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left_adjoint 2023-11-21 15:03:54 -08:00
parent d30e033f2e
commit 697b2e26cd

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@ -11,40 +11,40 @@ Here we list the contents of all the directories and what the different programs
+ [[file:./cs161BW2/rotarray.cpp][rotarray.cpp]] a file that shows how to "rotate" the elements of an array left or right, very similar to how a discussion question asks you to manipulate arrays only one at a time!
** Week 3
+ [[file:./CS161BW3/assignment03.cpp][assignment03.cpp]] this is a skeleton to help you get started with assignment 3, including references to what example code helps with this
+ file:cs161BW3/average1.cpp this is a file that shows how to input items one by one into an array and then average them
+ file:cs161BW3/average2.cpp a more advanced version of average1.cpp that also shows how to simultaneously find the max and min
+ file:cs161BW3/ball.cpp (advanced) this is a program that calculates the trajectory of a ball thrown at an angle and stores the data in arrays
+ file:cs161BW3/reverseAndDouble.cpp is a program that reads in values, puts them in an array, then reverses the array and doubles all the elements in it. This might be particularly useful example in terms of the ability to reverse an array!
+ file:cs161BW3/dotProduct.cpp if you know a little linear algebra, this is how you can use arrays to represent vectors and define the dot product between the vectors
+ [[file:cs161BW3/average1.cpp]] this is a file that shows how to input items one by one into an array and then average them
+ [[file:cs161BW3/average2.cpp]] a more advanced version of average1.cpp that also shows how to simultaneously find the max and min
+ [[file:cs161BW3/ball.cpp]] (advanced) this is a program that calculates the trajectory of a ball thrown at an angle and stores the data in arrays
+ [[file:cs161BW3/reverseAndDouble.cpp]] is a program that reads in values, puts them in an array, then reverses the array and doubles all the elements in it. This might be particularly useful example in terms of the ability to reverse an array!
+ [[file:cs161BW3/dotProduct.cpp]] if you know a little linear algebra, this is how you can use arrays to represent vectors and define the dot product between the vectors
** Week 4
+ file:cs161BW4/sort.cpp an example of how to sort an array like in assignment 4
+ file:cs161BW4/Assignment4.cpp a skeleton file to help you get started with assignment 4
+ file:cs161BW4/specificInsert.cpp how to do insert into an array, making room inside it
+ file:cs161BW4/delete.cpp deleting from an array, also useful for your homework
+ file:cs161BW4/genericInsert.cpp (advanced) c++ lets you write generic functions that work on any type!
+ file:cs161BW4/whyTemp.cpp an example of why to use temporary/scratch variables
+ [[file:cs161BW4/sort.cpp]] an example of how to sort an array like in assignment 4
+ [[file:cs161BW4/Assignment4.cpp]] a skeleton file to help you get started with assignment 4
+ [[file:cs161BW4/specificInsert.cpp]] how to do insert into an array, making room inside it
+ [[file:cs161BW4/delete.cpp]] deleting from an array, also useful for your homework
+ [[file:cs161BW4/genericInsert.cpp]] (advanced) c++ lets you write generic functions that work on any type!
+ [[file:cs161BW4/whyTemp.cpp]] an example of why to use temporary/scratch variables
** Week 5
+ file:cs161BW5/arrayList.cpp using arrays to make lists that allow elements to be added and deleted from anywhere
+ file:cs161BW5/arrayQueue.cpp arrays as queues
+ file:cs161BW5/arrayStack.cpp arrays as stacks
+ file:cs161BW5/firstStruct.cpp first example of using structs
+ file:cs161BW5/buildingStruct.cpp a big extended example of using structs, including how to use them in lists *very helpful for later assignments in this class*
+ [[file:cs161BW5/arrayList.cpp]] using arrays to make lists that allow elements to be added and deleted from anywhere
+ [[file:cs161BW5/arrayQueue.cpp]] arrays as queues
+ [[file:cs161BW5/arrayStack.cpp]] arrays as stacks
+ [[file:cs161BW5/firstStruct.cpp]] first example of using structs
+ [[file:cs161BW5/buildingStruct.cpp]] a big extended example of using structs, including how to use them in lists *very helpful for later assignments in this class*
** Week 6
+ file:cs161BW6/fileCSV.cpp example of parsing CSV files, helpful for homework, just parsing one row
+ file:cs161BW6/fileCSVLoop.cpp parsing an entire csv file and putting it into parallel arrays
+ file:cs161BW6/fileCSVStruct.cpp example of parsing CSV files into a struct, *very helpful for the final project* or doing Assignment 5/6 the easy way
+ file:cs161BW6/openingFile.cpp long commented example of how you open and read from files, including error handling
+ [[file:cs161BW6/fileCSV.cpp]] example of parsing CSV files, helpful for homework, just parsing one row
+ [[file:cs161BW6/fileCSVLoop.cpp]] parsing an entire csv file and putting it into parallel arrays
+ [[file:cs161BW6/fileCSVStruct.cpp]] example of parsing CSV files into a struct, *very helpful for the final project* or doing Assignment 5/6 the easy way
+ [[file:cs161BW6/openingFile.cpp]] long commented example of how you open and read from files, including error handling
** Week 7
+ file:cs161BW7/pointer1.cpp first examples of pointers, has a ton of comments explaining pointers a first time, includes examples of =new= which is, in a sense, the entire reason *for* pointers
+ file:cs161BW7/moreFileIO.cpp more examples of file IO, like it says on the tin, showing how to read a csv file into structs yet again
+ file:cs161BW7/structnew1.cpp how new and structs interact, including the difference between . and ->
+ file:cs161BW7/multifile.cpp , file:cs161BW7/mystruct.h, file:cs161BW7/mystruct.cpp an example of multi-file programs
+ file:cs161BW7/dynamicArrays.cpp using new with arrays to create dynamically sized arrays! That thing we couldn't do!!
+ file:cs161BW7/twodDynamic.cpp two-d arrays with new, very useful for games programming and physics alike!
+ [[file:cs161BW7/pointer1.cpp]] first examples of pointers, has a ton of comments explaining pointers a first time, includes examples of =new= which is, in a sense, the entire reason *for* pointers
+ [[file:cs161BW7/moreFileIO.cpp]] more examples of file IO, like it says on the tin, showing how to read a csv file into structs yet again
+ [[file:cs161BW7/structnew1.cpp]] how new and structs interact, including the difference between . and ->
+ [[file:cs161BW7/multifile.cpp]] , [[file:cs161BW7/mystruct.h]], [[file:cs161BW7/mystruct.cpp]] an example of multi-file programs
+ [[file:cs161BW7/dynamicArrays.cpp]] using new with arrays to create dynamically sized arrays! That thing we couldn't do!!
+ [[file:cs161BW7/twodDynamic.cpp]] two-d arrays with new, very useful for games programming and physics alike!
** Week 8
+ file:cs161BW8/pointerFunc.cpp pointers passed to functions
+ file:cs161BW8/pointerFuncOnceMore.cpp shows an example of not just pointers passed to functions but pointers *passed by reference*
+ file:cs161BW8/listStruct1.cpp linked lists with pointers and structs, not as scary as it sounds, but if you can read this you'll do fine in cs162
+ [[file:cs161BW8/pointerFunc.cpp]] pointers passed to functions
+ [[file:cs161BW8/pointerFuncOnceMore.cpp]] shows an example of not just pointers passed to functions but pointers *passed by reference*
+ [[file:cs161BW8/listStruct1.cpp]] linked lists with pointers and structs, not as scary as it sounds, but if you can read this you'll do fine in cs162
** Week 9
+ [[file:cs161BW9/insertingNameInPlace.cpp]] an example that's helpful for assignment 6
+ [[file:cs161BW9/insertingNameInPlace.cpp][insertingNameInPlace]] an example that's helpful for assignment 6
** Week 10