
27 lines
1002 B

if (empty($_REQUEST['user']) || empty($_REQUEST['pw']))
function authenticate($user, $pass){
// run shell command to output shadow file, and extract line for $user
// then spit the shadow line by $ or : to get component parts
// store in $shad as array
$shad = preg_split("/[$:]/",`cat /etc/shadow | grep "^$user\:"`);
// use mkpasswd command to generate shadow line passing $pass and $shad[3] (salt)
// split the result into component parts
$mkps = preg_split("/[$:]/",trim(`mkpasswd -m sha-512 $pass $shad[3]`));
// compare the shadow file hashed password with generated hashed password and return
return ($shad[4] == $mkps[3]);
if (isset($_REQUEST["json"])) {
$auth = authenticate($_REQUEST['user'], $_REQUEST['pw']);
echo json_encode([
"authenticated" => $auth,
"sudoer" => $auth && in_array($_REQUEST["user"], posix_getgrnam("sudo")["members"])
} else { // v1 api
echo authenticate($_REQUEST['user'], $_REQUEST['pw']) ? '1' : '0';