# gem-pd gem-pd is a Pronoun Dressing Room program for gemini in bash made after seeing [https://asteine8.github.io/projects/pronoun-dressing-room/dressing-room/index.html](https://asteine8.github.io/projects/pronoun-dressing-room/dressing-room/index.html) in the web ## Setup make sure your gemini server supports CGI scripts written in bash, copy it into your gemini directory and make it executable of course ## TODO * randomly collect sentences from files [opened: 2022-03-14T16:45:30Z; closed: 2022-09-18T14:02:00Z] * [X] add a lot of sentences * [X] make the program select a random selection (like 3 or 4 of them) * [X] make that optional * more flexibility [opened: 2022-05-30T14:14:00Z; closed: 2022-05-31T13:13:30Z] * [X] add another file for pronouns instead of having them hardcoded. * unhardcode [opened: 2022-05-31T13:32:00Z; closed: 2022-09-18T13:31:00Z] * [X] instead of hardcoding they for plural detection, put that into the csv file ## Changelog * 2021-10-18: thrown together in an hour * 2021-10-19: thrown through shellcheck * 2021-11-05: added pronoun selector. add ";" and your preferred pronouns into the name field to see only those * 2021-11-06: made each sentence a list item for easier reading * 2021-11-06: make the pronoun text a little easier to see, and remove the unnecessary '---' in that case. also change the input text to direct the user how to enter stuff. * 2021-11-06: by exporting the sentences to a file, more can be added easily. * 2021-11-07: the position of the pronouns within the array is now independent * 2021-11-07: fix compatibility with weird clients that don't encode ; as %3B * 2022-03-14: add new sentences * 2022-05-31: export pronouns to csv file; add one new sentence * 2022-05-31: make it shown when a pronoun is preferred that is unknown, also some more comments * 2022-07-30: provide a back link * 2022-09-18: fix issue where every pronoun set was regarded as unknown * 2022-09-18: provide link to repository * 2022-09-18: unhardcode plural grammar * 2022-09-18: fix orthographic mistakes * 2022-09-18: implement randomly collect sentences from files * 2022-09-18: fix brainlag in the implementation above