/* Now we're going to abstract the idea of checking whether a number is correct into its own function Otherwise this is going to be just like input1.cpp */ #include using namespace std; int readInt(){ int ourInput; cout << "Enter a whole number, only." << endl; cin >> ourInput; while(cin.fail()){ cout << "Nope, enter a number" << endl; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(256,'\n'); cin >> ourInput; } cin.ignore(256,'\n'); // check what happens if you comment this line out and enter something like 10.3 as your first number, does it make sense why we need it? return ourInput; } int main() { int myInt = readInt(); int anotherInt = readInt(); cout << "Let's add our numbers together: " << myInt + anotherInt << endl; return 0; }