
206 lines
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Executable File

# http://wiki.shellium.org/w/Writing_an_IRC_bot_in_Python
# Import some necessary libraries.
import socket
import os
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
import fileinput
import random
import re
import formatter
import get_users
import mentions
import pretty_date
import inflect
from rhymesWith import getRhymes
from rhymesWith import rhymeZone
from defineWord import defWord
from rainbow import makeRainbow
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-s", "--server", dest="server", default='',
help="the server to connect to", metavar="SERVER")
parser.add_option("-c", "--channel", dest="channel", default='#bot_test',
help="the channel to join", metavar="CHANNEL")
parser.add_option("-n", "--nick", dest="nick", default='tildebot',
help="the nick to use", metavar="NICK")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
p = inflect.engine()
def ping():
ircsock.send("PONG :pingis\n")
def sendmsg(chan , msg):
ircsock.send("PRIVMSG "+ chan +" :"+ msg +"\n")
def joinchan(chan):
ircsock.send("JOIN "+ chan +"\n")
def hello():
ircsock.send("PRIVMSG "+ channel +" :Hello!\n")
def score_banter(channel, user, messageText):
score = 5
with open("banterscores.txt", "r") as banterfile:
bantz = banterfile.readlines()
words = messageText.strip("\n").split(" ")
for word in words:
for bant in bantz:
bword = bant.strip("\n").split("|")
if re.sub('[^a-z0-9]+','',word.lower()) == bword[0]:
score += int(bword[1])
score += messageText.count('!') * 2 #hype is banter
score -= messageText.count('!!!') * 6 #too much hype is not banter
score += messageText.count('#') * 3 #hashs are mad bantz
score -= messageText.count('##') * 6 #but too many is garbage
names = ['mate', 'lad', 'my best boy']
compliment = ['top-drawer', 'top-shelf', 'bangin\'', 'legendary', 'smashing', 'incredible', 'impeccable', 'stunning']
msg = ""
if score > 100:
msg = "Truely " + random.choice(compliment).capitalize() + ", " + random.choice(names) \
+ "! That was some #banter! You earned a " + str(score) + " for that!"
elif score > 50:
msg = random.choice(compliment).capitalize() + " #banter! You get a " + str(score) + " from me!"
elif score > 10:
msg = random.choice(["acceptible", "reasonable", "passable"]).capitalize() + " #banter. You get a " + str(score)
msg = "That " + random.choice(["was hardly", "was barely", "wasn't", "won't pass for", "was awful"]) \
+ " #banter" + random.choice([", lad",", lah",", boy","",""]) + ". I'll give you a " + str(score) + ". Maybe try again?"
ircsock.send("PRIVMSG " + channel + " :" + msg + "\n")
def get_new_banter(channel, user):
with open("/usr/share/dict/words", "r") as dict:
words = filter(lambda word:re.search(r"^[^']*$", word), dict.readlines())
if(random.randint(0,1)): #look for *ant words
words = filter(lambda word:re.search(r"ant", word), words)
word = words[0].strip("\n")
start = word.find('ant')
if(start == 0):
word = 'b' + word
if('aeiou'.find(word[start]) > -1): #just append a 'b'
word = word[:start] + 'b' + word[start:]
else: #replace the letter with 'b'
word = word[:start-1] + 'b' + word[start:]
else: #look for ban* words
words = filter(lambda word:re.search(r"ban", word), words)
word = words[0].strip("\n")
end = word.find('ban') + 3
if(end == len(word)):
word = word + 't'
if('aeiou'.find(word[end]) > -1): #just append 't'
word = word[:end] + 't' + word[end:]
else: #replace the letter with 'b'
word = word[:end] + 't' + word[end+1:]
ircsock.send("PRIVMSG " + channel + " :" + user + ": Here, why don't you try '" + word + "'?\n")
def get_rhymes(channel, user, text):
word = ""
if(len(text.split(' ')) > 1):
word = text.split(' ')[1]
with open("/home/nossidge/poems/words_poetic.txt", "r") as words:
word = random.choice(words.readlines()).strip("\n")
rhymes = rhymeZone(word)
if(len(rhymes) == 0):
ircsock.send("PRIVMSG " + channel + " :" + user + ": Couldn't find anything that rhymes with '" + word + "' :(\n")
ircsock.send("PRIVMSG " + channel + " :" + user + ": Here, these words rhyme with '" + word + "': " + ', '.join(rhymes) + "\n")
def define_word(channel, user, text):
word = ""
if(len(text.split(' ')) > 1):
word = text.split(' ')[1]
defs = defWord(word)
if(len(defs) == 0):
ircsock.send("PRIVMSG " + channel + " :" + user + ": Couldn't find the definition of '" + word + "' :(\n")
for entry in defs:
ircsock.send("PRIVMSG " + channel + " :" + user + ": Define '" + word + "'" + entry[0:200] + "\n")
def make_rainbow(channel, user, text):
rbword = makeRainbow(text[9:])
ircsock.send("PRIVMSG " + channel + " :" + rbword + "\n")
def rollcall(channel):
ircsock.send("PRIVMSG "+ channel +" :U wot m8? I score all the top drawer #banter and #bantz on this channel! Find new top-shelf banter with !newbanter, !rhymes, and !define. Make your chatter #legend with !rainbow\n")
def connect(server, channel, botnick):
ircsock.connect((server, 6667))
ircsock.send("USER "+ botnick +" "+ botnick +" "+ botnick +" :krowbar\n") # user authentication
ircsock.send("NICK "+ botnick +"\n")
def get_user_from_message(msg):
i1 = msg.index(':') + 1
i2 = msg.index('!')
return msg[i1:i2]
except ValueError:
return ""
def listen():
while 1:
ircmsg = ircsock.recv(2048)
ircmsg = ircmsg.strip('\n\r')
if ircmsg.find("PING :") != -1:
formatted = formatter.format_message(ircmsg)
if "" == formatted:
# print formatted
split = formatted.split("\t")
time = split[0]
user = split[1]
command = split[2]
channel = split[3]
messageText = split[4]
if ircmsg.find("#banter") != -1 or ircmsg.find("#bantz") != -1:
score_banter(channel, user, messageText)
if ircmsg.find(":!newbanter") != -1:
get_new_banter(channel, user)
if ircmsg.find(":!rhymes") != -1:
get_rhymes(channel, user, messageText)
if ircmsg.find(":!define") != -1:
define_word(channel, user, messageText)
if ircmsg.find(":!rainbow") != -1:
make_rainbow(channel, user, messageText)
if ircmsg.find(":!rollcall") != -1:
if ircmsg.find("PING :") != -1:
ircsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
connect(options.server, options.channel, options.nick)