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2023-02-27 04:44:05 +00:00
;;; okay so the state of the game is going to be a combination of
;;; hp
;;; turn number
;;; five pet slots (just list of pets, really)
;;; shop pet slots (including frozen and not)
;;; shop food slots (including frozen and not)
;;; gold
(defclass player-state ()
((name :reader :name :initarg :name)
(hp :accessor :hp :initform 5)
(pets :accessor :pets :initform (make-array '5))
(pet-store :accessor :pet-store)
(gold :accessor :gold :initform 10)
(grocery :accessor :grocery)
(turn :accessor :turn :initform 1)
(wins :accessor :wins :initform 0)))
(defparameter pet-list '((ant pig fish grashopper mosquito beaver otter duck horse)
(rat shrimp hedgehog flamingo spider swan peacock dodo elephant crab)
(dolphin rabbit dog snail blowfish sheep badger kangaroo camel ox giraffe)
(skunk turtle squirrel deer worm bison rooster whale penguin hippo parrot)
(scorpion rhino seal cow monkey shark turkey alligator)
(dragon leopard mammoth gorilla boar tiger snake fly blackcat)))
;; not listed here is coconut and milk which exist but aren't actually allowed to be bought
(defparameter food-list '((apple honey)
(cupcake meat pill)
(garlic salad)
(can pear)
(chili chocolate sushi)
(melon mushroom pizza steak))
(defun turn->tier (n)
(+ 1 (floor n 2)))
;; a pet is a combination of
;; name
;; hp
;; attack
;; active food
;; on faint function
;; on bought function
;; on sell function
;; end turn function
;; start combat function
;; end combat function
;; I might not do this as clos inheritance and instead just have a single object that encompasses all of this
(defclass pet ()
((name :reader :name :initarg :name)
(tier :reader :tier :initarg :tier :initform (error "tier must be set"))
(starting-hp :accessor :starting-hp :initarg :starting-hp)
(starting-attack :accesor :starting-attack :initarg :starting-attack)
(hp :accessor :hp)
(attack :accessor :attack)
(food :accessor :food)
(level :accessor :level :initform 1)
(team :reader :team :initarg team)
(handler :reader :handler :initarg handler)))
2023-02-27 04:44:05 +00:00
;; I want to write this in a mostly functional way, where the whole thing is an explicit function from player-state to player-state
;; part of the idea here is to emphasize a text based interchange format so people can even have different autopets clients as
;; long as there's some kind of standard for the semantics
(defun combat (pets1 pets2)
(run-combat-effects pets1 pets2))
;;;; okay so actually what I need to do is have things like taking damage, fainting, &c. things like that essentially trigger potential
;;;; events on all the individual pets in combat/in the party
;;;; in other words we need to treat it as almost like a broadcast where we test for what each pet will do with the information of what
;;;; happened
;;;; so do we want a bunch of different handler functions like I wrote above or should we, instead, just have a message type that
;;;; includes information about what happened and who it involved
;;;;let's prototype out what messages should look like
;;;; '(damage player1 3 4) the third pet on player1's team takes 4 damage
;;;; '(faint player2 2) the second pet on player2's team has fainted
;;;; '(ate apple 3) the third pet on the player's team at an apple
;;;; '(gain player1 3 4 2) the third pet on player one's team gains 4 health and 2 attack