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2015-01-06 18:33:01 +00:00
:: krowbar-init [init]
<<set $items['crowbar'] to true>>
<<set $skills['adventuring'] to 1>>
:: krowbar-startDescription
Set in the stone floor, you see a large pool of water, twice your height wide, rippling with a malevolent, purple glow. Thin, flowing tendrils reach out of the portal, embrasing the narrow, steel frame around its edge. Small rocks, glowing orange, blue, and green circle the pool and gently bob up and down in the air. Despite its omnious aura, you feel a strange impulse that compels you to [[enter the pool|krowbar-start]].
2015-01-06 18:33:01 +00:00
2015-01-02 16:59:08 +00:00
:: krowbar-start [start inv]
[[The pool|krowbar-ExaminePortal]] you emerged from is in a forest of [[tropical trees|krowbar-ExamineTrees]].
The heat and humidity hit you in contrast to the cool, dry environment of the Hub. As you listen, you hear the sounds of gunfire and muffled explosions in the distance.
2015-01-06 20:29:32 +00:00
There is [[a beaten dirt path leading downward|krowbar-FollowPath1]].
<<if $events["krowbar-PortalRestored"]>>[[Step into the pool|Start]]<<endif>>
<<if $items["glowing rock"]>>[[Place glowing rock in pool crevice|krowbar-PlaceRock]]<<endif>>
2015-01-06 18:33:01 +00:00
[[Player Profile|PlayerProfile]]
:: krowbar-ExaminePortal
<<if $events["krowbar-PortalRestored"]>>The pool has now the same purple sheen as when you first entered.
<<else>>You examine the pool and note that there are several locations around its edge that appear to be missing glowing rocks.
2015-01-06 18:33:01 +00:00
:: krowbar-ExamineTrees
Upon closer examination, you find that these trees have strange orange bark and blue-tinted leaves. You also notice small burn pock-marks on several of the trees.
2015-01-06 18:33:01 +00:00
How curious!
:: krowbar-PlaceRock
You place the glowing rock where you believe it belongs around the pool. The pool lights up and starts humming like the one in The Cave did.
<<set $events["krowbar-PortalRestored"] to true>>
<<set $items["glowing rock"] to false>>
2015-01-06 18:33:01 +00:00
:: krowbar-FollowPath1 [inv]
You are on a dirt path on a hill that [[leads to the pool|krowbar-start]].
2015-01-06 18:33:01 +00:00
The path [[continues downward|krowbar-FollowPath2]].
<<if not visited("krowbar-PressButton")>>You see [[a glowing rock|krowbar-GetGlowingRock]] on the ground<<endif>>
2015-01-06 18:33:01 +00:00
:: krowbar-GetGlowingRock
You pick up the glowing, orange rock.
2015-01-06 18:33:01 +00:00
<<set $items["glowing rock"] to true>>
2015-01-06 18:33:01 +00:00
:: krowbar-FollowPath2 [inv]
You find yourself in a small clearing. In the center, you see [[a small, thatched-roof cottage|krowbar-EnterCottage]].
Three dirt paths lead from here; one [[leads upwards|krowbar-FollowPath1]], one leads [[toward a lake|krowbar-FollowPath3]], and one leads [[toward rubble|krowbar-FollowPath4]]
2015-01-06 18:33:01 +00:00
[[Examine cottage|krowbar-ExamineCottage]]
:: krowbar-ExamineCottage
This cottage appears to be made from the native trees.
[[Enter cottage|krowbar-EnterCottage]]
:: krowbar-EnterCottage [inv]
There is a thick layer of dust on everything within the cottage. Very little light is able to make its way inward.
2015-01-06 20:29:32 +00:00
<<if not $events["krowbar-cottageOpenWindows"]>>The [[window frames|krowbar-CottageOpenWindows]] have been boarded up.
<<if not $items["crowbar"]>> If you had the right tool, you could probably remove them.
<<else>>[[Open windows with crowbar|krowbar-CottageOpenWindows]]<<endif>>
<<else>>The windows are now letting in enough light to let you see [[some cubbards|krowbar-CottageSearchCubbards]].<<endif>>
2015-01-06 18:33:01 +00:00
[[Leave cottage|krowbar-FollowPath2]]
:: krowbar-CottageOpenWindows
2015-01-06 20:29:32 +00:00
After a few minutes of effort, you manage to use the crowbar to remove the boards from the windows.
2015-01-06 18:33:01 +00:00
2015-01-06 20:29:32 +00:00
<<set $events["krowbar-cottageOpenWindows"] to true>>
2015-01-06 18:33:01 +00:00
:: krowbar-CottageSearchCubbards
<<if visited("krowbar-CottageSearchCubbards") lte 1>>
After rummaging around the cubbards, you find a rusty cleaver and <<$krowbar_temp1 to random(2,5)>> coins.
<<set $items['cleaver'] to true>>
<<set $items['gold'] += $krowbar_temp1>>
<<else>>You don't find anything else of value in the cubbards.
:: oldstart
2015-01-02 16:59:08 +00:00
<<if visited("krowbar-start") is 1>>Welcome to the adventure!<<endif>>
There is a sealed door on the wall.
<<if not visited("Get McGuffin")>>You see a McGuffin<br><<endif>>\
<<if not visited("Get Coins")>>You see a few coins on the floor<br><<endif>>\
<<actions "Get McGuffin" "Get Coins">>\
<<if $items['McGuffin'] is true>><<actions "Use McGuffin on door">><<endif>>\
<<if visited("Use McGuffin on door")>>[[Go through door|Room2]]<<endif>>
[[Return to Hub|Start]]
:: Get McGuffin
You pick up the McGuffin.
<<set $items['McGuffin'] to true>>
:: Get Coins
You find <<$items['gold'] += random(2,5)>> coins
:: Use McGuffin on door
You use the McGuffin on the door.
The McGuffin crumbles and the door opens.
<<set $items['McGuffin'] to false>>
:: Room2 [inv]
This is room2. There is a cake on the ground.
The door ahead is blocked.
<<actions "Eat cake">>
<<if $stats['strength'] gte 3>>[[Break through the door|Room3]]
<<else>>You are not strong enough to break this door.<<endif>>
::Eat cake
You feel incredibly stronger!
Strength increased to <<$stats['strength'] += 3>>
:: Room3 [inv]
Seriously, nothing here.
Return to [[the start|Start]]