
623 lines
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/** Structures and functions for parsing tokens into a parse tree. The parser
* reads through a series of tokens (generated by the tokenizer) and adds
* semantic meaning to them by forming them into a parse tree which can, in
* turn, be passed on to later processes (such as an interpreter).
* \file parser.h
* \author Justin J. Meza
* \date 2010 */
/** \page impvar The Implicit Variable
* The implicit variable in LOLCODE is denoted by the keyword \c IT and stores
* a copy of the result of the most recently evaluated expression statement,
* that is, an expression all by itself on a line. (See
* for an example.) */
/** \page lolebnf The LOLCODE EBNF
* Presented below is the EBNF (see
* for LOLCODE that \c lci parses. Note that by this stage, the scanner has:
* - already removed any whitespace between tokens,
* - added in and truncated newline tokens at logical line breaks, and
* - added an end-of-file (\c $) token.
* \section progebnf Program Structure
* These production rules dictate the overall form of the program.
* \par
* MainNode ::= \c TT_HAI \a version \c TT_NEWLINE BlockNode \c $
* \par
* BlockNode ::= StmtNode *
* \section stmtebnf Statements
* These production rules specify some general types of parse structures.
* \par
* ConstantNode ::= Boolean | Integer | Float | String
* \par
* IdentifierNode ::= Identifier
* \par
* TypeNode ::= \c TT_NOOB | \c TT_TROOF | \c TT_NUMBR | \c TT_NUMBAR | \c TT_YARN
* \section stmtebnf Statements
* These production rules specify the types of statements formed.
* \par
* StmtNode ::= CastStmtNode | PrintStmtNode | InputStmtNode | AssignmentStmtNode | DeclarationStmtNode | IfThenElseStmtNode | SwitchStmtNode | BreakStmt | ReturnStmtNode | LoopStmtNode | FuncDefStmtNode | ExprStmt
* \par
* CastStmtNode ::= IdentifierNode \c TT_ISNOWA TypeNode \c TT_NEWLINE
* \par
* PrintStmtNode ::= \c TT_VISIBLE ExprNodeList \c [ \c TT_BANG ] TT_NEWLINE
* \par
* InputStmtNode ::= \c TT_GIMMEH IdentifierNode TT_NEWLINE
* \par
* AssignmentStmtNode ::= IdentifierNode \c TT_R ExprNode \c TT_NEWLINE
* \par
* DeclarationStmtNode ::= IdentifierNode \c TT_HASA IdentifierNode [ Initialization ] \c TT_NEWLINE
* \par
* Initialization ::= \c TT_ITZ ExprNode
* \par
* IfThenElseStmtNode ::= \c TT_ORLY \c TT_NEWLINE \c TT_YARLY \c TT_NEWLINE BlockNode ElseIf * [ Else ] \c TT_OIC \c TT_NEWLINE
* \par
* ElseIf ::= \c TT_MEBBE ExprNode \c TT_NEWLINE BlockNode
* \par
* Else ::= \c TT_NOWAI \c TT_NEWLINE BlockNode
* \par
* SwitchStmtNode ::= \c TT_WTF \c TT_NEWLINE Case + [ DefaultCase ] \c TT_OIC \c TT_NEWLINE
* \par
* Case ::= \c TT_OMG ExprNode \c TT_NEWLINE BlockNode
* \par
* DefaultCase ::= \c TT_OMGWTF \c TT_NEWLINE BlockNode
* \par
* BreakStmt ::= \c TT_GTFO \c TT_NEWLINE
* \par
* ReturnStmtNode ::= \c TT_FOUNDYR ExprNode \c TT_NEWLINE
* \par
* LoopStmtNode ::= \c TT_IMINYR IdentifierNode [ LoopUpdate ] [ LoopGuard ] \c TT_NEWLINE \c TT_IMOUTTAYR IdentifierNode \c TT_NEWLINE
* \par
* LoopUpdate ::= LoopUpdateOp \c TT_YR IdentifierNode
* \par
* LoopUpdateOp ::= \c TT_UPPIN | \c TT_NERFIN | UnaryFunction
* \par
* UnaryFunction ::= The name of a previously defined unary function.
* \par
* LoopGuard ::= \c TT_TIL ExprNode | \c TT_WILE ExprNode
* \par
* FuncDefStmtNode ::= \c TT_HOWDUZ IdentifierNode IdentifierNode [ FunctionDefArgs ] \c TT_NEWLINE BlockNode \c TT_IFUSAYSO \c TT_NEWLINE
* \par
* FunctionDefArgs ::= \c TT_YR IdentifierNode FunctionDefArg *
* \par
* FunctionDefArg ::= \c TT_ANYR IdentifierNode
* \par
* ExprStmt ::= ExprNode \c TT_NEWLINE
* \section exprebnf Expressions
* These production rules specify the types of expressions formed.
* \par
* ExprNode ::= CastExprNode | ConstantNode | IdentifierNode | FuncCallExprNode | OpExprNode | ImplicitVariable
* \par
* CastExprNode ::= \c TT_MAEK ExprNode \c TT_A TypeNode
* \par
* FuncCallExprNode ::= IdentifierNode
* \par
* OpExprNode ::= UnaryOp | BinaryOp | NaryOp
* \par
* UnaryOp ::= UnaryOpType ExprNode
* \par
* UnaryOpType ::= \c TT_NOT
* \par
* BinaryOp ::= BinaryOpType ExprNode [ \c TT_AN ] ExprNode
* \par
* \par
* NaryOp ::= NaryOpType NaryOpArgs \c TT_MKAY
* \par
* NaryOpType ::= \c TT_ALLOF | \c TT_ANYOF
* \par
* NaryOpArgs ::= ExprNode NaryOpArg +
* \par
* NaryOpArg ::= [ \c TT_AN ] ExprNode
* \par
* ImplicitVariable ::= \c TT_IT */
#ifndef __PARSER_H__
#define __PARSER_H__
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "tokenizer.h"
#undef DEBUG
/** Stores an identifier. An identifier is the string of characters that are
* used to uniquely name a particular variable.
* \see createIdentifierNode(char *)
* \see deleteIdentifierNode(IdentifierNode *) */
typedef struct {
char *image; /**< An array of characters that name the identifier. */
const char *fname; /**< A pointer to the name of the file containing the identifier. */
unsigned int line; /**< The line number from the source file that the identifier occurred on. */
} IdentifierNode;
/** Stores a list of identifiers. This structure allows sets of identifiers
* to be grouped together.
* \see createIdentifierNodeList(void)
* \see addIdentifierNode(IdentifierNodeList *, IdentifierNode *)
* \see deleteIdentifierNodeList(IdentifierNodeList *) */
typedef struct {
unsigned int num; /**< The number of IdentifierNode structures stored. */
IdentifierNode **ids; /**< A pointer to the array of IdentifierNode structures. */
} IdentifierNodeList;
/** Denotes the type of statement a StmtNode stores. */
typedef enum {
ST_CAST, /**< A CastStmtNode structure. */
ST_PRINT, /**< A PrintStmtNode structure. */
ST_INPUT, /**< An InputStmtNode structure. */
ST_ASSIGNMENT, /**< An AssignmentStmtNode structure. */
ST_DECLARATION, /**< A DeclarationStmtNode structure. */
ST_IFTHENELSE, /**< An IfThenElseStmtNode structure. */
ST_SWITCH, /**< A SwitchStmtNode structure. */
ST_BREAK, /**< A break statement (no structure is needed for this type of statement). */
ST_RETURN, /**< A ReturnStmtNode structure. */
ST_LOOP, /**< A LoopStmtNode structure. */
ST_FUNCDEF, /**< A FuncDefStmtNode structure. */
ST_EXPR /**< An ExprNode structure. */
} StmtType;
/** Stores a statement. A statement is a unit of code which can be executed by
* itself and may possibly cause side-effects to occur.
* \see createStmtNode(StmtType, void *)
* \see deleteStmtNode(StmtNode *) */
typedef struct {
StmtType type; /**< The type of statement stored in \a node. */
void *stmt; /**< A pointer to the particular statement structure. */
} StmtNode;
/** Stores a list of statements. This structure allows sets of statements to be
* grouped together.
* \see createStmtNodeList(void)
* \see addStmtNode(StmtNodeList *, StmtNode *)
* \see deleteStmtNodeList(StmtNodeList *) */
typedef struct {
unsigned int num; /**< The number of StmtNode structures stored. */
StmtNode **stmts; /**< A pointer to the array of StmtNode structures. */
} StmtNodeList;
/** Denotes the type of expression an ExprNode stores. */
typedef enum {
ET_CAST, /**< A CastExprNode structure. */
ET_CONSTANT, /**< A ConstantNode structure. */
ET_IDENTIFIER, /**< An IdentifierNode structure. */
ET_FUNCCALL, /**< A FuncCallExprNode structure. */
ET_OP, /**< An OpExprNode structure. */
ET_IMPVAR /**< An \ref impvar "implicit variable" (no structure is needed for this type of expression). */
} ExprType;
/** Stores an expression. An expression is a unit of code which evaluates to
* some value and typically does not cause side-effects to occur.
* \see createExprNode(ExprType, void *)
* \see deleteExprNode(ExprNode *) */
typedef struct {
ExprType type; /**< The type of expression stored in \a expr. */
void *expr; /**< A pointer to the particular expression structure. */
} ExprNode;
/** Stores a list of expressions. This structure allows sets of expressions to
* be grouped together.
* \see createExprNodeList(void)
* \see addExprNode(ExprNodeList *, ExprNode *)
* \see deleteExprNodeList(ExprNodeList *) */
typedef struct {
unsigned int num; /**< The number of ExprNode structures stored. */
ExprNode **exprs; /**< A pointer to an array of ExprNode structures. */
} ExprNodeList;
/** Stores a a block of code. A block of code consists of a set of statements.
* \see createBlockNode(StmtNodeList *)
* \see deleteBlockNode(BlockNode *) */
typedef struct {
StmtNodeList *stmts; /**< A pointer to the list of statements which comprise the block of code. */
} BlockNode;
/** Stores a list of blocks of code. This structure allows sets of blocks of
* code to be grouped together.
* \see createBlockNodeList(void)
* \see addBlockNode(BlockNodeList *, BlockNode *)
* \see deleteBlockNodeList(BlockNodeList *) */
typedef struct {
unsigned int num; /**< The number of BlockNode structures stored. */
BlockNode **blocks; /**< A pointer to an array of BlockNode structures. */
} BlockNodeList;
/** Denotes the type of a constant. */
typedef enum {
CT_INTEGER, /**< An integer value. */
CT_FLOAT, /**< A floating point decimal value. */
CT_BOOLEAN, /**< A true/false value. */
CT_STRING, /**< A character string value. */
CT_NIL /**< Represents no value. */
} ConstantType;
/** Stores the data associated with a ConstantNode structure. */
typedef union {
int i; /**< Integer data. */
float f; /**< Floating point data. */
char *s; /**< Character string data. */
} ConstantData;
/** Stores a constant value. A constant value evaluates to its contents,
* depending on its \a type.
* \see createBooleanConstantNode(int)
* \see createIntegerConstantNode(int)
* \see createFloatConstantNode(float)
* \see createStringConstantNode(char *)
* \see deleteConstantNode(ConstantNode *) */
typedef struct {
ConstantType type; /**< The type of the constant. */
ConstantData data; /**< The stored data of type \a type. */
} ConstantNode;
/** Stores a function definition statement. A function definition statement
* defines the prototype and contents of a function.
* \see createFuncDefStmtNode(IdentifierNode *, IdentifierNode *, IdentifierNodeList *, BlockNode *)
* \see deleteFuncDefStmtNode(FuncDefStmtNode *) */
typedef struct {
IdentifierNode *scope; /**< A pointer to the scope to define the function in. */
IdentifierNode *name; /**< A pointer to the name of the function. */
IdentifierNodeList *args; /**< A pointer to a list of the names of the arguments of the function. */
BlockNode *body; /**< A pointer to the block of code defined by the function. */
} FuncDefStmtNode;
/** Stores the contents of the function table. The function table contains the
* definitions of all declared functions. It is used for making sure function
* calls provide a valid arity, typechecking, however, is performed at
* runtime. */
typedef struct {
unsigned int num; /**< The number of declared functions. */
FuncDefStmtNode **funcs; /**< A pointer to an array of declared functions. */
} FunctionTable;
/** Stores the main block of code a program executes. This structure could be
* accomplished using only a BlockNode instead, but its logical importance to
* program control flow (namely, it is the first portion of code executed)
* merits its own structure.
* \see createMainNode(BlockNode *)
* \see deleteMainNode(MainNode *) */
typedef struct {
BlockNode *block; /**< A pointer to the block of code to execute first. */
FunctionTable *functab; /**< A pointer to the function table associated with this block of code. */
} MainNode;
/** Stores a variable type.
* \see createTypeNode(ConstantType)
* \see deleteTypeNode(TypeNode *) */
typedef struct {
ConstantType type; /**< The type of the variable. */
} TypeNode;
/** Stores a cast statement. A cast statement changes the type of a variable
* identified by \a target to the type given by \a newtype.
* \see createCastStmtNode(IdentifierNode *, TypeNode *)
* \see deleteCastStmtNode(CastStmtNode *) */
typedef struct {
IdentifierNode *target; /**< A pointer to the name of the variable whose type is to be changed to \a newtype. */
TypeNode *newtype; /**< A pointer to the type to change \a target to. */
} CastStmtNode;
/** Stores a print statement. A print statement prints its arguments to some
* output device (by default standard output).
* \see createPrintStmtNode(ExprNodeList *, int)
* \see deletePrintStmtNode(PrintStmtNode *) */
typedef struct {
ExprNodeList *args; /**< A pointer to the list of expressions to evaluate and print. */
int nonl; /**< Denotes an ending newline should be surpressed if not \c 0 and printed if \c 0. */
} PrintStmtNode;
/** Stores an input statement. An input statement accepts a line of input from
* the use on an input device (by default standard input) and stores it in a
* variable.
* \see createInputStmtNode(IdentifierNode *)
* \see deleteInputStmtNode(InputStmtNode *) */
typedef struct {
IdentifierNode *target; /**< A pointer to the name of the variable to store the input in. */
} InputStmtNode;
/** Stores an assignment statement. An assignment statement updates the value
* of a variable, \a target, to the result of an expression, \a expr.
* \see createAssignmentStmtNode(IdentifierNode *, ExprNode *)
* \see deleteAssignmentStmtNode(AssignmentStmtNode *) */
typedef struct {
IdentifierNode *target; /**< A pointer to the name of the variable to store the evaluated contents of \a expr into. */
ExprNode *expr; /**< A pointer to the expression to evaluate and store in \a target. */
} AssignmentStmtNode;
/** Stores a declaration statement. A declaration statement creates a new
* variable named by \a target, optionally initializing it to the evaluated
* contents of \a expr. \a scope determines which level of scope the variable
* is to be created in.
* \note \a expr and \a type are mutually exclusive. If both are non-NULL,
* results are undefined.
* \see createDeclarationStmtNode(IdentifierNode *, IdentifierNode *, ExprNode *)
* \see deleteDeclarationStmtNode(DeclarationStmtNode *) */
typedef struct {
IdentifierNode *scope; /**< A pointer to the scope to create the variable in. */
IdentifierNode *target; /**< A pointer to the name of the variable to create. */
ExprNode *expr; /**< An optional pointer to the expression to initialize \a target to. */
TypeNode *type; /**< An optional pointer to the type to initialize \a target to. */
} DeclarationStmtNode;
/** Stores an if/then/else statement. A conditional statement checks the value
* of the \ref impvar "implicit variable" and executes \a yes if it casts to \c
* true. If the value of the \ref impvar "implicit variable" casts to \c
* false, each of the optional expressions in \a guards is evaluated and if it
* casts to true, the corresponding block in \a blocks is executes. If the
* value of the \ref impvar "implicit variable" casts to false \b and all of
* the guards cast to false, the contents of \a no is executed.
* \see createIfThenElseStmtNode(BlockNode *, BlockNode *, ExprNodeList *, BlockNodeList *)
* \see deleteIfThenElseStmtNode(IfThenElseStmtNode *) */
typedef struct {
BlockNode *yes; /**< A pointer to the block of code to execute if the \ref impvar "implicit variable" casts to false. */
BlockNode *no; /**< A pointer to the block of code to execute if the \ref impvar "implicit variable" casts to false \b and the evaluations of all of the \a guards cast to false. */
ExprNodeList *guards; /**< A pointer to the expressions to test if the \ref impvar "implicit variable" casts to false. */
BlockNodeList *blocks; /**< A pointer to the respective blocks of code to execute if one of the evaluated \a guards casts to true. */
} IfThenElseStmtNode;
/** Stores a switch statement. A switch statement compares the value of the
* \ref impvar "implicit variable" to each of the \a guards and executes the
* respective block of code in \a blocks if they match. If no matches are
* found between the \ref impvar "implicit variable" and one of the \a guards,
* the optional default block of code, \a def, is executed.
* \see createSwitchStmtNode(ExprNodeList *, BlockNodeList *, BlockNode *)
* \see deleteSwitchStmtNode(SwitchStmtNode *) */
typedef struct {
ExprNodeList *guards; /**< A pointer to the expressions to evaluate and compare to the \ref impvar "implicit variable". */
BlockNodeList *blocks; /**< A pointer to the respective blocks of code to execute if one of the \a guards matches the \ref impvar "implicit variable". */
BlockNode *def; /**< A pointer to the default block of code to execute if none of the \a guards match the \ref impvar "implicit variable". */
} SwitchStmtNode;
/** Stores a return statement. A return statement signals that the current
* function is to be returned from with value \a value.
* \see createReturnStmtNode(ExprNode *)
* \see deleteReturnStmtNode(ReturnStmtNode *) */
typedef struct {
ExprNode *value; /**< A pointer to the value to return. */
} ReturnStmtNode;
/** Stores a loop statement. A loop statement repeatedly executes its \a body
* while \a guard evaluates to true, executing \a update at the end of each
* cycle.
* \see createLoopStmtNode(IdentifierNode *, IdentifierNode *, ExprNode *, ExprNode *, BlockNode *)
* \see deleteLoopStmtNode(LoopStmtNode *) */
typedef struct {
IdentifierNode *name; /**< A pointer to the name of the loop. */
IdentifierNode *var; /**< A pointer to the name of the variable to be updated by \a update. */
ExprNode *guard; /**< A pointer to the expression to determine if the loop will continue. */
ExprNode *update; /**< A pointer to the expression to evaluate to update \a var. */
BlockNode *body; /**< A pointer to the block of code to be executed with each iteration of the loop. */
} LoopStmtNode;
/** Stores a cast expression. A cast expression evaluates an expression and
* casts it to a particular type.
* \see createCastExprNode(ExprNode *, TypeNode *)
* \see deleteCastExprNode(CastExprNode *) */
typedef struct {
ExprNode *target; /**< A pointer to the expression to cast. */
TypeNode *newtype; /**< A pointer to the type to cast the copy of \a target to. */
} CastExprNode;
/** Stores a function call expression. A function call expression evaluates to
* the return value of the function defined in \a def called with the arguments
* listed in \a args.
* \note \a args is not an ExprNodeList because its arity is known in advance
* (because a FuncDefStmtNode for it has presumably been created) and
* thus the benefit of an ExprNodeList (easy syntax for adding new elements)
* would not be relevant.
* \see createFuncCallExprNode(FuncDefStmtNode *, ExprNodeList *)
* \see deleteFuncCallExprNode(FuncCallExprNode *) */
typedef struct {
FuncDefStmtNode *def; /**< A pointer to the function definition to call. */
ExprNodeList *args; /**< A pointer to a list of ExprNode structure arguments to be supplied to the function defined by \a def. */
} FuncCallExprNode;
/** Denotes the type of operation an OpExprNode performs. */
typedef enum {
OP_ADD, /**< Addition. */
OP_SUB, /**< Subtraction. */
OP_MULT, /**< Multiplication. */
OP_DIV, /**< Division. */
OP_MOD, /**< Modulo. */
OP_MAX, /**< Maximum. */
OP_MIN, /**< Minimum. */
OP_AND, /**< Logical AND. */
OP_OR, /**< Logical OR. */
OP_XOR, /**< Logical XOR. */
OP_NOT, /**< Logical NOT. */
OP_EQ, /**< Equality. */
OP_NEQ, /**< Inequality. */
OP_CAT /**< String concatenation. */
} OpType;
/** Stores an operation expression. An operation expression evaluates to
* the result of the operation performed on its arguments.
* \see createOpExprNode(OpType, ExprNodeList *)
* \see deleteOpExprNode(OpExprNode *) */
typedef struct {
OpType type; /**< The type of operation to perform on \a args. */
ExprNodeList *args; /**< A pointer to the arguments to perform the operation on. */
} OpExprNode;
MainNode *createMainNode(BlockNode *, FunctionTable *);
void deleteMainNode(MainNode *);
BlockNode *createBlockNode(StmtNodeList *);
void deleteBlockNode(BlockNode *);
BlockNodeList *createBlockNodeList(void);
BlockNode *addBlockNode(BlockNodeList *, BlockNode *);
void deleteBlockNodeList(BlockNodeList *);
IdentifierNode *createIdentifierNode(char *, const char *, unsigned int);
void deleteIdentifierNode(IdentifierNode *);
TypeNode *createTypeNode(ConstantType);
void deleteTypeNode(TypeNode *);
StmtNode *createStmtNode(StmtType, void *);
void deleteStmtNode(StmtNode *);
StmtNodeList *createStmtNodeList(void);
StmtNode *addStmtNode(StmtNodeList *, StmtNode *);
void deleteStmtNodeList(StmtNodeList *);
CastStmtNode *createCastStmtNode(IdentifierNode *, TypeNode *);
void deleteCastStmtNode(CastStmtNode *);
PrintStmtNode *createPrintStmtNode(ExprNodeList *, int);
void deletePrintStmtNode(PrintStmtNode *);
InputStmtNode *createInputStmtNode(IdentifierNode *);
void deleteInputStmtNode(InputStmtNode *);
AssignmentStmtNode *createAssignmentStmtNode(IdentifierNode *, ExprNode *);
void deleteAssignmentStmtNode(AssignmentStmtNode *);
DeclarationStmtNode *createDeclarationStmtNode(IdentifierNode *, IdentifierNode *, ExprNode *, TypeNode *);
void deleteDeclarationStmtNode(DeclarationStmtNode *);
IfThenElseStmtNode *createIfThenElseStmtNode(BlockNode *, BlockNode *, ExprNodeList *, BlockNodeList *);
void deleteIfThenElseStmtNode(IfThenElseStmtNode *);
SwitchStmtNode *createSwitchStmtNode(ExprNodeList *, BlockNodeList *, BlockNode *);
void deleteSwitchStmtNode(SwitchStmtNode *);
ReturnStmtNode *createReturnStmtNode(ExprNode *);
void deleteReturnStmtNode(ReturnStmtNode *);
LoopStmtNode *createLoopStmtNode(IdentifierNode *, IdentifierNode *, ExprNode *, ExprNode *, BlockNode *);
void deleteLoopStmtNode(LoopStmtNode *);
FuncDefStmtNode *createFuncDefStmtNode(IdentifierNode *, IdentifierNode *, IdentifierNodeList *, BlockNode *);
void deleteFuncDefStmtNode(FuncDefStmtNode *);
ExprNode *createExprNode(ExprType, void *);
void deleteExprNode(ExprNode *);
ExprNodeList *createExprNodeList(void);
ExprNode *addExprNode(ExprNodeList *, ExprNode *);
void deleteExprNodeList(ExprNodeList *);
CastExprNode *createCastExprNode(ExprNode *, TypeNode *);
void deleteCastExprNode(CastExprNode *);
FuncCallExprNode *createFuncCallExprNode(FuncDefStmtNode *, ExprNodeList *);
void deleteFuncCallExprNode(FuncCallExprNode *);
OpExprNode *createOpExprNode(OpType, ExprNodeList *);
void deleteOpExprNode(OpExprNode *);
FunctionTable *createFunctionTable(void);
FuncDefStmtNode *addFuncDefStmtNode(FunctionTable *, FuncDefStmtNode *);
void deleteFunctionTable(FunctionTable *);
FuncDefStmtNode *lookupFuncDefStmtNode(FunctionTable *, const char *);
int acceptToken(Token ***, TokenType);
int peekToken(Token ***, TokenType);
int nextToken(Token ***, TokenType);
void error(const char *, Token **);
ConstantNode *parseConstantNode(Token ***);
TypeNode *parseTypeNode(Token ***);
IdentifierNode *parseIdentifierNode(Token ***);
ExprNode *parseExprNode(Token ***, FunctionTable *);
StmtNode *parseStmtNode(Token ***, FunctionTable *);
BlockNode *parseBlockNode(Token ***, FunctionTable *);
MainNode *parseMainNode(Token **, FunctionTable *);
FunctionTable *setupFunctionTable(Token **);
ConstantNode *createBooleanConstantNode(int);
ConstantNode *createIntegerConstantNode(int);
ConstantNode *createFloatConstantNode(float);
ConstantNode *createStringConstantNode(char *);
void deleteConstantNode(ConstantNode *);
IdentifierNodeList *createIdentifierNodeList(void);
IdentifierNode *addIdentifierNode(IdentifierNodeList *, IdentifierNode *);
void deleteIdentifierNodeList(IdentifierNodeList *);
#endif /* __PARSER_H__ */