
395 lines
10 KiB

#include "tokenizer.h"
* Checks if a string follows the format for an integer. Specifically, it
* checks if the string matches the regular expression: (-?[1-9][0-9]*|0).
* \param [in] image The string to check.
* \retval 0 \a image does not match the pattern for an integer.
* \retval 1 \a image matches the pattern for an integer.
int isInteger(const char *image)
const char *cur = image;
if (*cur == '-'
|| (isdigit(*cur) && *cur != '0')
|| (*cur == '0' && *(cur + 1) == '\0')) {
while (isdigit(*cur)) cur++;
if (*cur == '\0') return 1;
return 0;
* Checks if a string follows the format for a decimal. Specifically, it checks
* if the string matches the regular expression: (-?[0-9].[0-9]*).
* \param [in] image The string to check.
* \retval 0 \a image does not match the pattern for a decimal.
* \retval 1 \a image matches the pattern for a decimal.
int isFloat(const char *image)
const char *cur = image;
if (*cur == '-' || isdigit(*cur)) {
while (isdigit(*cur)) cur++;
if (*cur == '.') {
while (isdigit(*cur)) cur++;
if (*cur == '\0') return 1;
return 0;
* Checks if a string follows the format for a string literal. Specifically, it
* checks if the string matches the regular expression: (".*").
* \param [in] image The string to check.
* \retval 0 \a image does not match the pattern for a string.
* \retval 1 \a image matches the pattern for a string.
int isString(const char *image)
size_t len = strlen(image);
return (len >= 2 && image[0] == '"' && image[len - 1] == '"');
* Checks if a string follows the format for an identifier. Specifically, it
* checks if the string matches the regular expression: ([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*).
* \param image [in] The string to check.
* \retval 0 \a image does not match the pattern for an identifier.
* \retval 1 \a image matches the pattern for an identifier.
int isIdentifier(const char *image)
const char *cur = image;
/* First character must be alphabetic */
if (!cur || !isalpha(*cur)) return 0;
while (*cur) {
if (isalnum(*cur) || *cur == '_') cur++;
else return 0;
return 1;
* Creates a token.
* \param [in] type The type of token to create.
* \param [in] image The string that represents the token.
* \param [in] fname The name of the file containing the token.
* \param [in] line The number of the line containing the token.
* \return A pointer to a new token with the desired properties.
* \retval NULL Memory allocation failed.
Token *createToken(TokenType type,
const char *image,
const char *fname,
unsigned int line)
Token *ret = malloc(sizeof(Token));
if (!ret) {
return NULL;
ret->type = type;
ret->image = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(image) + 1));
if (!(ret->image)) {
return NULL;
strcpy(ret->image, image);
* \note fname is not copied because only one copy is stored for all
* Token structures that share it.
ret->fname = fname;
ret->line = line;
return ret;
* Deletes a token.
* \param [in,out] token The token to delete.
* \post The memory at \a token and all of its members will be freed.
void deleteToken(Token *token)
if (!token) return;
* Adds a token to a list.
* \param [in,out] list The list of tokens to add \a token to.
* \param [in,out] num The number of tokens in \a list.
* \param [in] token The token to add to \a list.
* \post \a token will be added to the end of \a list and the size of \a list
* will be updated.
* \retval 0 Memory allocation failed.
* \retval 1 \a token was added to \a list.
int addToken(Token ***list,
unsigned int *num,
Token *token)
unsigned int newsize = *num + 1;
void *mem = realloc(*list, sizeof(Token *) * newsize);
if (!mem) {
return 0;
*list = mem;
(*list)[*num] = token;
*num = newsize;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "Adding token type %d [%s]\n", token->type, token->image);
return 1;
* Deletes a list of tokens.
* \param list [in,out] The list of tokens to delete.
* \post The memory at \a list and all of its members will be freed.
void deleteTokens(Token **list)
Token **tok = list;
while (*tok) {
* Matches lexemes against a string. Traverses \a lexemes starting at \a start
* and compares lexeme images to space-delimited substrings from \a match.
* \param lexemes [in] The list of lexemes to match from.
* \param start [in] The index within \a lexemes to start matching at.
* \param match [in] A string of space-delimited substrings to match.
* \return The number of lexemes matched.
unsigned int acceptLexemes(LexemeList *lexemes,
unsigned int start,
const char *match)
unsigned int offset = 0;
unsigned int n;
unsigned int i;
for (n = 0, i = 0;
match[n] || lexemes->lexemes[start + offset]->image[i];
n++) {
if (match[n] == ' ') {
i = 0;
if (lexemes->lexemes[start + offset]->image[i] != match[n])
return 0;
return offset + 1;
* Checks if the next lexemes in a list comprise a keyword and, if so, generates
* a new token representing that keyword. Specifically, \a lexemes is searched,
* starting at \a start for keywords. If one is found, an appropriate token is
* created and returned and \a start is incremented by the number of lexemes
* matched minus one.
* \param lexemes [in] A list of lexemes to search for keywords in.
* \param start [in,out] The position within \a lexemes to begin searching for
* keywords.
* \post If a keyword is not found, \a start will not be modified. Otherwise,
* \a start will be incremented by the number of lexemes matched minus one.
* \return A pointer to the token containing the matched keyword.
* \retval NULL No keywords were found or there was an error allocating memory.
Token *isKeyword(LexemeList *lexemes,
unsigned int *start)
Token *token = NULL;
TokenType type;
const char *fname = lexemes->lexemes[*start]->fname;
unsigned int line = lexemes->lexemes[*start]->line;
/* For each keyword, */
for (type = 0; type != TT_ENDOFTOKENS; type++) {
/* Check if the start of lexemes match */
unsigned int num = acceptLexemes(lexemes,
*start, keywords[type]);
if (!num) continue;
/* If so, create a new token for the keyword */
token = createToken(type, keywords[type], fname, line);
/* And advance the start */
*start += (num - 1);
return token;
* Converts a list of lexemes into tokens. Also parses integers, floats, and
* strings into tokens with semantic meaning.
* \param list [in] A list of lexemes to tokenize.
* \return A list of tokens generated from \a list.
* \retval NULL An unrecognized token was encounteres or memory allocation
* failed.
Token **tokenizeLexemes(LexemeList *list)
void *mem = NULL;
Token **ret = NULL;
unsigned int retsize = 0;
unsigned int n;
for (n = 0; n < list->num; n++) {
Lexeme *lexeme = list->lexemes[n];
const char *image = lexeme->image;
const char *fname = lexeme->fname;
unsigned int line = lexeme->line;
Token *token = NULL;
/* String */
if (isString(image)) {
token = createToken(TT_STRING, image, fname, line);
/* Float */
else if (isFloat(image)) {
token = createToken(TT_FLOAT, image, fname, line);
if (sscanf(lexeme->image, "%f", &(token->data.f)) != 1)
error2(TK_EXPECTED_FLOATING_POINT, fname, line);
/* Integer */
else if (isInteger(image)) {
token = createToken(TT_INTEGER, image, fname, line);
if (sscanf(lexeme->image, "%i", &(token->data.i)) != 1)
error2(TK_EXPECTED_INTEGER, fname, line);
/* FAIL */
else if (!strcmp(image, "FAIL")) {
token = createToken(TT_BOOLEAN, "FAIL", fname, line);
token->data.i = 0;
/* WIN */
else if (!strcmp(image, "WIN")) {
token = createToken(TT_BOOLEAN, "WIN", fname, line);
token->data.i = 1;
else if (n < list->num - 2
&& !strcmp(lexeme->image, "CAN")
&& !strcmp(list->lexemes[n + 1]->image, "HAS")
&& !strcmp(list->lexemes[n + 2]->image, "STDIO?")) {
n += 2;
/* Just for fun; not actually in spec */
/* Newline */
/* Note that the spec is unclear as to whether a command *must*
* follow a comma. For now, we let commas end a line. */
else if (!strcmp(image, "\n")) {
/* Note that we ignore any initial newlines */
if (retsize < 1) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "Skipping initial newline.\n");
else if (ret[retsize - 1]->type == TT_NEWLINE) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "Skipping duplicate newline.\n");
else {
token = createToken(TT_NEWLINE, "end of line", fname, line);
/* Keyword */
else if ((token = isKeyword(list, &n))) {
/* Identifier */
/* This must be placed after keyword parsing or else most
* keywords would be tokenized as identifiers. */
else if (isIdentifier(image)) {
token = createToken(TT_IDENTIFIER, image, fname, line);
/* EOF */
else if (!strcmp(image, "$")) {
token = createToken(TT_EOF, "end of file", fname, line);
else {
error2(TK_UNKNOWN_TOKEN, fname, line, image);
/* Clean up */
deleteToken(ret[retsize - 1]);
ret[retsize - 1] = NULL;
return NULL;
/* Add the token to the token array */
if (!addToken(&ret, &retsize, token)) {
/* Clean up */
if (token) deleteToken(token);
deleteToken(ret[retsize - 1]);
ret[retsize - 1] = NULL;
return NULL;
mem = realloc(ret, sizeof(Token *) * ++retsize);
if (!mem) {
deleteToken(ret[retsize - 2]);
ret[retsize - 2] = NULL;
return NULL;
ret = mem;
ret[retsize - 1] = NULL;
return ret;