// Includes basic EZLib functions #include #include #include using namespace std; void ezl_hello(int nl) { // Print a hello message if (nl == 1) { cout << "Hello, from EZLib!\n"; } else { cout << "Hello, from EZLib!"; } } void ezl_info() { // Info about EZLib cout << "EZLib v1.0.0"; // NL is disabled by default } void ezl_ver(int nl) { // Redirected to ezl_info() ezl_info(); } void ezl_time(int nl) { // Prints the UNIX Timestamp const auto p1 = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); if (nl == 1) { cout << chrono::duration_cast( p1.time_since_epoch()).count() << "\n"; } else { cout << chrono::duration_cast( p1.time_since_epoch()).count(); } } void ezl_rf(string filename) { // Reads a file string ezlrf_output; ifstream ezl_readfile(filename); while (getline (ezl_readfile, ezlrf_output)) { cout << ezlrf_output; } ezl_readfile.close(); } void ezl_wf(string filename, string text2write) { // Writes a file ofstream ezl_writefile(filename); ezl_writefile << text2write; ezl_writefile.close(); }