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2020-06-02 16:32:16 +00:00
; RAMEND is pretty self explanatory.
.equ RAMEND, 0x08FF
; Check [1] and [2] for more info about the following three
; symbols
.equ SREG, 0x3F
.equ SPL, 0x3D
.equ SPH, 0x3E
; Check [3] for more info about the following three symbols.
.equ PORTB, 0x05
.equ DDRB, 0x04
.equ PINB, 0X03
.org 0x0000
rjmp MAIN
; Reset system status. Check this link for more details:
; http://www.rjhcoding.com/avr-asm-sreg.php [1]
clr r16
out SREG, r16
; Initialize stack pointer. Put the low byte of RAMEND in SPL (Stack Pointer Low)
; and the high byte in SPH (Stack Pointer High). Check this link for more details:
; http://www.rjhcoding.com/avr-asm-functions.php [2]
ldi r16, lo8(RAMEND)
out SPL, r16
ldi r16, hi8(RAMEND)
out SPH, r16
2020-06-03 13:49:09 +00:00
; Set port bits to output mode. We will use BUILTIN_LED, so we need to set
; the fifth bit in DDRB (Data Direction Register B). Check this link for
; more details:
2020-06-02 16:32:16 +00:00
; https://web.ics.purdue.edu/~jricha14/Port_Stuff/PortB_general.htm [3]
2020-06-03 13:49:09 +00:00
; Also an important thing to note is that PORTB handles digital PINs from
; 8 to 13 so by setting the fifth bit of DDRB actually sets PIN 13 for
; output:
; https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/PortManipulation
2020-06-02 16:32:16 +00:00
ldi r16, 0x20
out DDRB, r16
; In the main loop we will toggle the fifht bit in PORTB to turn the LED on and off
; using exclusive or. After that we will wait for some time because we won't be able
; to see the LED blink otherwise.
ldi r17, 0x20
clr r16
eor r16, r17
out PORTB, r16
call WAIT
push r16
push r17
push r18
; Loop 0x400000 times which takes approximately 12 milion cycles which is
; approximately 0.7s. For cycles/instruction info check this link, this is
; actually the AVR Instruction Set Manual:
; http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/devicedoc/atmel-0856-avr-instruction-set-manual.pdf [4]
ldi r16, 0x20
ldi r17, 0x00
ldi r18, 0x00
dec r18
brne _WAIT
dec r17
brne _WAIT
dec r16
brne _WAIT
pop r18
pop r17
pop r16