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2020-08-12 14:11:26 +00:00
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace Smolv
public static class SmolvDecoder
public static int GetDecodedBufferSize(byte[] data)
if (data == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data));
if (!CheckSmolHeader(data))
return 0;
int size = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 5 * sizeof(uint));
return size;
public static int GetDecodedBufferSize(Stream stream)
if (stream == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream));
if (!stream.CanSeek)
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(stream));
if (stream.Position + HeaderSize > stream.Length)
return 0;
long initPosition = stream.Position;
stream.Position += HeaderSize - sizeof(uint);
int size = stream.ReadByte() | stream.ReadByte() << 8 | stream.ReadByte() << 16 | stream.ReadByte() << 24;
stream.Position = initPosition;
return size;
public static byte[] Decode(byte[] data)
if (data == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data));
int bufferSize = GetDecodedBufferSize(data);
if (bufferSize == 0)
// invalid SMOL-V
return null;
byte[] output = new byte[bufferSize];
if (Decode(data, output))
return output;
return null;
public static bool Decode(byte[] data, byte[] output)
if (data == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data));
if (output == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(output));
int bufferSize = GetDecodedBufferSize(data);
if (bufferSize > output.Length)
return false;
using (MemoryStream outputStream = new MemoryStream(output))
return Decode(data, outputStream);
public static bool Decode(byte[] data, Stream outputStream)
if (data == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data));
using (MemoryStream inputStream = new MemoryStream(data))
return Decode(inputStream, data.Length, outputStream);
public static bool Decode(Stream inputStream, int inputSize, Stream outputStream)
if (inputStream == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(inputStream));
if (outputStream == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(outputStream));
if (inputStream.Length < HeaderSize)
return false;
using (BinaryReader input = new BinaryReader(inputStream, Encoding.UTF8, true))
using (BinaryWriter output = new BinaryWriter(outputStream, Encoding.UTF8, true))
long inputEndPosition = input.BaseStream.Position + inputSize;
long outputStartPosition = output.BaseStream.Position;
// Header
input.BaseStream.Position += sizeof(uint);
uint version = input.ReadUInt32();
uint generator = input.ReadUInt32();
int bound = input.ReadInt32();
uint schema = input.ReadUInt32();
int decodedSize = input.ReadInt32();
// Body
int prevResult = 0;
int prevDecorate = 0;
while (input.BaseStream.Position < inputEndPosition)
// read length + opcode
if (!ReadLengthOp(input, out uint instrLen, out SpvOp op))
return false;
bool wasSwizzle = op == SpvOp.VectorShuffleCompact;
if (wasSwizzle)
op = SpvOp.VectorShuffle;
output.Write((instrLen << 16) | (uint)op);
uint ioffs = 1;
// read type as varint, if we have it
if (op.OpHasType())
if (!ReadVarint(input, out uint value))
return false;
// read result as delta+varint, if we have it
if (op.OpHasResult())
if (!ReadVarint(input, out uint value))
return false;
int zds = prevResult + ZigDecode(value);
prevResult = zds;
// Decorate: IDs relative to previous decorate
if (op == SpvOp.Decorate || op == SpvOp.MemberDecorate)
if (!ReadVarint(input, out uint value))
return false;
int zds = prevDecorate + unchecked((int)value);
prevDecorate = zds;
// Read this many IDs, that are relative to result ID
int relativeCount = op.OpDeltaFromResult();
bool inverted = false;
if (relativeCount < 0)
inverted = true;
relativeCount = -relativeCount;
for (int i = 0; i < relativeCount && ioffs < instrLen; ++i, ++ioffs)
if (!ReadVarint(input, out uint value))
return false;
int zd = inverted ? ZigDecode(value) : unchecked((int)value);
output.Write(prevResult - zd);
if (wasSwizzle && instrLen <= 9)
uint swizzle = input.ReadByte();
if (instrLen > 5) output.Write(swizzle >> 6);
if (instrLen > 6) output.Write((swizzle >> 4) & 3);
if (instrLen > 7) output.Write((swizzle >> 2) & 3);
if (instrLen > 8) output.Write(swizzle & 3);
else if (op.OpVarRest())
// read rest of words with variable encoding
for (; ioffs < instrLen; ++ioffs)
if (!ReadVarint(input, out uint value))
return false;
// read rest of words without any encoding
for (; ioffs < instrLen; ++ioffs)
if (input.BaseStream.Position + 4 > input.BaseStream.Length)
return false;
uint val = input.ReadUInt32();
if (output.BaseStream.Position != outputStartPosition + decodedSize)
// something went wrong during decoding? we should have decoded to exact output size
return false;
return true;
private static bool CheckSmolHeader(byte[] data)
if (!CheckGenericHeader(data, SmolHeaderMagic))
return false;
return true;
private static bool CheckGenericHeader(byte[] data, uint expectedMagic)
if (data == null)
return false;
if (data.Length < HeaderSize)
return false;
uint headerMagic = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 0 * sizeof(uint));
if (headerMagic != expectedMagic)
return false;
uint headerVersion = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 1 * sizeof(uint));
if (headerVersion < 0x00010000 || headerVersion > 0x00010300)
// only support 1.0 through 1.3
return false;
return true;
private static bool ReadVarint(BinaryReader input, out uint value)
uint v = 0;
int shift = 0;
while (input.BaseStream.Position < input.BaseStream.Length)
byte b = input.ReadByte();
v |= unchecked((uint)(b & 127) << shift);
shift += 7;
if ((b & 128) == 0)
value = v;
// @TODO: report failures
return true;
private static bool ReadLengthOp(BinaryReader input, out uint len, out SpvOp op)
len = default;
op = default;
if (!ReadVarint(input, out uint value))
return false;
len = ((value >> 20) << 4) | ((value >> 4) & 0xF);
op = (SpvOp) (((value >> 4) & 0xFFF0) | (value & 0xF));
op = RemapOp(op);
len = DecodeLen(op, len);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Remap most common Op codes (Load, Store, Decorate, VectorShuffle etc.) to be in &lt; 16 range, for
/// more compact varint encoding. This basically swaps rarely used op values that are &lt; 16 with the
/// ones that are common.
/// </summary>
private static SpvOp RemapOp(SpvOp op)
switch (op)
// 0: 24%
case SpvOp.Decorate:
return SpvOp.Nop;
case SpvOp.Nop:
return SpvOp.Decorate;
// 1: 17%
case SpvOp.Load:
return SpvOp.Undef;
case SpvOp.Undef:
return SpvOp.Load;
// 2: 9%
case SpvOp.Store:
return SpvOp.SourceContinued;
case SpvOp.SourceContinued:
return SpvOp.Store;
// 3: 7.2%
case SpvOp.AccessChain:
return SpvOp.Source;
case SpvOp.Source:
return SpvOp.AccessChain;
// 4: 5.0%
// Name - already small enum value - 5: 4.4%
// MemberName - already small enum value - 6: 2.9%
case SpvOp.VectorShuffle:
return SpvOp.SourceExtension;
case SpvOp.SourceExtension:
return SpvOp.VectorShuffle;
// 7: 4.0%
case SpvOp.MemberDecorate:
return SpvOp.String;
case SpvOp.String:
return SpvOp.MemberDecorate;
// 8: 0.9%
case SpvOp.Label:
return SpvOp.Line;
case SpvOp.Line:
return SpvOp.Label;
// 9: 3.9%
case SpvOp.Variable:
return (SpvOp)9;
case (SpvOp)9:
return SpvOp.Variable;
// 10: 3.9%
case SpvOp.FMul:
return SpvOp.Extension;
case SpvOp.Extension:
return SpvOp.FMul;
// 11: 2.5%
// ExtInst - already small enum value - 12: 1.2%
// VectorShuffleCompact - already small enum value - used for compact shuffle encoding
case SpvOp.FAdd:
return SpvOp.ExtInstImport;
case SpvOp.ExtInstImport:
return SpvOp.FAdd;
// 14: 2.2%
case SpvOp.TypePointer:
return SpvOp.MemoryModel;
case SpvOp.MemoryModel:
return SpvOp.TypePointer;
// 15: 1.1%
case SpvOp.FNegate:
return SpvOp.EntryPoint;
case SpvOp.EntryPoint:
return SpvOp.FNegate;
return op;
private static uint DecodeLen(SpvOp op, uint len)
switch (op)
case SpvOp.VectorShuffle:
len += 4;
case SpvOp.VectorShuffleCompact:
len += 4;
case SpvOp.Decorate:
len += 2;
case SpvOp.Load:
len += 3;
case SpvOp.AccessChain:
len += 3;
return len;
private static int DecorationExtraOps(int dec)
// RelaxedPrecision, Block..ColMajor
if (dec == 0 || (dec >= 2 && dec <= 5))
return 0;
// Stream..XfbStride
if (dec >= 29 && dec <= 37)
return 1;
// unknown, encode length
return -1;
private static int ZigDecode(uint u)
return (u & 1) != 0 ? unchecked((int)(~(u >> 1))) : unchecked((int)(u >> 1));
public const uint SpirVHeaderMagic = 0x07230203;
/// <summary>
/// 'SMOL' ascii
/// </summary>
public const uint SmolHeaderMagic = 0x534D4F4C;
private const int HeaderSize = 6 * sizeof(uint);