname, '(', varname, ')', '=', expression],
'GOSUB': [linenumber],
'RETURN': [],
'DIM': [list_of(variable)],
'REM': [anycharacters],
'A': []
def statement():
"Parse a BASIC statement from `tokens`."
num = linenumber()
typ = pop(is_stmt_type) or fail('unknown statement type')
args = []
for p in grammar[typ]: # For each part of rule, call if callable or match if literal string
if callable(p):
pop(p) or fail('expected ' + repr(p))
return Stmt(num, typ, args)
def number(): return (-1 if pop('-') else +1) * float(pop()) # Optional minus sign
def step(): return (expression() if pop('STEP') else 1) # 1 is the default step
def linenumber(): return (int(pop()) if peek().isnumeric() else fail('missing line number'))
def relational(): return pop(is_relational) or fail('expected a relational operator')
def varname(): return pop(is_varname) or fail('expected a variable name')
def funcname(): return pop(is_funcname) or fail('expected a function name')
def anycharacters(): tokens.clear() # Ignore tokens in a REM statement
def is_stmt_type(x): return is_str(x) and x in grammar # LET, READ, ...
def is_funcname(x): return is_str(x) and len(x) == 3 and x.isalpha() # SIN, COS, FNA, FNB, ...
def is_varname(x): return is_str(x) and len(x) in (1, 2) and x[0].isalpha() # A, A1, A2, B, ...
def is_label(x): return is_str(x) and x.startswith('"') # "HELLO WORLD", ...
def is_relational(x): return is_str(x) and x in ('<', '=', '>', '<=', '<>', '>=')
def is_number(x): return is_str(x) and x and x[0] in '.0123456789' # '3', '.14', ...
def is_str(x): return isinstance(x, str)
def variable():
"Parse a possibly subscripted variable e.g. 'X3' or 'A(I)' or 'M(2*I, 3)'."
V = varname()
if pop('('):
indexes = list_of(expression)()
pop(')') or fail('expected ")" to close subscript')
return Subscript(V, indexes) # E.g. 'A(I)' => Subscript('A', ['I'])
return V # E.g. 'X3'
class list_of:
"list_of(category) is a callable that parses a comma-separated list of <category>"
def __init__(self, category): self.category = category
def __call__(self):
result = ([self.category()] if tokens else [])
while pop(','):
return result
def parse(program): return sorted(parse_line(line) for line in lines(program))
def parse_line(line):
"Return a Stmt(linenumber, statement_type, arguments)."
global tokens
tokens = tokenizer(line)
stmt = statement()
if tokens: fail('extra tokens at end of line')
return stmt
except SyntaxError as err:
print("Error in line '{}' at '{}': {}".format(line, ' '.join(tokens), err))
return Stmt(0, 'REM', []) # Return dummy statement
def fail(message): raise SyntaxError(message)
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict, deque
Stmt = namedtuple('Stmt', 'num, typ, args') # '1 GOTO 9' => Stmt(1, 'GOTO', 9)
Subscript = namedtuple('Subscript', 'var, indexes') # 'A(I)' => Subscript('A', ['I'])
Funcall = namedtuple('Funcall', 'f, x') # 'SQR(X)' => Funcall('SQR', 'X')
Opcall = namedtuple('Opcall', 'x, op, y') # 'X + 1' => Opcall('X', '+', 1)
ForState = namedtuple('ForState', 'continu, end, step') # Data for FOR loop
class Function(namedtuple('_', 'parm, body')):
"User-defined function; 'DEF FNC(X) = X ^ 3' => Function('X', Opcall('X', '^', 3))"
def __call__(self, value):
variables[self.parm] = value # Global assignment to the parameter
return evalu(self.body)
def labels_and_expressions():
"Parse a sequence of label / comma / semicolon / expression (for PRINT statement)."
result = []
while tokens:
item = pop(is_label) or pop(',') or pop(';') or expression()
return result
def expression(prec=1):
"Parse an expression: a primary and any [op expression]* pairs with precedence(op) >= prec."
exp = primary() # 'A' => 'A'
while precedence(peek()) >= prec:
op = pop()
rhs = expression(precedence(op) + associativity(op))
exp = Opcall(exp, op, rhs) # 'A + B' => Opcall('A', '+', 'B')
return exp
def primary():
"Parse a primary expression (no infix op except maybe within parens)."
if is_number(peek()): # '1.23' => 1.23
return number()
elif is_varname(peek()): # X or A(I) or M(I+1, J)
return variable()
elif is_funcname(peek()): # SIN(X) => Funcall('SIN', 'X')
return Funcall(pop(), primary())
elif pop('-'): # '-X' => Funcall('NEG', 'X')
return Funcall('NEG', primary())
elif pop('('): # '(X)' => 'X'
exp = expression()
pop(')') or fail('expected ")" to end expression')
return exp
return fail('unknown expression')
def precedence(op):
return (3 if op == '^' else 2 if op in ('*', '/', '%') else 1 if op in ('+', '-') else 0)
def associativity(op):
return (0 if op == '^' else 1)
grammar = Grammar()
def run(program): execute(parse(program))
def execute(stmts):
"Parse and execute the BASIC program."
global variables, functions, column
functions, data = preprocess(stmts) # {name: function,...}, deque[number,...]
variables = defaultdict(float) # mapping of {variable: value}, default 0.0
column = 0 # column to PRINT in next
pc = 0 # program counter
ret = 0 # index (pc) that a GOSUB returns to
fors = {} # runtime map of {varname: ForState(...)}
goto = {stmt.num: i # map of {linenumber: index}
for (i, stmt) in enumerate(stmts)}
while pc < len(stmts):
(_, typ, args) = stmts[pc] # Fetch and decode the instruction
pc += 1 # Increment the program counter
if typ in ('END', 'STOP') or (typ == 'READ' and not data):
elif typ == 'LET':
V, exp = args
let(V, evalu(exp))
elif typ == 'READ':
for V in args[0]:
let(V, data.popleft())
elif typ == 'PRINT':
elif typ == 'GOTO':
pc = goto[args[0]]
elif typ == 'IF':
lhs, relational, rhs, dest = args
if functions[relational](evalu(lhs), evalu(rhs)):
pc = goto[dest]
elif typ == 'FOR':
V, start, end, step = args
variables[V] = evalu(start)
fors[V] = ForState(pc, evalu(end), evalu(step))
elif typ == 'NEXT':
V = args[0]
continu, end, step = fors[V]
if ((step >= 0 and variables[V] + step <= end) or
(step < 0 and variables[V] + step >= end)):
variables[V] += step
pc = continu
elif typ == 'GOSUB':
ret = pc
pc = goto[args[0]]
elif typ == 'RETURN':
pc = ret
import math
import random
import operator as op
def preprocess(stmts):
"""Go through stmts and return two values extracted from the declarations:
functions: a mapping of {name: function}, for both built-in and user-defined functions,
data: a queue of all the numbers in DATA statements."""
functions = { # A mapping of {name: function}; first the built-ins:
'SIN': math.sin, 'COS': math.cos, 'TAN': math.tan, 'ATN': math.atan,
'ABS': abs, 'EXP': math.exp, 'LOG': math.log, 'SQR': math.sqrt, 'INT': int,
'>':, '<':, '=': op.eq, '>=':, '<=': op.le, '<>':,
'^': pow, '+': op.add, '-': op.sub, '*': op.mul, '/': op.truediv, '%': op.mod,
'RND': lambda _: random.random(), 'NEG': op.neg}
data = deque() # A queue of numbers that READ can read from
for (_, typ, args) in stmts:
if typ == 'DEF':
name, parm, body = args
functions[name] = Function(parm, body)
elif typ == 'DATA':
return functions, data
def evalu(exp):
"Evaluate an expression, returning a number."
if isinstance(exp, Opcall):
return functions[exp.op](evalu(exp.x), evalu(exp.y))
elif isinstance(exp, Funcall):
return functions[exp.f](evalu(exp.x))
elif isinstance(exp, Subscript):
return variables[exp.var, tuple(evalu(x) for x in exp.indexes)]
elif is_varname(exp):
return variables[exp]
else: # number constant
return exp
def let(V, value):
"Assign value to the variable name or Subscripted variable."
if isinstance(V, Subscript): # A subsscripted variable
variables[V.var, tuple(evalu(x) for x in V.indexes)] = value
else: # An unsubscripted variable
variables[V] = value
def basic_print(items):
"Print the items (',' / ';' / label / expression) in appropriate columns."
for item in items:
if item == ',': pad(15)
elif item == ';': pad(3)
elif is_label(item): print_string(item.replace('"', ''))
else: print_string("{:g} ".format(evalu(item)))
if (not items) or items[-1] not in (',', ';'):
def print_string(s):
"Print a string, keeping track of column, and advancing to newline if at or beyond column 100."
global column
print(s, end='')
column += len(s)
if column >= 100: newline()
def pad(width):
"Pad out to the column that is the next multiple of width."
while column % width != 0:
print_string(' ')
def newline(): global column; print(); column = 0