My dotfiles (deployed by LARBS)
Go to file
lucic71 962e010902 Add my name in readme 2022-06-28 20:06:42 +03:00
.config Merge branch 'master' of 2022-04-07 09:35:16 +03:00
.local Add more quotes from JP (and from me) 2022-04-27 14:28:17 +03:00
.gitmodules mpv: fix error on launch by removing directories inside mpv's scripts directory (#1004) 2021-09-13 10:17:29 -04:00
.gtkrc-2.0 lf cleanup 2022-03-11 18:32:19 -05:00
.xprofile old stuff removed 2020-11-16 18:06:41 -05:00
.zprofile old stuff removed 2020-11-16 18:06:41 -05:00
FUNDING.yml clean up 2021-03-07 15:07:41 -05:00
LICENSE Create LICENSE 2018-08-02 00:29:58 -04:00 Add my name in readme 2022-06-28 20:06:42 +03:00

The Voidrice (Lucian Popescu's dotfiles)

These are the dotfiles deployed by LARBS and as seen on my YouTube channel.

  • Very useful scripts are in ~/.local/bin/
  • Settings for:
    • vim/nvim (text editor)
    • zsh (shell)
    • lf (file manager)
    • mpd/ncmpcpp (music)
    • sxiv (image/gif viewer)
    • mpv (video player)
    • other stuff like xdg default programs, inputrc and more, etc.
  • I try to minimize what's directly in ~ so:
    • All configs that can be in ~/.config/ are.
    • Some environmental variables have been set in ~/.zprofile to move configs into ~/.config/
  • Bookmarks in text files used by various scripts (like ~/.local/bin/shortcuts)
    • File bookmarks in ~/.config/shell/bm-files
    • Directory bookmarks in ~/.config/shell/bm-dirs


These dotfiles are intended to go with numerous suckless programs I use:

I also recommend trying out mutt-wizard, which additionally works with this setup. It gives you an easy-to-install terminal-based email client regardless of your email provider. It is integrated into these dotfiles as well.

Install these dotfiles and all dependencies

Use LARBS to autoinstall everything:

curl -LO

or clone the repo files directly to your home directory and install the dependencies.

Default Desktop Artwork

Thomas Thiemeyer's The Road to Samarkand (fb, insta, shop)