mirror of https://github.com/RussellChamp/tilde-projects.git synced 2024-06-15 13:16:37 +00:00
2019-01-29 10:04:31 -05:00

56 lines
1.8 KiB

import random
import re
dictDir = "/usr/share/dict/"
def getBanter(morphWord="bant", dictName="words"):
with open(dictDir + dictName, "r") as dict:
# get rid of all the words with apostrophes
words = list(filter(lambda word: re.search(r"^[^']*$", word), dict.readlines()))
head = getBanterHead(words, morphWord)
tail = getBanterTail(words, morphWord)
if head == "" and tail == "":
return "" # dang, we just failed
# pick randomly between non-empty strings
return random.choice([w for w in [head, tail] if w != ""])
def getBanterHead(words, morphWord):
morphHead = morphWord[0:-1]
morphLast = morphWord[-1]
filtered = list(filter(lambda word: re.search(morphHead, word), words))
if len(filtered) == 0:
return "" # nothing applicable found
word = random.choice(filtered).strip("\n")
end = word.find(morphHead) + len(morphHead)
if end == len(word):
return word + morphLast
if "aeiou".find(word[end]) > -1: # just append 't'
return word[:end] + morphLast + word[end:]
else: # replace the letter with 'b'
return word[:end] + morphLast + word[end + 1 :]
def getBanterTail(words, morphWord):
morphTail = morphWord[1:]
morphFirst = morphWord[0]
filtered = list(filter(lambda word: re.search(morphTail, word), words))
if len(filtered) == 0:
return "" # nothing applicable found
word = random.choice(filtered).strip("\n")
start = word.find(morphTail)
if start == 0:
return morphFirst + word
if "aeiou".find(word[start]) > -1: # just append a 'b'
return word[:start] + morphFirst + word[start:]
else: # replace the letter with 'b'
return word[: start - 1] + morphFirst + word[start:]