.```. _.''.. ; ``` ``'. : d `. / >,: \ /.' `'., : /' ;. . ; / ; \ ; ; / `..;\: :' __|| `...,' `-, ) || /.^/ ___|| '---,_\ (/ `\ # Welcome to kiiwiis.xyz! Kiiwiis.xyz is a pubnix, or public unix system! Users that sign-up have access to the server where they can upload webpages, gophermaps, gemtext into a public directory, along with coding on the system itself! If you'd like to sign up, please email to the address below with your desired username :) => mailto:kiiwiiwastaken@tilde.team # List of Users! This is a list of every user apart of kiiwiis.xyz, sorted from oldest to newest => /~kiiwiiwastaken KiiwiiWasTaken (me) -- November 28, 2020 => /~acdw acdw -- November 28, 2020 => /~anton anton -- November 28, 2020 => /~neko neko -- November 28, 2020 => /~jdfffdfdjdfgkjdddddjkdf jdfffdfdjdfgkjdddddjkdf -- December 06, 2020 => /~fosslinux fosslinux -- Janurary 01, 2021 => https://tildegit.org/kiiwiis.xyz/gemini Source code for this gemserver! ### Gem server made on Janurary 05, 2021