
54 lines
2.5 KiB

import urllib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import random
import string
dict = '/usr/share/dict/american-english-huge'
(userId,token) = open("/home/krowbar/.secret/s4token").readline().rstrip().split(',')
def get_acros(word, silly):
acros = []
url = "http://www.stands4.com/services/v2/abbr.php?uid=%s&tokenid=%s&term=%s" % (userId, token, word)
soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib.urlopen(url).read(), 'html5lib')
results = soup.find_all('result')
#there are lots of cases where the same definition is repeated multiple times under different categories. this is dumb so we should do a little more work
defs = []
for r in results:
rdef = r.find('definition').text
match = next((x for x in defs if x['definition'].lower() == rdef.lower()), None)
if match is not None:
#if we find a match, add the category to the existing categories and increase the score
match['categories'].append(((r.find('parentcategoryname').text + '\\') if r.find('parentcategoryname') else '') + r.find('categoryname').text)
match['score'] = str(float(match['score']) + float(r.find('score').text))
else: #add a new item
'term': r.find('term').text,\
'definition': r.find('definition').text,\
'categories': [((r.find('parentcategoryname').text + '\\') if r.find('parentcategoryname') else '') + r.find('categoryname').text],\
'score': r.find('score').text\
for d in sorted(defs, key=lambda x:float(x['score']), reverse=True):
#print d;
acros.append(("%s: \"%s\" (%s, score: %s)" % \
(d['term'], d['definition'], ', '.join(d['categories']), d['score'])\
).encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
if silly is True:
newDef = []
words = open(dict, 'r').readlines()
for idx,letter in enumerate(word):
newWord = random.choice(\
filter(lambda w: (idx is 0 or not w.strip().lower().endswith('\'s'))\
and w.lower().startswith(letter.lower()), words)\
print str(idx) + ' -> ' + newWord
acros.append(("%s: \"%s\" (%s, score: %s)" % \
(word.upper(), string.capwords(' '.join(newDef)), 'Tilde.town Original', '0')\
).encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
except IndexError:
acros.append("Future hazy, try again later: Tilde.town Error");
return acros