#!/bin/bash START=$((`date +%s` - 2678400)) # 31 days END=`date +%s` MONTH=`date -d yesterday +_%Y_%m` DATE=`date -d yesterday +%b\ %Y` OUT=/home/krowbar/logs/chatcloud${MONTH}.json DIR=/home/krowbar/public_html/data PAGE=/home/krowbar/public_html/chatcloud/index.html LINE=16 # This is the magic line number where we want to insert the new option in the dropdown /usr/bin/python /home/krowbar/Code/python/chatcloud2.py -timeend $END -timestart $START -outfile $OUT -timestamp "month" if [ ! -e ${DIR}/chatcloud${MONTH}.json ] then ln -s $OUT $DIR echo Creating link to $OUT in $DIR else echo Skipping linking... already exists in $DIR fi sed "${LINE}i " < $PAGE > $PAGE.tmp echo Added option for ${DATE} in $PAGE mv $PAGE.tmp $PAGE