# TildePublishingUnlimited E-book publishing projects for generating fiction works, zines, documentation, and other things. Write in markdown, compile beautiful pdfs, and ebooks. TEMPLATES: ---------- * ebook-story book: short stories, fiction works, verse. * Upcoming: + seriousbook: nonfiction, technical documentation, etc. * pamphlets: short informative works. * flier-sm-poster: small poster (A4/letter) fliers or posters * menu: menus for foods, goods, services * recipes: standalone recipes, should be able to include in book template in the future. REQUIREMENTS: ------------- * texlive-full (url) + or at least some abridged texlive install with latexmk, texlive-fonts-extra * Lipsum package to compile demos * perl5 (req'd by texlive-full) * pandoc DEVELOPMENT MAP: ---------------- * first template set up * Identify templates for inclusion in project * Modify templates to follow editing conventions (markdown \includes, etc.) * get them working & then use githooks to streamline testing during development. * Begin work on makefiles * Begin work on other output formats using pandoc - ebook formats, html formats(will need css magics) TODO: ----- * Define auxfiles directory and succeed in compiling pdf without losing aux files. * Makefile framework for projects * Change script md2pdf.sh to move .tex files to a different directory to compile from, isolate "*.md" files