
199 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable File

import requests
import urllib
import json as j
import sys
__version__ = 0.242
def query(
useragent="python-duckduckgo " + str(__version__),
Query DuckDuckGo, returning a Results object.
Here's a query that's unlikely to change:
>>> result = query('1 + 1')
>>> result.type
>>> result.answer.text
'1 + 1 = 2'
>>> result.answer.type
Keword arguments:
useragent: UserAgent to use while querying. Default: "python-duckduckgo %d" (str)
safesearch: True for on, False for off. Default: True (bool)
html: True to allow HTML in output. Default: False (bool)
meanings: True to include disambiguations in results (bool)
Any other keyword arguments are passed directly to DuckDuckGo as URL params.
""" % __version__
safesearch = "1" if safesearch else "-1"
html = "0" if html else "1"
meanings = "0" if meanings else "1"
params = {
"q": query,
"o": "json",
"kp": safesearch,
"no_redirect": "1",
"no_html": html,
"d": meanings,
encparams = urllib.urlencode(params)
url = "http://api.duckduckgo.com/?" + encparams
request = requests.get(url, headers={"User-Agent": useragent})
return Results(request.json())
class Results(object):
def __init__(self, json):
self.type = {
"A": "answer",
"D": "disambiguation",
"C": "category",
"N": "name",
"E": "exclusive",
"": "nothing",
}.get(json.get("Type", ""), "")
self.json = json
self.api_version = None # compat
self.heading = json.get("Heading", "")
self.results = [Result(elem) for elem in json.get("Results", [])]
self.related = [Result(elem) for elem in json.get("RelatedTopics", [])]
self.abstract = Abstract(json)
self.redirect = Redirect(json)
self.definition = Definition(json)
self.answer = Answer(json)
self.image = Image({"Result": json.get("Image", "")})
class Abstract(object):
def __init__(self, json):
self.html = json.get("Abstract", "")
self.text = json.get("AbstractText", "")
self.url = json.get("AbstractURL", "")
self.source = json.get("AbstractSource")
class Redirect(object):
def __init__(self, json):
self.url = json.get("Redirect", "")
class Result(object):
def __init__(self, json):
self.topics = json.get("Topics", [])
if self.topics:
self.topics = [Result(t) for t in self.topics]
self.html = json.get("Result")
self.text = json.get("Text")
self.url = json.get("FirstURL")
icon_json = json.get("Icon")
if icon_json is not None:
self.icon = Image(icon_json)
self.icon = None
class Image(object):
def __init__(self, json):
self.url = json.get("Result")
self.height = json.get("Height", None)
self.width = json.get("Width", None)
class Answer(object):
def __init__(self, json):
self.text = json.get("Answer")
self.type = json.get("AnswerType", "")
class Definition(object):
def __init__(self, json):
self.text = json.get("Definition", "")
self.url = json.get("DefinitionURL")
self.source = json.get("DefinitionSource")
def get_zci(
priority=["answer", "abstract", "related.0", "definition"],
"""A helper method to get a single (and hopefully the best) ZCI result.
priority=list can be used to set the order in which fields will be checked for answers.
Use web_fallback=True to fall back to grabbing the first web result.
passed to query. This method will fall back to 'Sorry, no results.'
if it cannot find anything."""
ddg = query("\\" + q, **kwargs)
response = ""
for p in priority:
ps = p.split(".")
type = ps[0]
index = int(ps[1]) if len(ps) > 1 else None
result = getattr(ddg, type)
if index is not None:
if not hasattr(result, "__getitem__"):
raise TypeError("%s field is not indexable" % type)
result = result[index] if len(result) > index else None
if not result:
if result.text:
response = result.text
if result.text and hasattr(result, "url") and urls:
if result.url:
response += " (%s)" % result.url
if response:
# if there still isn't anything, try to get the first web result
if not response and web_fallback:
if ddg.redirect.url:
response = ddg.redirect.url
# final fallback
if not response:
response = "Sorry, no results."
return response
def main():
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
q = query(" ".join(sys.argv[1:]))
keys = q.json.keys()
for key in keys:
if type(q.json[key]) in [str, unicode]:
print(":", q.json[key])
for i in q.json[key]:
print("\t", i)
print("Usage: %s [query]" % sys.argv[0])