:: cleaver-itemDescription [item] ''a cleaver'' //This is a rusty old cleaver. It won't help in a fight, but it could be useful// :: crowbar-itemDescription [item] ''a crowbar'' //It feels like this crowbar has a history behind it...// :: glowing rock-itemDescription [item] ''a glowing, orange stone'' //This stone glows with magical energies.// <>//Runecraft: This is a rune of power<>//What purpose could it serve?//<> :: tshirt-itemDescription [item] ''a ratty t-shirt'' //This shirt is worn and old. The image on it can no longer be made out.// :: leaves-itemDescription [item] ''blue-tinted leaves'' //These leaves have a blue tint and a slightly oily feel// :: device-itemDescription [item] ''an old electronic device'' //There are several switches and levers on this device and what looks like a speaker//