// File: crn_decomp.h - Fast CRN->DXTc texture transcoder header file library // Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Richard Geldreich, Jr. and Binomial LLC // See Copyright Notice and license at the end of this file. // // This single header file contains *all* of the code necessary to unpack .CRN files to raw DXTn bits. // It does NOT depend on the crn compression library. // // Note: This is a single file, stand-alone C++ library which is controlled by the use of the following macro: // If CRND_INCLUDE_CRND_H is NOT defined, the header is included. // // Important: If compiling with gcc, be sure strict aliasing is disabled: -fno-strict-aliasing #ifndef CRND_INCLUDE_CRND_H #define CRND_INCLUDE_CRND_H // Include crn_defs.h (only to bring in some basic CRN-related types and structures). #include "crn_defs.h" #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include #include // needed for placement new, _msize, _expand #define CRND_RESTRICT __restrict #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable : 4127) // warning C4127: conditional expression is constant #endif #ifdef CRND_DEVEL #ifndef _WIN32_WINNT #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x500 #endif #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #ifndef #define NOMINMAX #endif #include "windows.h" // only for IsDebuggerPresent(), DebugBreak(), and OutputDebugStringA() #endif // File: crnd_types.h namespace unitycrnd { const crn_uint8 cUINT8_MIN = 0; const crn_uint8 cUINT8_MAX = 0xFFU; const uint16 cUINT16_MIN = 0; const uint16 cUINT16_MAX = 0xFFFFU; const uint32 cUINT32_MIN = 0; const uint32 cUINT32_MAX = 0xFFFFFFFFU; const int8 cINT8_MIN = -128; const int8 cINT8_MAX = 127; const int16 cINT16_MIN = -32768; const int16 cINT16_MAX = 32767; const int32 cINT32_MIN = (-2147483647 - 1); const int32 cINT32_MAX = 2147483647; enum eClear { cClear }; const uint32 cIntBits = 32U; template struct int_traits { enum { cMin = unitycrnd::cINT32_MIN, cMax = unitycrnd::cINT32_MAX, cSigned = true }; }; template <> struct int_traits { enum { cMin = unitycrnd::cINT8_MIN, cMax = unitycrnd::cINT8_MAX, cSigned = true }; }; template <> struct int_traits { enum { cMin = unitycrnd::cINT16_MIN, cMax = unitycrnd::cINT16_MAX, cSigned = true }; }; template <> struct int_traits { enum { cMin = unitycrnd::cINT32_MIN, cMax = unitycrnd::cINT32_MAX, cSigned = true }; }; template <> struct int_traits { enum { cMin = 0, cMax = unitycrnd::cUINT8_MAX, cSigned = false }; }; template <> struct int_traits { enum { cMin = 0, cMax = unitycrnd::cUINT16_MAX, cSigned = false }; }; template <> struct int_traits { enum { cMin = 0, cMax = unitycrnd::cUINT32_MAX, cSigned = false }; }; struct empty_type {}; } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_platform.h namespace unitycrnd { bool crnd_is_debugger_present(); void crnd_debug_break(); void crnd_output_debug_string(const char* p); // actually in crnd_assert.cpp void crnd_assert(const char* pExp, const char* pFile, unsigned line); void crnd_fail(const char* pExp, const char* pFile, unsigned line); } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_assert.h namespace unitycrnd { void crnd_assert(const char* pExp, const char* pFile, unsigned line); #ifdef NDEBUG #define CRND_ASSERT(x) ((void)0) #undef CRND_ASSERTS_ENABLED #else #define CRND_ASSERT(_exp) (void)((!!(_exp)) || (unitycrnd::crnd_assert(#_exp, __FILE__, __LINE__), 0)) #define CRND_ASSERTS_ENABLED #endif void crnd_trace(const char* pFmt, va_list args); void crnd_trace(const char* pFmt, ...); } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_helpers.h namespace unitycrnd { namespace helpers { template struct rel_ops { friend bool operator!=(const T& x, const T& y) { return (!(x == y)); } friend bool operator>(const T& x, const T& y) { return (y < x); } friend bool operator<=(const T& x, const T& y) { return (!(y < x)); } friend bool operator>=(const T& x, const T& y) { return (!(x < y)); } }; template inline T* construct(T* p) { return new (static_cast(p)) T; } template inline T* construct(T* p, const U& init) { return new (static_cast(p)) T(init); } template void construct_array(T* p, uint32 n) { T* q = p + n; for (; p != q; ++p) new (static_cast(p)) T; } template void construct_array(T* p, uint32 n, const U& init) { T* q = p + n; for (; p != q; ++p) new (static_cast(p)) T(init); } template inline void destruct(T* p) { p->~T(); } template inline void destruct_array(T* p, uint32 n) { T* q = p + n; for (; p != q; ++p) p->~T(); } } // namespace helpers } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_traits.h namespace unitycrnd { template struct scalar_type { enum { cFlag = false }; static inline void construct(T* p) { helpers::construct(p); } static inline void construct(T* p, const T& init) { helpers::construct(p, init); } static inline void construct_array(T* p, uint32 n) { helpers::construct_array(p, n); } static inline void destruct(T* p) { helpers::destruct(p); } static inline void destruct_array(T* p, uint32 n) { helpers::destruct_array(p, n); } }; template struct scalar_type { enum { cFlag = true }; static inline void construct(T** p) { memset(p, 0, sizeof(T*)); } static inline void construct(T** p, T* init) { *p = init; } static inline void construct_array(T** p, uint32 n) { memset(p, 0, sizeof(T*) * n); } static inline void destruct(T**) {} static inline void destruct_array(T**, uint32) {} }; #define CRND_DEFINE_BUILT_IN_TYPE(X) \ template <> \ struct scalar_type { \ enum { cFlag = true }; \ static inline void construct(X* p) { memset(p, 0, sizeof(X)); } \ static inline void construct(X* p, const X& init) { memcpy(p, &init, sizeof(X)); } \ static inline void construct_array(X* p, uint32 n) { memset(p, 0, sizeof(X) * n); } \ static inline void destruct(X*) {} \ static inline void destruct_array(X*, uint32) {} \ }; CRND_DEFINE_BUILT_IN_TYPE(bool) CRND_DEFINE_BUILT_IN_TYPE(char) CRND_DEFINE_BUILT_IN_TYPE(unsigned char) CRND_DEFINE_BUILT_IN_TYPE(short) CRND_DEFINE_BUILT_IN_TYPE(unsigned short) CRND_DEFINE_BUILT_IN_TYPE(int) CRND_DEFINE_BUILT_IN_TYPE(unsigned int) CRND_DEFINE_BUILT_IN_TYPE(long) CRND_DEFINE_BUILT_IN_TYPE(unsigned long) CRND_DEFINE_BUILT_IN_TYPE(int64) CRND_DEFINE_BUILT_IN_TYPE(uint64) CRND_DEFINE_BUILT_IN_TYPE(float) CRND_DEFINE_BUILT_IN_TYPE(double) CRND_DEFINE_BUILT_IN_TYPE(long double) #undef CRND_DEFINE_BUILT_IN_TYPE // See: http://erdani.org/publications/cuj-2004-06.pdf template struct bitwise_movable { enum { cFlag = false }; }; // Defines type Q as bitwise movable. #define CRND_DEFINE_BITWISE_MOVABLE(Q) \ template <> \ struct bitwise_movable { \ enum { cFlag = true }; \ }; // From yasli_traits.h: // Credit goes to Boost; // also found in the C++ Templates book by Vandevoorde and Josuttis typedef char (&yes_t)[1]; typedef char (&no_t)[2]; template yes_t class_test(int U::*); template no_t class_test(...); template struct is_class { enum { value = (sizeof(class_test(0)) == sizeof(yes_t)) }; }; template struct is_pointer { enum { value = false }; }; template struct is_pointer { enum { value = true }; }; #define CRND_IS_POD(T) __is_pod(T) } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_mem.h namespace unitycrnd { void* crnd_malloc(size_t size, size_t* pActual_size = NULL); void* crnd_realloc(void* p, size_t size, size_t* pActual_size = NULL, bool movable = true); void crnd_free(void* p); size_t crnd_msize(void* p); template inline T* crnd_new() { T* p = static_cast(crnd_malloc(sizeof(T))); if (!p) return NULL; return helpers::construct(p); } template inline T* crnd_new(const T& init) { T* p = static_cast(crnd_malloc(sizeof(T))); if (!p) return NULL; return helpers::construct(p, init); } template inline T* crnd_new_array(uint32 num) { if (!num) num = 1; uint8* q = static_cast(crnd_malloc(CRND_MIN_ALLOC_ALIGNMENT + sizeof(T) * num)); if (!q) return NULL; T* p = reinterpret_cast(q + CRND_MIN_ALLOC_ALIGNMENT); reinterpret_cast(p)[-1] = num; reinterpret_cast(p)[-2] = ~num; helpers::construct_array(p, num); return p; } template inline void crnd_delete(T* p) { if (p) { helpers::destruct(p); crnd_free(p); } } template inline void crnd_delete_array(T* p) { if (p) { const uint32 num = reinterpret_cast(p)[-1]; CRND_ASSERT(num && (num == ~reinterpret_cast(p)[-2])); helpers::destruct_array(p, num); crnd_free(reinterpret_cast(p) - CRND_MIN_ALLOC_ALIGNMENT); } } } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_math.h namespace unitycrnd { namespace math { const float cNearlyInfinite = 1.0e+37f; const float cDegToRad = 0.01745329252f; const float cRadToDeg = 57.29577951f; extern uint32 g_bitmasks[32]; // Yes I know these should probably be pass by ref, not val: // http://www.stepanovpapers.com/notes.pdf // Just don't use them on non-simple (non built-in) types! template inline T minimum(T a, T b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; } template inline T minimum(T a, T b, T c) { return minimum(minimum(a, b), c); } template inline T maximum(T a, T b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; } template inline T maximum(T a, T b, T c) { return maximum(maximum(a, b), c); } template inline T clamp(T value, T low, T high) { return (value < low) ? low : ((value > high) ? high : value); } template inline T square(T value) { return value * value; } inline bool is_power_of_2(uint32 x) { return x && ((x & (x - 1U)) == 0U); } // From "Hackers Delight" inline int next_pow2(uint32 val) { val--; val |= val >> 16; val |= val >> 8; val |= val >> 4; val |= val >> 2; val |= val >> 1; return val + 1; } // Returns the total number of bits needed to encode v. inline uint32 total_bits(uint32 v) { uint32 l = 0; while (v > 0U) { v >>= 1; l++; } return l; } inline uint floor_log2i(uint v) { uint l = 0; while (v > 1U) { v >>= 1; l++; } return l; } inline uint ceil_log2i(uint v) { uint l = floor_log2i(v); if ((l != cIntBits) && (v > (1U << l))) l++; return l; } } } // File: crnd_utils.h namespace unitycrnd { namespace utils { template inline void zero_object(T& obj) { memset(&obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); } template inline void zero_this(T* pObj) { memset(pObj, 0, sizeof(*pObj)); } template inline void swap(T& left, T& right) { T temp(left); left = right; right = temp; } inline void invert_buf(void* pBuf, uint32 size) { uint8* p = static_cast(pBuf); const uint32 half_size = size >> 1; for (uint32 i = 0; i < half_size; i++) swap(p[i], p[size - 1U - i]); } static inline uint16 swap16(uint16 x) { return static_cast((x << 8) | (x >> 8)); } static inline uint32 swap32(uint32 x) { return ((x << 24) | ((x << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((x >> 8) & 0x0000FF00) | (x >> 24)); } uint32 compute_max_mips(uint32 width, uint32 height); } // namespace utils } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_vector.h namespace unitycrnd { struct elemental_vector { void* m_p; uint32 m_size; uint32 m_capacity; typedef void (*object_mover)(void* pDst, void* pSrc, uint32 num); bool increase_capacity(uint32 min_new_capacity, bool grow_hint, uint32 element_size, object_mover pRelocate); }; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4127) // warning C4127: conditional expression is constant #endif template class vector : public helpers::rel_ops > { public: typedef T* iterator; typedef const T* const_iterator; typedef T value_type; typedef T& reference; typedef const T& const_reference; typedef T* pointer; typedef const T* const_pointer; inline vector() : m_p(NULL), m_size(0), m_capacity(0), m_alloc_failed(false) { } inline vector(const vector& other) : m_p(NULL), m_size(0), m_capacity(0), m_alloc_failed(false) { *this = other; } inline vector(uint32 size) : m_p(NULL), m_size(0), m_capacity(0), m_alloc_failed(false) { resize(size); } inline ~vector() { clear(); } // I don't like this. Not at all. But exceptions, or just failing suck worse. inline bool get_alloc_failed() const { return m_alloc_failed; } inline void clear_alloc_failed() { m_alloc_failed = false; } inline bool assign(const vector& other) { if (this == &other) return true; if (m_capacity == other.m_size) resize(0); else { clear(); if (!increase_capacity(other.m_size, false)) return false; } if (scalar_type::cFlag) memcpy(m_p, other.m_p, other.m_size * sizeof(T)); else { T* pDst = m_p; const T* pSrc = other.m_p; for (uint32 i = other.m_size; i > 0; i--) helpers::construct(pDst++, *pSrc++); } m_size = other.m_size; return true; } inline vector& operator=(const vector& other) { assign(other); return *this; } inline const T* begin() const { return m_p; } T* begin() { return m_p; } inline const T* end() const { return m_p + m_size; } T* end() { return m_p + m_size; } inline bool empty() const { return !m_size; } inline uint32 size() const { return m_size; } inline uint32 capacity() const { return m_capacity; } inline const T& operator[](uint32 i) const { CRND_ASSERT(i < m_size); return m_p[i]; } inline T& operator[](uint32 i) { CRND_ASSERT(i < m_size); return m_p[i]; } inline const T& front() const { CRND_ASSERT(m_size); return m_p[0]; } inline T& front() { CRND_ASSERT(m_size); return m_p[0]; } inline const T& back() const { CRND_ASSERT(m_size); return m_p[m_size - 1]; } inline T& back() { CRND_ASSERT(m_size); return m_p[m_size - 1]; } inline void clear() { if (m_p) { scalar_type::destruct_array(m_p, m_size); crnd_free(m_p); m_p = NULL; m_size = 0; m_capacity = 0; } m_alloc_failed = false; } inline bool reserve(uint32 new_capacity) { if (!increase_capacity(new_capacity, false)) return false; return true; } inline bool resize(uint32 new_size) { if (m_size != new_size) { if (new_size < m_size) scalar_type::destruct_array(m_p + new_size, m_size - new_size); else { if (new_size > m_capacity) { if (!increase_capacity(new_size, new_size == (m_size + 1))) return false; } scalar_type::construct_array(m_p + m_size, new_size - m_size); } m_size = new_size; } return true; } inline bool push_back(const T& obj) { CRND_ASSERT(!m_p || (&obj < m_p) || (&obj >= (m_p + m_size))); if (m_size >= m_capacity) { if (!increase_capacity(m_size + 1, true)) return false; } scalar_type::construct(m_p + m_size, obj); m_size++; return true; } inline void pop_back() { CRND_ASSERT(m_size); if (m_size) { m_size--; scalar_type::destruct(&m_p[m_size]); } } inline void insert(uint32 index, const T* p, uint32 n) { CRND_ASSERT(index <= m_size); if (!n) return; const uint32 orig_size = m_size; resize(m_size + n); const T* pSrc = m_p + orig_size - 1; T* pDst = const_cast(pSrc) + n; const uint32 num_to_move = orig_size - index; for (uint32 i = 0; i < num_to_move; i++) { CRND_ASSERT((pDst - m_p) < (int)m_size); *pDst-- = *pSrc--; } pSrc = p; pDst = m_p + index; for (uint32 i = 0; i < n; i++) { CRND_ASSERT((pDst - m_p) < (int)m_size); *pDst++ = *p++; } } inline void erase(uint32 start, uint32 n) { CRND_ASSERT((start + n) <= m_size); if (!n) return; const uint32 num_to_move = m_size - (start + n); T* pDst = m_p + start; T* pDst_end = pDst + num_to_move; const T* pSrc = m_p + start + n; while (pDst != pDst_end) *pDst++ = *pSrc++; scalar_type::destruct_array(pDst_end, n); m_size -= n; } inline void erase(uint32 index) { erase(index, 1); } inline void erase(T* p) { CRND_ASSERT((p >= m_p) && (p < (m_p + m_size))); erase(p - m_p); } inline bool operator==(const vector& rhs) const { if (m_size != rhs.m_size) return false; else if (m_size) { if (scalar_type::cFlag) return memcmp(m_p, rhs.m_p, sizeof(T) * m_size) == 0; else { const T* pSrc = m_p; const T* pDst = rhs.m_p; for (uint32 i = m_size; i; i--) if (!(*pSrc++ == *pDst++)) return false; } } return true; } inline bool operator<(const vector& rhs) const { const uint32 min_size = math::minimum(m_size, rhs.m_size); const T* pSrc = m_p; const T* pSrc_end = m_p + min_size; const T* pDst = rhs.m_p; while ((pSrc < pSrc_end) && (*pSrc == *pDst)) { pSrc++; pDst++; } if (pSrc < pSrc_end) return *pSrc < *pDst; return m_size < rhs.m_size; } void swap(vector& other) { utils::swap(m_p, other.m_p); utils::swap(m_size, other.m_size); utils::swap(m_capacity, other.m_capacity); } private: T* m_p; uint32 m_size; uint32 m_capacity; bool m_alloc_failed; template struct is_vector { enum { cFlag = false }; }; template struct is_vector > { enum { cFlag = true }; }; static void object_mover(void* pDst_void, void* pSrc_void, uint32 num) { T* pSrc = static_cast(pSrc_void); T* const pSrc_end = pSrc + num; T* pDst = static_cast(pDst_void); while (pSrc != pSrc_end) { helpers::construct(pDst, *pSrc); pSrc->~T(); pSrc++; pDst++; } } inline bool increase_capacity(uint32 min_new_capacity, bool grow_hint) { if (!reinterpret_cast(this)->increase_capacity( min_new_capacity, grow_hint, sizeof(T), ((scalar_type::cFlag) || (is_vector::cFlag) || (bitwise_movable::cFlag) || CRND_IS_POD(T)) ? NULL : object_mover)) { m_alloc_failed = true; return false; } return true; } }; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif extern void vector_test(); } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_private.h namespace unitycrnd { const crn_header* crnd_get_header(const void* pData, uint32 data_size); } // namespace unitycrnd // File: checksum.h namespace unitycrnd { // crc16() intended for small buffers - doesn't use an acceleration table. const uint16 cInitCRC16 = 0; uint16 crc16(const void* pBuf, uint32 len, uint16 crc = cInitCRC16); } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_color.h namespace unitycrnd { template struct color_quad_component_traits { enum { cSigned = false, cFloat = false, cMin = cUINT8_MIN, cMax = cUINT8_MAX }; }; template <> struct color_quad_component_traits { enum { cSigned = true, cFloat = false, cMin = cINT16_MIN, cMax = cINT16_MAX }; }; template <> struct color_quad_component_traits { enum { cSigned = false, cFloat = false, cMin = cUINT16_MIN, cMax = cUINT16_MAX }; }; template <> struct color_quad_component_traits { enum { cSigned = true, cFloat = false, cMin = cINT32_MIN, cMax = cINT32_MAX }; }; template <> struct color_quad_component_traits { enum { cSigned = false, cFloat = false, cMin = cUINT32_MIN, cMax = cUINT32_MAX }; }; template <> struct color_quad_component_traits { enum { cSigned = false, cFloat = true, cMin = cINT32_MIN, cMax = cINT32_MAX }; }; template <> struct color_quad_component_traits { enum { cSigned = false, cFloat = true, cMin = cINT32_MIN, cMax = cINT32_MAX }; }; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4201) // warning C4201: nonstandard extension used : nameless struct/union #pragma warning(disable : 4127) // warning C4127: conditional expression is constant #endif template class color_quad : public helpers::rel_ops > { static parameter_type clamp(parameter_type v) { if (component_traits::cFloat) return v; else { if (v < component_traits::cMin) return component_traits::cMin; else if (v > component_traits::cMax) return component_traits::cMax; return v; } } public: typedef component_type component_t; typedef parameter_type parameter_t; typedef color_quad_component_traits component_traits; enum { cNumComps = 4 }; union { struct { component_type r; component_type g; component_type b; component_type a; }; component_type c[cNumComps]; }; inline color_quad() { } inline color_quad(eClear) : r(0), g(0), b(0), a(0) { } inline color_quad(const color_quad& other) : r(other.r), g(other.g), b(other.b), a(other.a) { } inline color_quad(parameter_type y, parameter_type alpha = component_traits::cMax) { set(y, alpha); } inline color_quad(parameter_type red, parameter_type green, parameter_type blue, parameter_type alpha = component_traits::cMax) { set(red, green, blue, alpha); } template inline color_quad(const color_quad& other) : r(clamp(other.r)), g(clamp(other.g)), b(clamp(other.b)), a(clamp(other.a)) { } inline void clear() { r = 0; g = 0; b = 0; a = 0; } inline color_quad& operator=(const color_quad& other) { r = other.r; g = other.g; b = other.b; a = other.a; return *this; } template inline color_quad& operator=(const color_quad& other) { r = clamp(other.r); g = clamp(other.g); b = clamp(other.b); a = clamp(other.a); return *this; } inline color_quad& set(parameter_type y, parameter_type alpha = component_traits::cMax) { y = clamp(y); r = static_cast(y); g = static_cast(y); b = static_cast(y); a = static_cast(alpha); return *this; } inline color_quad& set(parameter_type red, parameter_type green, parameter_type blue, parameter_type alpha = component_traits::cMax) { r = static_cast(clamp(red)); g = static_cast(clamp(green)); b = static_cast(clamp(blue)); a = static_cast(clamp(alpha)); return *this; } inline color_quad& set_noclamp_rgba(parameter_type red, parameter_type green, parameter_type blue, parameter_type alpha) { r = static_cast(red); g = static_cast(green); b = static_cast(blue); a = static_cast(alpha); return *this; } inline color_quad& set_noclamp_rgb(parameter_type red, parameter_type green, parameter_type blue) { r = static_cast(red); g = static_cast(green); b = static_cast(blue); return *this; } static inline parameter_type get_min_comp() { return component_traits::cMin; } static inline parameter_type get_max_comp() { return component_traits::cMax; } static inline bool get_comps_are_signed() { return component_traits::cSigned; } inline component_type operator[](uint32 i) const { CRND_ASSERT(i < cNumComps); return c[i]; } inline component_type& operator[](uint32 i) { CRND_ASSERT(i < cNumComps); return c[i]; } inline color_quad& set_component(uint32 i, parameter_type f) { CRND_ASSERT(i < cNumComps); c[i] = static_cast(clamp(f)); return *this; } inline color_quad& clamp(const color_quad& l, const color_quad& h) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < cNumComps; i++) c[i] = static_cast(math::clamp(c[i], l[i], h[i])); return *this; } inline color_quad& clamp(parameter_type l, parameter_type h) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < cNumComps; i++) c[i] = static_cast(math::clamp(c[i], l, h)); return *this; } // Returns CCIR 601 luma (consistent with color_utils::RGB_To_Y). inline parameter_type get_luma() const { return static_cast((19595U * r + 38470U * g + 7471U * b + 32768) >> 16U); } // Returns REC 709 luma. inline parameter_type get_luma_rec709() const { return static_cast((13938U * r + 46869U * g + 4729U * b + 32768U) >> 16U); } inline uint32 squared_distance(const color_quad& c, bool alpha = true) const { return math::square(r - c.r) + math::square(g - c.g) + math::square(b - c.b) + (alpha ? math::square(a - c.a) : 0); } inline bool rgb_equals(const color_quad& rhs) const { return (r == rhs.r) && (g == rhs.g) && (b == rhs.b); } inline bool operator==(const color_quad& rhs) const { return (r == rhs.r) && (g == rhs.g) && (b == rhs.b) && (a == rhs.a); } inline bool operator<(const color_quad& rhs) const { for (uint32 i = 0; i < cNumComps; i++) { if (c[i] < rhs.c[i]) return true; else if (!(c[i] == rhs.c[i])) return false; } return false; } inline color_quad& operator+=(const color_quad& other) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) c[i] = static_cast(clamp(c[i] + other.c[i])); return *this; } inline color_quad& operator-=(const color_quad& other) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) c[i] = static_cast(clamp(c[i] - other.c[i])); return *this; } inline color_quad& operator*=(parameter_type v) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) c[i] = static_cast(clamp(c[i] * v)); return *this; } inline color_quad& operator/=(parameter_type v) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) c[i] = static_cast(c[i] / v); return *this; } inline color_quad get_swizzled(uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 z, uint32 w) const { CRND_ASSERT((x | y | z | w) < 4); return color_quad(c[x], c[y], c[z], c[w]); } inline friend color_quad operator+(const color_quad& lhs, const color_quad& rhs) { color_quad result(lhs); result += rhs; return result; } inline friend color_quad operator-(const color_quad& lhs, const color_quad& rhs) { color_quad result(lhs); result -= rhs; return result; } inline friend color_quad operator*(const color_quad& lhs, parameter_type v) { color_quad result(lhs); result *= v; return result; } friend inline color_quad operator/(const color_quad& lhs, parameter_type v) { color_quad result(lhs); result /= v; return result; } friend inline color_quad operator*(parameter_type v, const color_quad& rhs) { color_quad result(rhs); result *= v; return result; } inline uint32 get_min_component_index(bool alpha = true) const { uint32 index = 0; uint32 limit = alpha ? cNumComps : (cNumComps - 1); for (uint32 i = 1; i < limit; i++) if (c[i] < c[index]) index = i; return index; } inline uint32 get_max_component_index(bool alpha = true) const { uint32 index = 0; uint32 limit = alpha ? cNumComps : (cNumComps - 1); for (uint32 i = 1; i < limit; i++) if (c[i] > c[index]) index = i; return index; } inline void get_float4(float* pDst) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) pDst[i] = ((*this)[i] - component_traits::cMin) / float(component_traits::cMax - component_traits::cMin); } inline void get_float3(float* pDst) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) pDst[i] = ((*this)[i] - component_traits::cMin) / float(component_traits::cMax - component_traits::cMin); } static inline color_quad make_black() { return color_quad(0, 0, 0, component_traits::cMax); } static inline color_quad make_white() { return color_quad(component_traits::cMax, component_traits::cMax, component_traits::cMax, component_traits::cMax); } }; // class color_quad #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif template struct scalar_type > { enum { cFlag = true }; static inline void construct(color_quad* p) {} static inline void construct(color_quad* p, const color_quad& init) { memcpy(p, &init, sizeof(color_quad)); } static inline void construct_array(color_quad* p, uint32 n) { p, n; } static inline void destruct(color_quad* p) { p; } static inline void destruct_array(color_quad* p, uint32 n) { p, n; } }; typedef color_quad color_quad_u8; typedef color_quad color_quad_i16; typedef color_quad color_quad_u16; typedef color_quad color_quad_i32; typedef color_quad color_quad_u32; typedef color_quad color_quad_f; typedef color_quad color_quad_d; } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_dxt.h namespace unitycrnd { enum dxt_format { cDXTInvalid = -1, // cDXT1/1A must appear first! cDXT1, cDXT1A, cDXT3, cDXT5, cDXT5A, cDXN_XY, // inverted relative to standard ATI2, 360's DXN cDXN_YX // standard ATI2 }; enum dxt_constants { cDXTBlockShift = 2U, cDXTBlockSize = 1U << cDXTBlockShift, cDXT1BytesPerBlock = 8U, cDXT5NBytesPerBlock = 16U, cDXT1SelectorBits = 2U, cDXT1SelectorValues = 1U << cDXT1SelectorBits, cDXT1SelectorMask = cDXT1SelectorValues - 1U, cDXT5SelectorBits = 3U, cDXT5SelectorValues = 1U << cDXT5SelectorBits, cDXT5SelectorMask = cDXT5SelectorValues - 1U }; const float cDXT1MaxLinearValue = 3.0f; const float cDXT1InvMaxLinearValue = 1.0f / 3.0f; const float cDXT5MaxLinearValue = 7.0f; const float cDXT5InvMaxLinearValue = 1.0f / 7.0f; // Converts DXT1 raw color selector index to a linear value. extern const uint8 g_dxt1_to_linear[cDXT1SelectorValues]; // Converts DXT5 raw alpha selector index to a linear value. extern const uint8 g_dxt5_to_linear[cDXT5SelectorValues]; // Converts DXT1 linear color selector index to a raw value (inverse of g_dxt1_to_linear). extern const uint8 g_dxt1_from_linear[cDXT1SelectorValues]; // Converts DXT5 linear alpha selector index to a raw value (inverse of g_dxt5_to_linear). extern const uint8 g_dxt5_from_linear[cDXT5SelectorValues]; extern const uint8 g_six_alpha_invert_table[cDXT5SelectorValues]; extern const uint8 g_eight_alpha_invert_table[cDXT5SelectorValues]; struct dxt1_block { uint8 m_low_color[2]; uint8 m_high_color[2]; enum { cNumSelectorBytes = 4 }; uint8 m_selectors[cNumSelectorBytes]; inline void clear() { utils::zero_this(this); } // These methods assume the in-memory rep is in LE byte order. inline uint32 get_low_color() const { return m_low_color[0] | (m_low_color[1] << 8U); } inline uint32 get_high_color() const { return m_high_color[0] | (m_high_color[1] << 8U); } inline void set_low_color(uint16 c) { m_low_color[0] = static_cast(c & 0xFF); m_low_color[1] = static_cast((c >> 8) & 0xFF); } inline void set_high_color(uint16 c) { m_high_color[0] = static_cast(c & 0xFF); m_high_color[1] = static_cast((c >> 8) & 0xFF); } inline uint32 get_selector(uint32 x, uint32 y) const { CRND_ASSERT((x < 4U) && (y < 4U)); return (m_selectors[y] >> (x * cDXT1SelectorBits)) & cDXT1SelectorMask; } inline void set_selector(uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 val) { CRND_ASSERT((x < 4U) && (y < 4U) && (val < 4U)); m_selectors[y] &= (~(cDXT1SelectorMask << (x * cDXT1SelectorBits))); m_selectors[y] |= (val << (x * cDXT1SelectorBits)); } static uint16 pack_color(const color_quad_u8& color, bool scaled, uint32 bias = 127U); static uint16 pack_color(uint32 r, uint32 g, uint32 b, bool scaled, uint32 bias = 127U); static color_quad_u8 unpack_color(uint16 packed_color, bool scaled, uint32 alpha = 255U); static void unpack_color(uint32& r, uint32& g, uint32& b, uint16 packed_color, bool scaled); static uint32 get_block_colors3(color_quad_u8* pDst, uint16 color0, uint16 color1); static uint32 get_block_colors4(color_quad_u8* pDst, uint16 color0, uint16 color1); // pDst must point to an array at least cDXT1SelectorValues long. static uint32 get_block_colors(color_quad_u8* pDst, uint16 color0, uint16 color1); static color_quad_u8 unpack_endpoint(uint32 endpoints, uint32 index, bool scaled, uint32 alpha = 255U); static uint32 pack_endpoints(uint32 lo, uint32 hi); }; CRND_DEFINE_BITWISE_MOVABLE(dxt1_block); struct dxt3_block { enum { cNumAlphaBytes = 8 }; uint8 m_alpha[cNumAlphaBytes]; void set_alpha(uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 value, bool scaled); uint32 get_alpha(uint32 x, uint32 y, bool scaled) const; }; CRND_DEFINE_BITWISE_MOVABLE(dxt3_block); struct dxt5_block { uint8 m_endpoints[2]; enum { cNumSelectorBytes = 6 }; uint8 m_selectors[cNumSelectorBytes]; inline void clear() { utils::zero_this(this); } inline uint32 get_low_alpha() const { return m_endpoints[0]; } inline uint32 get_high_alpha() const { return m_endpoints[1]; } inline void set_low_alpha(uint32 i) { CRND_ASSERT(i <= cUINT8_MAX); m_endpoints[0] = static_cast(i); } inline void set_high_alpha(uint32 i) { CRND_ASSERT(i <= cUINT8_MAX); m_endpoints[1] = static_cast(i); } uint32 get_endpoints_as_word() const { return m_endpoints[0] | (m_endpoints[1] << 8); } uint32 get_selectors_as_word(uint32 index) { CRND_ASSERT(index < 3); return m_selectors[index * 2] | (m_selectors[index * 2 + 1] << 8); } inline uint32 get_selector(uint32 x, uint32 y) const { CRND_ASSERT((x < 4U) && (y < 4U)); uint32 selector_index = (y * 4) + x; uint32 bit_index = selector_index * cDXT5SelectorBits; uint32 byte_index = bit_index >> 3; uint32 bit_ofs = bit_index & 7; uint32 v = m_selectors[byte_index]; if (byte_index < (cNumSelectorBytes - 1)) v |= (m_selectors[byte_index + 1] << 8); return (v >> bit_ofs) & 7; } inline void set_selector(uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 val) { CRND_ASSERT((x < 4U) && (y < 4U) && (val < 8U)); uint32 selector_index = (y * 4) + x; uint32 bit_index = selector_index * cDXT5SelectorBits; uint32 byte_index = bit_index >> 3; uint32 bit_ofs = bit_index & 7; uint32 v = m_selectors[byte_index]; if (byte_index < (cNumSelectorBytes - 1)) v |= (m_selectors[byte_index + 1] << 8); v &= (~(7 << bit_ofs)); v |= (val << bit_ofs); m_selectors[byte_index] = static_cast(v); if (byte_index < (cNumSelectorBytes - 1)) m_selectors[byte_index + 1] = static_cast(v >> 8); } // Results written to alpha channel. static uint32 get_block_values6(color_quad_u8* pDst, uint32 l, uint32 h); static uint32 get_block_values8(color_quad_u8* pDst, uint32 l, uint32 h); static uint32 get_block_values(color_quad_u8* pDst, uint32 l, uint32 h); static uint32 get_block_values6(uint32* pDst, uint32 l, uint32 h); static uint32 get_block_values8(uint32* pDst, uint32 l, uint32 h); // pDst must point to an array at least cDXT5SelectorValues long. static uint32 get_block_values(uint32* pDst, uint32 l, uint32 h); static uint32 unpack_endpoint(uint32 packed, uint32 index); static uint32 pack_endpoints(uint32 lo, uint32 hi); }; CRND_DEFINE_BITWISE_MOVABLE(dxt5_block); } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_prefix_coding.h #ifdef _XBOX #define CRND_PREFIX_CODING_USE_FIXED_TABLE_SIZE 1 #else #define CRND_PREFIX_CODING_USE_FIXED_TABLE_SIZE 0 #endif namespace unitycrnd { namespace prefix_coding { const uint32 cMaxExpectedCodeSize = 16; const uint32 cMaxSupportedSyms = 8192; const uint32 cMaxTableBits = 11; class decoder_tables { public: inline decoder_tables() : m_cur_lookup_size(0), m_lookup(NULL), m_cur_sorted_symbol_order_size(0), m_sorted_symbol_order(NULL) { } inline decoder_tables(const decoder_tables& other) : m_cur_lookup_size(0), m_lookup(NULL), m_cur_sorted_symbol_order_size(0), m_sorted_symbol_order(NULL) { *this = other; } decoder_tables& operator=(const decoder_tables& other) { if (this == &other) return *this; clear(); memcpy(this, &other, sizeof(*this)); if (other.m_lookup) { m_lookup = crnd_new_array(m_cur_lookup_size); if (m_lookup) memcpy(m_lookup, other.m_lookup, sizeof(m_lookup[0]) * m_cur_lookup_size); } if (other.m_sorted_symbol_order) { m_sorted_symbol_order = crnd_new_array(m_cur_sorted_symbol_order_size); if (m_sorted_symbol_order) memcpy(m_sorted_symbol_order, other.m_sorted_symbol_order, sizeof(m_sorted_symbol_order[0]) * m_cur_sorted_symbol_order_size); } return *this; } inline void clear() { if (m_lookup) { crnd_delete_array(m_lookup); m_lookup = 0; m_cur_lookup_size = 0; } if (m_sorted_symbol_order) { crnd_delete_array(m_sorted_symbol_order); m_sorted_symbol_order = NULL; m_cur_sorted_symbol_order_size = 0; } } inline ~decoder_tables() { if (m_lookup) crnd_delete_array(m_lookup); if (m_sorted_symbol_order) crnd_delete_array(m_sorted_symbol_order); } bool init(uint32 num_syms, const uint8* pCodesizes, uint32 table_bits); // DO NOT use any complex classes here - it is bitwise copied. uint32 m_num_syms; uint32 m_total_used_syms; uint32 m_table_bits; uint32 m_table_shift; uint32 m_table_max_code; uint32 m_decode_start_code_size; uint8 m_min_code_size; uint8 m_max_code_size; uint32 m_max_codes[cMaxExpectedCodeSize + 1]; int32 m_val_ptrs[cMaxExpectedCodeSize + 1]; uint32 m_cur_lookup_size; uint32* m_lookup; uint32 m_cur_sorted_symbol_order_size; uint16* m_sorted_symbol_order; inline uint32 get_unshifted_max_code(uint32 len) const { CRND_ASSERT((len >= 1) && (len <= cMaxExpectedCodeSize)); uint32 k = m_max_codes[len - 1]; if (!k) return unitycrnd::cUINT32_MAX; return (k - 1) >> (16 - len); } }; } // namespace prefix_coding } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_symbol_codec.h namespace unitycrnd { class static_huffman_data_model { public: static_huffman_data_model(); static_huffman_data_model(const static_huffman_data_model& other); ~static_huffman_data_model(); static_huffman_data_model& operator=(const static_huffman_data_model& rhs); bool init(uint32 total_syms, const uint8* pCode_sizes, uint32 code_size_limit); void clear(); inline bool is_valid() const { return m_pDecode_tables != NULL; } inline uint32 get_total_syms() const { return m_total_syms; } inline uint32 get_code_size(uint32 sym) const { return m_code_sizes[sym]; } inline const uint8* get_code_sizes() const { return m_code_sizes.empty() ? NULL : &m_code_sizes[0]; } public: uint32 m_total_syms; unitycrnd::vector m_code_sizes; prefix_coding::decoder_tables* m_pDecode_tables; private: bool prepare_decoder_tables(); uint compute_decoder_table_bits() const; friend class symbol_codec; }; class symbol_codec { public: symbol_codec(); bool start_decoding(const uint8* pBuf, uint32 buf_size); bool decode_receive_static_data_model(static_huffman_data_model& model); uint32 decode_bits(uint32 num_bits); uint32 decode(const static_huffman_data_model& model); uint64 stop_decoding(); public: const uint8* m_pDecode_buf; const uint8* m_pDecode_buf_next; const uint8* m_pDecode_buf_end; uint32 m_decode_buf_size; typedef uint32 bit_buf_type; enum { cBitBufSize = 32U }; bit_buf_type m_bit_buf; int m_bit_count; private: void get_bits_init(); uint32 get_bits(uint32 num_bits); }; } // namespace unitycrnd namespace unitycrnd { void crnd_assert(const char* pExp, const char* pFile, unsigned line) { char buf[512]; #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER) sprintf_s(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s(%u): Assertion failure: \"%s\"\n", pFile, line, pExp); #else sprintf(buf, "%s(%u): Assertion failure: \"%s\"\n", pFile, line, pExp); #endif crnd_output_debug_string(buf); puts(buf); if (crnd_is_debugger_present()) crnd_debug_break(); } void crnd_trace(const char* pFmt, va_list args) { if (crnd_is_debugger_present()) { char buf[512]; #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER) vsprintf_s(buf, sizeof(buf), pFmt, args); #else vsprintf(buf, pFmt, args); #endif crnd_output_debug_string(buf); } }; void crnd_trace(const char* pFmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, pFmt); crnd_trace(pFmt, args); va_end(args); }; } // namespace unitycrnd // File: checksum.cpp // From the public domain stb.h header. namespace unitycrnd { uint16 crc16(const void* pBuf, uint32 len, uint16 crc) { crc = ~crc; const uint8* p = reinterpret_cast(pBuf); while (len) { const uint16 q = *p++ ^ (crc >> 8U); crc <<= 8U; uint16 r = (q >> 4U) ^ q; crc ^= r; r <<= 5U; crc ^= r; r <<= 7U; crc ^= r; len--; } return static_cast(~crc); } } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_vector.cpp namespace unitycrnd { bool elemental_vector::increase_capacity(uint32 min_new_capacity, bool grow_hint, uint32 element_size, object_mover pMover) { CRND_ASSERT(m_size <= m_capacity); CRND_ASSERT(min_new_capacity < (0x7FFF0000U / element_size)); if (m_capacity >= min_new_capacity) return true; uint32 new_capacity = min_new_capacity; if ((grow_hint) && (!math::is_power_of_2(new_capacity))) new_capacity = math::next_pow2(new_capacity); CRND_ASSERT(new_capacity && (new_capacity > m_capacity)); const uint32 desired_size = element_size * new_capacity; size_t actual_size; if (!pMover) { void* new_p = crnd_realloc(m_p, desired_size, &actual_size, true); if (!new_p) return false; m_p = new_p; } else { void* new_p = crnd_malloc(desired_size, &actual_size); if (!new_p) return false; (*pMover)(new_p, m_p, m_size); if (m_p) crnd_free(m_p); m_p = new_p; } if (actual_size > desired_size) m_capacity = static_cast(actual_size / element_size); else m_capacity = new_capacity; return true; } } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_utils.cpp namespace unitycrnd { namespace utils { uint32 compute_max_mips(uint32 width, uint32 height) { if ((width | height) == 0) return 0; uint32 num_mips = 1; while ((width > 1U) || (height > 1U)) { width >>= 1U; height >>= 1U; num_mips++; } return num_mips; } } // namespace utils } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_prefix_coding.cpp namespace unitycrnd { namespace prefix_coding { bool decoder_tables::init(uint32 num_syms, const uint8* pCodesizes, uint32 table_bits) { uint32 min_codes[cMaxExpectedCodeSize]; if ((!num_syms) || (table_bits > cMaxTableBits)) return false; m_num_syms = num_syms; uint32 num_codes[cMaxExpectedCodeSize + 1]; utils::zero_object(num_codes); for (uint32 i = 0; i < num_syms; i++) { uint32 c = pCodesizes[i]; if (c) num_codes[c]++; } uint32 sorted_positions[cMaxExpectedCodeSize + 1]; uint32 cur_code = 0; uint32 total_used_syms = 0; uint32 max_code_size = 0; uint32 min_code_size = cUINT32_MAX; for (uint32 i = 1; i <= cMaxExpectedCodeSize; i++) { const uint32 n = num_codes[i]; if (!n) m_max_codes[i - 1] = 0; //UINT_MAX; else { min_code_size = math::minimum(min_code_size, i); max_code_size = math::maximum(max_code_size, i); min_codes[i - 1] = cur_code; m_max_codes[i - 1] = cur_code + n - 1; m_max_codes[i - 1] = 1 + ((m_max_codes[i - 1] << (16 - i)) | ((1 << (16 - i)) - 1)); m_val_ptrs[i - 1] = total_used_syms; sorted_positions[i] = total_used_syms; cur_code += n; total_used_syms += n; } cur_code <<= 1; } m_total_used_syms = total_used_syms; if (total_used_syms > m_cur_sorted_symbol_order_size) { m_cur_sorted_symbol_order_size = total_used_syms; if (!math::is_power_of_2(total_used_syms)) m_cur_sorted_symbol_order_size = math::minimum(num_syms, math::next_pow2(total_used_syms)); if (m_sorted_symbol_order) crnd_delete_array(m_sorted_symbol_order); m_sorted_symbol_order = crnd_new_array(m_cur_sorted_symbol_order_size); if (!m_sorted_symbol_order) return false; } m_min_code_size = static_cast(min_code_size); m_max_code_size = static_cast(max_code_size); for (uint32 i = 0; i < num_syms; i++) { uint32 c = pCodesizes[i]; if (c) { CRND_ASSERT(num_codes[c]); uint32 sorted_pos = sorted_positions[c]++; CRND_ASSERT(sorted_pos < total_used_syms); m_sorted_symbol_order[sorted_pos] = static_cast(i); } } if (table_bits <= m_min_code_size) table_bits = 0; m_table_bits = table_bits; if (table_bits) { uint32 table_size = 1 << table_bits; if (table_size > m_cur_lookup_size) { m_cur_lookup_size = table_size; if (m_lookup) crnd_delete_array(m_lookup); m_lookup = crnd_new_array(table_size); if (!m_lookup) return false; } memset(m_lookup, 0xFF, (uint)sizeof(m_lookup[0]) * (1UL << table_bits)); for (uint32 codesize = 1; codesize <= table_bits; codesize++) { if (!num_codes[codesize]) continue; const uint32 fillsize = table_bits - codesize; const uint32 fillnum = 1 << fillsize; const uint32 min_code = min_codes[codesize - 1]; const uint32 max_code = get_unshifted_max_code(codesize); const uint32 val_ptr = m_val_ptrs[codesize - 1]; for (uint32 code = min_code; code <= max_code; code++) { const uint32 sym_index = m_sorted_symbol_order[val_ptr + code - min_code]; CRND_ASSERT(pCodesizes[sym_index] == codesize); for (uint32 j = 0; j < fillnum; j++) { const uint32 t = j + (code << fillsize); CRND_ASSERT(t < (1U << table_bits)); CRND_ASSERT(m_lookup[t] == cUINT32_MAX); m_lookup[t] = sym_index | (codesize << 16U); } } } } for (uint32 i = 0; i < cMaxExpectedCodeSize; i++) m_val_ptrs[i] -= min_codes[i]; m_table_max_code = 0; m_decode_start_code_size = m_min_code_size; if (table_bits) { uint32 i; for (i = table_bits; i >= 1; i--) { if (num_codes[i]) { m_table_max_code = m_max_codes[i - 1]; break; } } if (i >= 1) { m_decode_start_code_size = table_bits + 1; for (uint32 j = table_bits + 1; j <= max_code_size; j++) { if (num_codes[j]) { m_decode_start_code_size = j; break; } } } } // sentinels m_max_codes[cMaxExpectedCodeSize] = cUINT32_MAX; m_val_ptrs[cMaxExpectedCodeSize] = 0xFFFFF; m_table_shift = 32 - m_table_bits; return true; } } // namespace prefix_codig } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_platform.cpp namespace unitycrnd { bool crnd_is_debugger_present() { #ifdef CRND_DEVEL return IsDebuggerPresent() != 0; #else return false; #endif } void crnd_debug_break() { #ifdef CRND_DEVEL DebugBreak(); #endif } void crnd_output_debug_string(const char* p) { (void)p; #ifdef CRND_DEVEL OutputDebugStringA(p); #endif } } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_mem.cpp namespace unitycrnd { const uint32 MAX_POSSIBLE_BLOCK_SIZE = 0x7FFF0000U; static void* crnd_default_realloc(void* p, size_t size, size_t* pActual_size, bool movable, void*) { void* p_new; if (!p) { p_new = ::malloc(size); if (pActual_size) { #ifdef _WIN32 *pActual_size = p_new ? ::_msize(p_new) : 0; #else *pActual_size = p_new ? malloc_usable_size(p_new) : 0; #endif } } else if (!size) { ::free(p); p_new = NULL; if (pActual_size) *pActual_size = 0; } else { void* p_final_block = p; #ifdef _WIN32 p_new = ::_expand(p, size); #else p_new = NULL; #endif if (p_new) p_final_block = p_new; else if (movable) { p_new = ::realloc(p, size); if (p_new) p_final_block = p_new; } if (pActual_size) { #ifdef _WIN32 *pActual_size = ::_msize(p_final_block); #else *pActual_size = ::malloc_usable_size(p_final_block); #endif } } return p_new; } static size_t crnd_default_msize(void* p, void* pUser_data) { pUser_data; #ifdef _WIN32 return p ? _msize(p) : 0; #else return p ? malloc_usable_size(p) : 0; #endif } static crnd_realloc_func g_pRealloc = crnd_default_realloc; static crnd_msize_func g_pMSize = crnd_default_msize; static void* g_pUser_data; void crnd_set_memory_callbacks(crnd_realloc_func pRealloc, crnd_msize_func pMSize, void* pUser_data) { if ((!pRealloc) || (!pMSize)) { g_pRealloc = crnd_default_realloc; g_pMSize = crnd_default_msize; g_pUser_data = NULL; } else { g_pRealloc = pRealloc; g_pMSize = pMSize; g_pUser_data = pUser_data; } } static inline void crnd_mem_error(const char* p_msg) { crnd_assert(p_msg, __FILE__, __LINE__); } void* crnd_malloc(size_t size, size_t* pActual_size) { size = (size + sizeof(uint32) - 1U) & ~(sizeof(uint32) - 1U); if (!size) size = sizeof(uint32); if (size > MAX_POSSIBLE_BLOCK_SIZE) { crnd_mem_error("crnd_malloc: size too big"); return NULL; } size_t actual_size = size; uint8* p_new = static_cast((*g_pRealloc)(NULL, size, &actual_size, true, g_pUser_data)); if (pActual_size) *pActual_size = actual_size; if ((!p_new) || (actual_size < size)) { crnd_mem_error("crnd_malloc: out of memory"); return NULL; } CRND_ASSERT(((uint32) reinterpret_cast(p_new) & (CRND_MIN_ALLOC_ALIGNMENT - 1)) == 0); return p_new; } void* crnd_realloc(void* p, size_t size, size_t* pActual_size, bool movable) { if ((uint32) reinterpret_cast(p) & (CRND_MIN_ALLOC_ALIGNMENT - 1)) { crnd_mem_error("crnd_realloc: bad ptr"); return NULL; } if (size > MAX_POSSIBLE_BLOCK_SIZE) { crnd_mem_error("crnd_malloc: size too big"); return NULL; } size_t actual_size = size; void* p_new = (*g_pRealloc)(p, size, &actual_size, movable, g_pUser_data); if (pActual_size) *pActual_size = actual_size; CRND_ASSERT(((uint32) reinterpret_cast(p_new) & (CRND_MIN_ALLOC_ALIGNMENT - 1)) == 0); return p_new; } void crnd_free(void* p) { if (!p) return; if ((uint32) reinterpret_cast(p) & (CRND_MIN_ALLOC_ALIGNMENT - 1)) { crnd_mem_error("crnd_free: bad ptr"); return; } (*g_pRealloc)(p, 0, NULL, true, g_pUser_data); } size_t crnd_msize(void* p) { if (!p) return 0; if ((uint32) reinterpret_cast(p) & (CRND_MIN_ALLOC_ALIGNMENT - 1)) { crnd_mem_error("crnd_msize: bad ptr"); return 0; } return (*g_pMSize)(p, g_pUser_data); } } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_math.cpp namespace unitycrnd { namespace math { uint32 g_bitmasks[32] = { 1U << 0U, 1U << 1U, 1U << 2U, 1U << 3U, 1U << 4U, 1U << 5U, 1U << 6U, 1U << 7U, 1U << 8U, 1U << 9U, 1U << 10U, 1U << 11U, 1U << 12U, 1U << 13U, 1U << 14U, 1U << 15U, 1U << 16U, 1U << 17U, 1U << 18U, 1U << 19U, 1U << 20U, 1U << 21U, 1U << 22U, 1U << 23U, 1U << 24U, 1U << 25U, 1U << 26U, 1U << 27U, 1U << 28U, 1U << 29U, 1U << 30U, 1U << 31U}; } // namespace math } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_info.cpp namespace unitycrnd { #define CRND_FOURCC(a, b, c, d) ((a) | ((b) << 8U) | ((c) << 16U) | ((d) << 24U)) uint32 crnd_crn_format_to_fourcc(crn_format fmt) { switch (fmt) { case cCRNFmtDXT1: return CRND_FOURCC('D', 'X', 'T', '1'); case cCRNFmtDXT3: return CRND_FOURCC('D', 'X', 'T', '3'); case cCRNFmtDXT5: return CRND_FOURCC('D', 'X', 'T', '5'); case cCRNFmtDXN_XY: return CRND_FOURCC('A', '2', 'X', 'Y'); case cCRNFmtDXN_YX: return CRND_FOURCC('A', 'T', 'I', '2'); case cCRNFmtDXT5A: return CRND_FOURCC('A', 'T', 'I', '1'); case cCRNFmtDXT5_CCxY: return CRND_FOURCC('C', 'C', 'x', 'Y'); case cCRNFmtDXT5_xGxR: return CRND_FOURCC('x', 'G', 'x', 'R'); case cCRNFmtDXT5_xGBR: return CRND_FOURCC('x', 'G', 'B', 'R'); case cCRNFmtDXT5_AGBR: return CRND_FOURCC('A', 'G', 'B', 'R'); case cCRNFmtETC1: return CRND_FOURCC('E', 'T', 'C', '1'); case cCRNFmtETC2: return CRND_FOURCC('E', 'T', 'C', '2'); case cCRNFmtETC2A: return CRND_FOURCC('E', 'T', '2', 'A'); case cCRNFmtETC1S: return CRND_FOURCC('E', 'T', '1', 'S'); case cCRNFmtETC2AS: return CRND_FOURCC('E', '2', 'A', 'S'); default: break; } CRND_ASSERT(false); return 0; } crn_format crnd_get_fundamental_dxt_format(crn_format fmt) { switch (fmt) { case cCRNFmtDXT5_CCxY: case cCRNFmtDXT5_xGxR: case cCRNFmtDXT5_xGBR: case cCRNFmtDXT5_AGBR: return cCRNFmtDXT5; default: break; } return fmt; } uint32 crnd_get_crn_format_bits_per_texel(crn_format fmt) { switch (fmt) { case cCRNFmtDXT1: case cCRNFmtDXT5A: case cCRNFmtETC1: case cCRNFmtETC2: case cCRNFmtETC1S: return 4; case cCRNFmtDXT3: case cCRNFmtDXT5: case cCRNFmtDXN_XY: case cCRNFmtDXN_YX: case cCRNFmtDXT5_CCxY: case cCRNFmtDXT5_xGxR: case cCRNFmtDXT5_xGBR: case cCRNFmtDXT5_AGBR: case cCRNFmtETC2A: case cCRNFmtETC2AS: return 8; default: break; } CRND_ASSERT(false); return 0; } uint32 crnd_get_bytes_per_dxt_block(crn_format fmt) { return (crnd_get_crn_format_bits_per_texel(fmt) << 4) >> 3; } // TODO: tmp_header isn't used/This function is a helper to support old headers. const crn_header* crnd_get_header(const void* pData, uint32 data_size) { if ((!pData) || (data_size < sizeof(crn_header))) return NULL; const crn_header& file_header = *static_cast(pData); if (file_header.m_sig != crn_header::cCRNSigValue) return NULL; if ((file_header.m_header_size < sizeof(crn_header)) || (data_size < file_header.m_data_size)) return NULL; return &file_header; } bool crnd_validate_file(const void* pData, uint32 data_size, crn_file_info* pFile_info) { if (pFile_info) { if (pFile_info->m_struct_size != sizeof(crn_file_info)) return false; memset(&pFile_info->m_struct_size + 1, 0, sizeof(crn_file_info) - sizeof(pFile_info->m_struct_size)); } if ((!pData) || (data_size < cCRNHeaderMinSize)) return false; const crn_header* pHeader = crnd_get_header(pData, data_size); if (!pHeader) return false; const uint32 header_crc = crc16(&pHeader->m_data_size, (uint32)(pHeader->m_header_size - ((const uint8*)&pHeader->m_data_size - (const uint8*)pHeader))); if (header_crc != pHeader->m_header_crc16) return false; const uint32 data_crc = crc16((const uint8*)pData + pHeader->m_header_size, pHeader->m_data_size - pHeader->m_header_size); if (data_crc != pHeader->m_data_crc16) return false; if ((pHeader->m_faces != 1) && (pHeader->m_faces != 6)) return false; if ((pHeader->m_width < 1) || (pHeader->m_width > cCRNMaxLevelResolution)) return false; if ((pHeader->m_height < 1) || (pHeader->m_height > cCRNMaxLevelResolution)) return false; if ((pHeader->m_levels < 1) || (pHeader->m_levels > utils::compute_max_mips(pHeader->m_width, pHeader->m_height))) return false; if (((int)pHeader->m_format < cCRNFmtDXT1) || ((int)pHeader->m_format >= cCRNFmtTotal)) return false; if (pFile_info) { pFile_info->m_actual_data_size = pHeader->m_data_size; pFile_info->m_header_size = pHeader->m_header_size; pFile_info->m_total_palette_size = pHeader->m_color_endpoints.m_size + pHeader->m_color_selectors.m_size + pHeader->m_alpha_endpoints.m_size + pHeader->m_alpha_selectors.m_size; pFile_info->m_tables_size = pHeader->m_tables_size; pFile_info->m_levels = pHeader->m_levels; for (uint32 i = 0; i < pHeader->m_levels; i++) { uint32 next_ofs = pHeader->m_data_size; // assumes the levels are packed together sequentially if ((i + 1) < pHeader->m_levels) next_ofs = pHeader->m_level_ofs[i + 1]; pFile_info->m_level_compressed_size[i] = next_ofs - pHeader->m_level_ofs[i]; } pFile_info->m_color_endpoint_palette_entries = pHeader->m_color_endpoints.m_num; pFile_info->m_color_selector_palette_entries = pHeader->m_color_selectors.m_num; ; pFile_info->m_alpha_endpoint_palette_entries = pHeader->m_alpha_endpoints.m_num; ; pFile_info->m_alpha_selector_palette_entries = pHeader->m_alpha_selectors.m_num; ; } return true; } bool crnd_get_texture_info(const void* pData, uint32 data_size, crn_texture_info* pInfo) { if ((!pData) || (data_size < sizeof(crn_header)) || (!pInfo)) return false; if (pInfo->m_struct_size != sizeof(crn_texture_info)) return false; const crn_header* pHeader = crnd_get_header(pData, data_size); if (!pHeader) return false; pInfo->m_width = pHeader->m_width; pInfo->m_height = pHeader->m_height; pInfo->m_levels = pHeader->m_levels; pInfo->m_faces = pHeader->m_faces; pInfo->m_format = static_cast((uint32)pHeader->m_format); pInfo->m_bytes_per_block = pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtDXT1 || pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtDXT5A || pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC1 || pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC2 || pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC1S ? 8 : 16; pInfo->m_userdata0 = pHeader->m_userdata0; pInfo->m_userdata1 = pHeader->m_userdata1; return true; } bool crnd_get_level_info(const void* pData, uint32 data_size, uint32 level_index, crn_level_info* pLevel_info) { if ((!pData) || (data_size < cCRNHeaderMinSize) || (!pLevel_info)) return false; if (pLevel_info->m_struct_size != sizeof(crn_level_info)) return false; const crn_header* pHeader = crnd_get_header(pData, data_size); if (!pHeader) return false; if (level_index >= pHeader->m_levels) return false; uint32 width = math::maximum(1U, pHeader->m_width >> level_index); uint32 height = math::maximum(1U, pHeader->m_height >> level_index); pLevel_info->m_width = width; pLevel_info->m_height = height; pLevel_info->m_faces = pHeader->m_faces; pLevel_info->m_blocks_x = (width + 3) >> 2; pLevel_info->m_blocks_y = (height + 3) >> 2; pLevel_info->m_bytes_per_block = ((pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtDXT1) || (pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtDXT5A)) ? 8 : 16; pLevel_info->m_format = static_cast((uint32)pHeader->m_format); return true; } const void* crnd_get_level_data(const void* pData, uint32 data_size, uint32 level_index, uint32* pSize) { if (pSize) *pSize = 0; if ((!pData) || (data_size < cCRNHeaderMinSize)) return NULL; const crn_header* pHeader = crnd_get_header(pData, data_size); if (!pHeader) return NULL; if (level_index >= pHeader->m_levels) return NULL; uint32 cur_level_ofs = pHeader->m_level_ofs[level_index]; if (pSize) { uint32 next_level_ofs = data_size; if ((level_index + 1) < (pHeader->m_levels)) next_level_ofs = pHeader->m_level_ofs[level_index + 1]; *pSize = next_level_ofs - cur_level_ofs; } return static_cast(pData) + cur_level_ofs; } uint32 crnd_get_segmented_file_size(const void* pData, uint32 data_size) { if ((!pData) || (data_size < cCRNHeaderMinSize)) return false; const crn_header* pHeader = crnd_get_header(pData, data_size); if (!pHeader) return false; uint32 size = pHeader->m_header_size; size = math::maximum(size, pHeader->m_color_endpoints.m_ofs + pHeader->m_color_endpoints.m_size); size = math::maximum(size, pHeader->m_color_selectors.m_ofs + pHeader->m_color_selectors.m_size); size = math::maximum(size, pHeader->m_alpha_endpoints.m_ofs + pHeader->m_alpha_endpoints.m_size); size = math::maximum(size, pHeader->m_alpha_selectors.m_ofs + pHeader->m_alpha_selectors.m_size); size = math::maximum(size, pHeader->m_tables_ofs + pHeader->m_tables_size); return size; } bool crnd_create_segmented_file(const void* pData, uint32 data_size, void* pBase_data, uint base_data_size) { if ((!pData) || (data_size < cCRNHeaderMinSize)) return false; const crn_header* pHeader = crnd_get_header(pData, data_size); if (!pHeader) return false; if (pHeader->m_flags & cCRNHeaderFlagSegmented) return false; const uint actual_base_data_size = crnd_get_segmented_file_size(pData, data_size); if (base_data_size < actual_base_data_size) return false; memcpy(pBase_data, pData, actual_base_data_size); crn_header& new_header = *static_cast(pBase_data); new_header.m_flags = new_header.m_flags | cCRNHeaderFlagSegmented; new_header.m_data_size = actual_base_data_size; new_header.m_data_crc16 = crc16((const uint8*)pBase_data + new_header.m_header_size, new_header.m_data_size - new_header.m_header_size); new_header.m_header_crc16 = crc16(&new_header.m_data_size, new_header.m_header_size - (uint32)((const uint8*)&new_header.m_data_size - (const uint8*)&new_header)); CRND_ASSERT(crnd_validate_file(&new_header, actual_base_data_size, NULL)); return true; } } // namespace unitycrnd // File: symbol_codec.cpp namespace unitycrnd { static_huffman_data_model::static_huffman_data_model() : m_total_syms(0), m_pDecode_tables(NULL) { } static_huffman_data_model::static_huffman_data_model(const static_huffman_data_model& other) : m_total_syms(0), m_pDecode_tables(NULL) { *this = other; } static_huffman_data_model::~static_huffman_data_model() { if (m_pDecode_tables) crnd_delete(m_pDecode_tables); } static_huffman_data_model& static_huffman_data_model::operator=(const static_huffman_data_model& rhs) { if (this == &rhs) return *this; m_total_syms = rhs.m_total_syms; m_code_sizes = rhs.m_code_sizes; if (m_code_sizes.get_alloc_failed()) { clear(); return *this; } if (rhs.m_pDecode_tables) { if (m_pDecode_tables) *m_pDecode_tables = *rhs.m_pDecode_tables; else m_pDecode_tables = crnd_new(*rhs.m_pDecode_tables); } else { crnd_delete(m_pDecode_tables); m_pDecode_tables = NULL; } return *this; } void static_huffman_data_model::clear() { m_total_syms = 0; m_code_sizes.clear(); if (m_pDecode_tables) { crnd_delete(m_pDecode_tables); m_pDecode_tables = NULL; } } bool static_huffman_data_model::init(uint32 total_syms, const uint8* pCode_sizes, uint32 code_size_limit) { CRND_ASSERT((total_syms >= 1) && (total_syms <= prefix_coding::cMaxSupportedSyms) && (code_size_limit >= 1)); code_size_limit = math::minimum(code_size_limit, prefix_coding::cMaxExpectedCodeSize); if (!m_code_sizes.resize(total_syms)) return false; uint32 min_code_size = cUINT32_MAX; uint32 max_code_size = 0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < total_syms; i++) { uint32 s = pCode_sizes[i]; m_code_sizes[i] = static_cast(s); min_code_size = math::minimum(min_code_size, s); max_code_size = math::maximum(max_code_size, s); } if ((max_code_size < 1) || (max_code_size > 32) || (min_code_size > code_size_limit)) return false; if (max_code_size > code_size_limit) return false; if (!m_pDecode_tables) m_pDecode_tables = crnd_new(); if (!m_pDecode_tables->init(m_total_syms, &m_code_sizes[0], compute_decoder_table_bits())) return false; return true; } bool static_huffman_data_model::prepare_decoder_tables() { uint32 total_syms = m_code_sizes.size(); CRND_ASSERT((total_syms >= 1) && (total_syms <= prefix_coding::cMaxSupportedSyms)); m_total_syms = total_syms; if (!m_pDecode_tables) m_pDecode_tables = crnd_new(); return m_pDecode_tables->init(m_total_syms, &m_code_sizes[0], compute_decoder_table_bits()); } uint static_huffman_data_model::compute_decoder_table_bits() const { #if CRND_PREFIX_CODING_USE_FIXED_TABLE_SIZE return prefix_coding::cMaxTableBits; #else uint32 decoder_table_bits = 0; if (m_total_syms > 16) decoder_table_bits = static_cast(math::minimum(1 + math::ceil_log2i(m_total_syms), prefix_coding::cMaxTableBits)); return decoder_table_bits; #endif } symbol_codec::symbol_codec() : m_pDecode_buf(NULL), m_pDecode_buf_next(NULL), m_pDecode_buf_end(NULL), m_decode_buf_size(0), m_bit_buf(0), m_bit_count(0) { } // Code length encoding symbols: // 0-16 - actual code lengths const uint32 cMaxCodelengthCodes = 21; const uint32 cSmallZeroRunCode = 17; const uint32 cLargeZeroRunCode = 18; const uint32 cSmallRepeatCode = 19; const uint32 cLargeRepeatCode = 20; const uint32 cMinSmallZeroRunSize = 3; const uint32 cMaxSmallZeroRunSize = 10; const uint32 cMinLargeZeroRunSize = 11; const uint32 cMaxLargeZeroRunSize = 138; const uint32 cSmallMinNonZeroRunSize = 3; const uint32 cSmallMaxNonZeroRunSize = 6; const uint32 cLargeMinNonZeroRunSize = 7; const uint32 cLargeMaxNonZeroRunSize = 70; const uint32 cSmallZeroRunExtraBits = 3; const uint32 cLargeZeroRunExtraBits = 7; const uint32 cSmallNonZeroRunExtraBits = 2; const uint32 cLargeNonZeroRunExtraBits = 6; static const uint8 g_most_probable_codelength_codes[] = { cSmallZeroRunCode, cLargeZeroRunCode, cSmallRepeatCode, cLargeRepeatCode, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15, 16}; const uint32 cNumMostProbableCodelengthCodes = sizeof(g_most_probable_codelength_codes) / sizeof(g_most_probable_codelength_codes[0]); bool symbol_codec::decode_receive_static_data_model(static_huffman_data_model& model) { const uint32 total_used_syms = decode_bits(math::total_bits(prefix_coding::cMaxSupportedSyms)); if (!total_used_syms) { model.clear(); return true; } if (!model.m_code_sizes.resize(total_used_syms)) return false; memset(&model.m_code_sizes[0], 0, sizeof(model.m_code_sizes[0]) * total_used_syms); const uint32 num_codelength_codes_to_send = decode_bits(5); if ((num_codelength_codes_to_send < 1) || (num_codelength_codes_to_send > cMaxCodelengthCodes)) return false; static_huffman_data_model dm; if (!dm.m_code_sizes.resize(cMaxCodelengthCodes)) return false; for (uint32 i = 0; i < num_codelength_codes_to_send; i++) dm.m_code_sizes[g_most_probable_codelength_codes[i]] = static_cast(decode_bits(3)); if (!dm.prepare_decoder_tables()) return false; uint32 ofs = 0; while (ofs < total_used_syms) { const uint32 num_remaining = total_used_syms - ofs; uint32 code = decode(dm); if (code <= 16) model.m_code_sizes[ofs++] = static_cast(code); else if (code == cSmallZeroRunCode) { uint32 len = decode_bits(cSmallZeroRunExtraBits) + cMinSmallZeroRunSize; if (len > num_remaining) return false; ofs += len; } else if (code == cLargeZeroRunCode) { uint32 len = decode_bits(cLargeZeroRunExtraBits) + cMinLargeZeroRunSize; if (len > num_remaining) return false; ofs += len; } else if ((code == cSmallRepeatCode) || (code == cLargeRepeatCode)) { uint32 len; if (code == cSmallRepeatCode) len = decode_bits(cSmallNonZeroRunExtraBits) + cSmallMinNonZeroRunSize; else len = decode_bits(cLargeNonZeroRunExtraBits) + cLargeMinNonZeroRunSize; if ((!ofs) || (len > num_remaining)) return false; const uint32 prev = model.m_code_sizes[ofs - 1]; if (!prev) return false; const uint32 end = ofs + len; while (ofs < end) model.m_code_sizes[ofs++] = static_cast(prev); } else { CRND_ASSERT(0); return false; } } if (ofs != total_used_syms) return false; return model.prepare_decoder_tables(); } bool symbol_codec::start_decoding(const uint8* pBuf, uint32 buf_size) { if (!buf_size) return false; m_pDecode_buf = pBuf; m_pDecode_buf_next = pBuf; m_decode_buf_size = buf_size; m_pDecode_buf_end = pBuf + buf_size; get_bits_init(); return true; } void symbol_codec::get_bits_init() { m_bit_buf = 0; m_bit_count = 0; } uint32 symbol_codec::decode_bits(uint32 num_bits) { if (!num_bits) return 0; if (num_bits > 16) { uint32 a = get_bits(num_bits - 16); uint32 b = get_bits(16); return (a << 16) | b; } else return get_bits(num_bits); } uint32 symbol_codec::get_bits(uint32 num_bits) { CRND_ASSERT(num_bits <= 32U); while (m_bit_count < (int)num_bits) { bit_buf_type c = 0; if (m_pDecode_buf_next != m_pDecode_buf_end) c = *m_pDecode_buf_next++; m_bit_count += 8; CRND_ASSERT(m_bit_count <= cBitBufSize); m_bit_buf |= (c << (cBitBufSize - m_bit_count)); } uint32 result = static_cast(m_bit_buf >> (cBitBufSize - num_bits)); m_bit_buf <<= num_bits; m_bit_count -= num_bits; return result; } uint32 symbol_codec::decode(const static_huffman_data_model& model) { const prefix_coding::decoder_tables* pTables = model.m_pDecode_tables; if (m_bit_count < 24) { if (m_bit_count < 16) { uint32 c0 = 0, c1 = 0; const uint8* p = m_pDecode_buf_next; if (p < m_pDecode_buf_end) c0 = *p++; if (p < m_pDecode_buf_end) c1 = *p++; m_pDecode_buf_next = p; m_bit_count += 16; uint32 c = (c0 << 8) | c1; m_bit_buf |= (c << (32 - m_bit_count)); } else { uint32 c = (m_pDecode_buf_next < m_pDecode_buf_end) ? *m_pDecode_buf_next++ : 0; m_bit_count += 8; m_bit_buf |= (c << (32 - m_bit_count)); } } uint32 k = (m_bit_buf >> 16) + 1; uint32 sym, len; if (k <= pTables->m_table_max_code) { uint32 t = pTables->m_lookup[m_bit_buf >> (32 - pTables->m_table_bits)]; CRND_ASSERT(t != cUINT32_MAX); sym = t & cUINT16_MAX; len = t >> 16; CRND_ASSERT(model.m_code_sizes[sym] == len); } else { len = pTables->m_decode_start_code_size; for (;;) { if (k <= pTables->m_max_codes[len - 1]) break; len++; } int val_ptr = pTables->m_val_ptrs[len - 1] + (m_bit_buf >> (32 - len)); if (((uint32)val_ptr >= model.m_total_syms)) { // corrupted stream, or a bug CRND_ASSERT(0); return 0; } sym = pTables->m_sorted_symbol_order[val_ptr]; } m_bit_buf <<= len; m_bit_count -= len; return sym; } uint64 symbol_codec::stop_decoding() { return static_cast(m_pDecode_buf_next - m_pDecode_buf); } } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_dxt.cpp namespace unitycrnd { const uint8 g_dxt1_to_linear[cDXT1SelectorValues] = {0U, 3U, 1U, 2U}; const uint8 g_dxt1_from_linear[cDXT1SelectorValues] = {0U, 2U, 3U, 1U}; const uint8 g_etc1_from_linear[cDXT1SelectorValues] = {3U, 2U, 0U, 1U}; const uint8 g_dxt5_to_linear[cDXT5SelectorValues] = {0U, 7U, 1U, 2U, 3U, 4U, 5U, 6U}; const uint8 g_dxt5_from_linear[cDXT5SelectorValues] = {0U, 2U, 3U, 4U, 5U, 6U, 7U, 1U}; const uint8 g_six_alpha_invert_table[cDXT5SelectorValues] = {1, 0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 6, 7}; const uint8 g_eight_alpha_invert_table[cDXT5SelectorValues] = {1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2}; uint16 dxt1_block::pack_color(const color_quad_u8& color, bool scaled, uint32 bias) { uint32 r = color.r; uint32 g = color.g; uint32 b = color.b; if (scaled) { r = (r * 31U + bias) / 255U; g = (g * 63U + bias) / 255U; b = (b * 31U + bias) / 255U; } r = math::minimum(r, 31U); g = math::minimum(g, 63U); b = math::minimum(b, 31U); return static_cast(b | (g << 5U) | (r << 11U)); } uint16 dxt1_block::pack_color(uint32 r, uint32 g, uint32 b, bool scaled, uint32 bias) { return pack_color(color_quad_u8(r, g, b, 0), scaled, bias); } color_quad_u8 dxt1_block::unpack_color(uint16 packed_color, bool scaled, uint32 alpha) { uint32 b = packed_color & 31U; uint32 g = (packed_color >> 5U) & 63U; uint32 r = (packed_color >> 11U) & 31U; if (scaled) { b = (b << 3U) | (b >> 2U); g = (g << 2U) | (g >> 4U); r = (r << 3U) | (r >> 2U); } return color_quad_u8(r, g, b, alpha); } void dxt1_block::unpack_color(uint32& r, uint32& g, uint32& b, uint16 packed_color, bool scaled) { color_quad_u8 c(unpack_color(packed_color, scaled, 0)); r = c.r; g = c.g; b = c.b; } uint32 dxt1_block::get_block_colors3(color_quad_u8* pDst, uint16 color0, uint16 color1) { color_quad_u8 c0(unpack_color(color0, true)); color_quad_u8 c1(unpack_color(color1, true)); pDst[0] = c0; pDst[1] = c1; pDst[2].set((c0.r + c1.r) >> 1U, (c0.g + c1.g) >> 1U, (c0.b + c1.b) >> 1U, 255U); pDst[3].set(0, 0, 0, 0); return 3; } uint32 dxt1_block::get_block_colors4(color_quad_u8* pDst, uint16 color0, uint16 color1) { color_quad_u8 c0(unpack_color(color0, true)); color_quad_u8 c1(unpack_color(color1, true)); pDst[0] = c0; pDst[1] = c1; // 12/14/09 - Supposed to round according to DX docs, but this conflicts with the OpenGL S3TC spec. ? // Turns out some GPU's round and some don't. Great. //pDst[2].set( (c0.r * 2 + c1.r + 1) / 3, (c0.g * 2 + c1.g + 1) / 3, (c0.b * 2 + c1.b + 1) / 3, 255U); //pDst[3].set( (c1.r * 2 + c0.r + 1) / 3, (c1.g * 2 + c0.g + 1) / 3, (c1.b * 2 + c0.b + 1) / 3, 255U); pDst[2].set((c0.r * 2 + c1.r) / 3, (c0.g * 2 + c1.g) / 3, (c0.b * 2 + c1.b) / 3, 255U); pDst[3].set((c1.r * 2 + c0.r) / 3, (c1.g * 2 + c0.g) / 3, (c1.b * 2 + c0.b) / 3, 255U); return 4; } uint32 dxt1_block::get_block_colors(color_quad_u8* pDst, uint16 color0, uint16 color1) { if (color0 > color1) return get_block_colors4(pDst, color0, color1); else return get_block_colors3(pDst, color0, color1); } color_quad_u8 dxt1_block::unpack_endpoint(uint32 endpoints, uint32 index, bool scaled, uint32 alpha) { CRND_ASSERT(index < 2); return unpack_color(static_cast((endpoints >> (index * 16U)) & 0xFFFFU), scaled, alpha); } uint32 dxt1_block::pack_endpoints(uint32 lo, uint32 hi) { CRND_ASSERT((lo <= 0xFFFFU) && (hi <= 0xFFFFU)); return lo | (hi << 16U); } void dxt3_block::set_alpha(uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 value, bool scaled) { CRND_ASSERT((x < cDXTBlockSize) && (y < cDXTBlockSize)); if (scaled) { CRND_ASSERT(value <= 0xFF); value = (value * 15U + 128U) / 255U; } else { CRND_ASSERT(value <= 0xF); } uint32 ofs = (y << 1U) + (x >> 1U); uint32 c = m_alpha[ofs]; c &= ~(0xF << ((x & 1U) << 2U)); c |= (value << ((x & 1U) << 2U)); m_alpha[ofs] = static_cast(c); } uint32 dxt3_block::get_alpha(uint32 x, uint32 y, bool scaled) const { CRND_ASSERT((x < cDXTBlockSize) && (y < cDXTBlockSize)); uint32 value = m_alpha[(y << 1U) + (x >> 1U)]; if (x & 1) value >>= 4; value &= 0xF; if (scaled) value = (value << 4U) | value; return value; } uint32 dxt5_block::get_block_values6(color_quad_u8* pDst, uint32 l, uint32 h) { pDst[0].a = static_cast(l); pDst[1].a = static_cast(h); pDst[2].a = static_cast((l * 4 + h) / 5); pDst[3].a = static_cast((l * 3 + h * 2) / 5); pDst[4].a = static_cast((l * 2 + h * 3) / 5); pDst[5].a = static_cast((l + h * 4) / 5); pDst[6].a = 0; pDst[7].a = 255; return 6; } uint32 dxt5_block::get_block_values8(color_quad_u8* pDst, uint32 l, uint32 h) { pDst[0].a = static_cast(l); pDst[1].a = static_cast(h); pDst[2].a = static_cast((l * 6 + h) / 7); pDst[3].a = static_cast((l * 5 + h * 2) / 7); pDst[4].a = static_cast((l * 4 + h * 3) / 7); pDst[5].a = static_cast((l * 3 + h * 4) / 7); pDst[6].a = static_cast((l * 2 + h * 5) / 7); pDst[7].a = static_cast((l + h * 6) / 7); return 8; } uint32 dxt5_block::get_block_values(color_quad_u8* pDst, uint32 l, uint32 h) { if (l > h) return get_block_values8(pDst, l, h); else return get_block_values6(pDst, l, h); } uint32 dxt5_block::get_block_values6(uint32* pDst, uint32 l, uint32 h) { pDst[0] = l; pDst[1] = h; pDst[2] = (l * 4 + h) / 5; pDst[3] = (l * 3 + h * 2) / 5; pDst[4] = (l * 2 + h * 3) / 5; pDst[5] = (l + h * 4) / 5; pDst[6] = 0; pDst[7] = 255; return 6; } uint32 dxt5_block::get_block_values8(uint32* pDst, uint32 l, uint32 h) { pDst[0] = l; pDst[1] = h; pDst[2] = (l * 6 + h) / 7; pDst[3] = (l * 5 + h * 2) / 7; pDst[4] = (l * 4 + h * 3) / 7; pDst[5] = (l * 3 + h * 4) / 7; pDst[6] = (l * 2 + h * 5) / 7; pDst[7] = (l + h * 6) / 7; return 8; } uint32 dxt5_block::unpack_endpoint(uint32 packed, uint32 index) { CRND_ASSERT(index < 2); return (packed >> (8 * index)) & 0xFF; } uint32 dxt5_block::pack_endpoints(uint32 lo, uint32 hi) { CRND_ASSERT((lo <= 0xFF) && (hi <= 0xFF)); return lo | (hi << 8U); } uint32 dxt5_block::get_block_values(uint32* pDst, uint32 l, uint32 h) { if (l > h) return get_block_values8(pDst, l, h); else return get_block_values6(pDst, l, h); } } // namespace unitycrnd // File: crnd_decode.cpp namespace unitycrnd { class crn_unpacker { public: inline crn_unpacker() : m_magic(cMagicValue), m_pData(NULL), m_data_size(0), m_pHeader(NULL) { } inline ~crn_unpacker() { m_magic = 0; } inline bool is_valid() const { return m_magic == cMagicValue; } bool init(const void* pData, uint32 data_size) { m_pHeader = crnd_get_header(pData, data_size); if (!m_pHeader) return false; m_pData = static_cast(pData); m_data_size = data_size; if (!init_tables()) return false; if (!decode_palettes()) return false; return true; } bool unpack_level( void** pDst, uint32 dst_size_in_bytes, uint32 row_pitch_in_bytes, uint32 level_index) { uint32 cur_level_ofs = m_pHeader->m_level_ofs[level_index]; uint32 next_level_ofs = m_data_size; if ((level_index + 1) < (m_pHeader->m_levels)) next_level_ofs = m_pHeader->m_level_ofs[level_index + 1]; CRND_ASSERT(next_level_ofs > cur_level_ofs); return unpack_level(m_pData + cur_level_ofs, next_level_ofs - cur_level_ofs, pDst, dst_size_in_bytes, row_pitch_in_bytes, level_index); } bool unpack_level( const void* pSrc, uint32 src_size_in_bytes, void** pDst, uint32 dst_size_in_bytes, uint32 row_pitch_in_bytes, uint32 level_index) { #ifdef CRND_BUILD_DEBUG for (uint32 f = 0; f < m_pHeader->m_faces; f++) if (!pDst[f]) return false; #endif const uint32 width = math::maximum(m_pHeader->m_width >> level_index, 1U); const uint32 height = math::maximum(m_pHeader->m_height >> level_index, 1U); const uint32 blocks_x = (width + 3U) >> 2U; const uint32 blocks_y = (height + 3U) >> 2U; const uint32 block_size = m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtDXT1 || m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtDXT5A || m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC1 || m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC2 || m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC1S ? 8 : 16; uint32 minimal_row_pitch = block_size * blocks_x; if (!row_pitch_in_bytes) row_pitch_in_bytes = minimal_row_pitch; else if ((row_pitch_in_bytes < minimal_row_pitch) || (row_pitch_in_bytes & 3)) return false; if (dst_size_in_bytes < row_pitch_in_bytes * blocks_y) return false; if (!m_codec.start_decoding(static_cast(pSrc), src_size_in_bytes)) return false; bool status = false; switch (m_pHeader->m_format) { case cCRNFmtDXT1: case cCRNFmtETC1S: status = unpack_dxt1((uint8**)pDst, row_pitch_in_bytes, blocks_x, blocks_y); break; case cCRNFmtDXT5: case cCRNFmtDXT5_CCxY: case cCRNFmtDXT5_xGBR: case cCRNFmtDXT5_AGBR: case cCRNFmtDXT5_xGxR: case cCRNFmtETC2AS: status = unpack_dxt5((uint8**)pDst, row_pitch_in_bytes, blocks_x, blocks_y); break; case cCRNFmtDXT5A: status = unpack_dxt5a((uint8**)pDst, row_pitch_in_bytes, blocks_x, blocks_y); break; case cCRNFmtDXN_XY: case cCRNFmtDXN_YX: status = unpack_dxn((uint8**)pDst, row_pitch_in_bytes, blocks_x, blocks_y); break; case cCRNFmtETC1: status = unpack_etc1((uint8**)pDst, row_pitch_in_bytes, blocks_x, blocks_y); break; case cCRNFmtETC2: status = unpack_etc1((uint8**)pDst, row_pitch_in_bytes, blocks_x, blocks_y); break; case cCRNFmtETC2A: status = unpack_etc2a((uint8**)pDst, row_pitch_in_bytes, blocks_x, blocks_y); break; default: return false; } if (!status) return false; m_codec.stop_decoding(); return true; } inline const void* get_data() const { return m_pData; } inline uint32 get_data_size() const { return m_data_size; } private: enum { cMagicValue = 0x1EF9CABD }; uint32 m_magic; const uint8* m_pData; uint32 m_data_size; const crn_header* m_pHeader; symbol_codec m_codec; static_huffman_data_model m_reference_encoding_dm; static_huffman_data_model m_endpoint_delta_dm[2]; static_huffman_data_model m_selector_delta_dm[2]; unitycrnd::vector m_color_endpoints; unitycrnd::vector m_color_selectors; unitycrnd::vector m_alpha_endpoints; unitycrnd::vector m_alpha_selectors; struct block_buffer_element { uint16 endpoint_reference; uint16 color_endpoint_index; uint16 alpha0_endpoint_index; uint16 alpha1_endpoint_index; }; unitycrnd::vector m_block_buffer; bool init_tables() { if (!m_codec.start_decoding(m_pData + m_pHeader->m_tables_ofs, m_pHeader->m_tables_size)) return false; if (!m_codec.decode_receive_static_data_model(m_reference_encoding_dm)) return false; if ((!m_pHeader->m_color_endpoints.m_num) && (!m_pHeader->m_alpha_endpoints.m_num)) return false; if (m_pHeader->m_color_endpoints.m_num) { if (!m_codec.decode_receive_static_data_model(m_endpoint_delta_dm[0])) return false; if (!m_codec.decode_receive_static_data_model(m_selector_delta_dm[0])) return false; } if (m_pHeader->m_alpha_endpoints.m_num) { if (!m_codec.decode_receive_static_data_model(m_endpoint_delta_dm[1])) return false; if (!m_codec.decode_receive_static_data_model(m_selector_delta_dm[1])) return false; } m_codec.stop_decoding(); return true; } bool decode_palettes() { if (m_pHeader->m_color_endpoints.m_num) { if (!decode_color_endpoints()) return false; if (!decode_color_selectors()) return false; } if (m_pHeader->m_alpha_endpoints.m_num) { if (!decode_alpha_endpoints()) return false; if (!(m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC2AS ? decode_alpha_selectors_etcs() : m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC2A ? decode_alpha_selectors_etc() : decode_alpha_selectors())) return false; } return true; } bool decode_color_endpoints() { const uint32 num_color_endpoints = m_pHeader->m_color_endpoints.m_num; const bool has_etc_color_blocks = m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC1 || m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC2 || m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC2A || m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC1S || m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC2AS; const bool has_subblocks = m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC1 || m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC2 || m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC2A; if (!m_color_endpoints.resize(num_color_endpoints)) return false; if (!m_codec.start_decoding(m_pData + m_pHeader->m_color_endpoints.m_ofs, m_pHeader->m_color_endpoints.m_size)) return false; static_huffman_data_model dm[2]; for (uint32 i = 0; i < (has_etc_color_blocks ? 1 : 2); i++) if (!m_codec.decode_receive_static_data_model(dm[i])) return false; uint32 a = 0, b = 0, c = 0; uint32 d = 0, e = 0, f = 0; uint32* CRND_RESTRICT pDst = &m_color_endpoints[0]; for (uint32 i = 0; i < num_color_endpoints; i++) { if (has_etc_color_blocks) { for (b = 0; b < 32; b += 8) a += m_codec.decode(dm[0]) << b; a &= 0x1F1F1F1F; *pDst++ = has_subblocks ? a : (a & 0x07000000) << 5 | (a & 0x07000000) << 2 | 0x02000000 | (a & 0x001F1F1F) << 3; } else { a = (a + m_codec.decode(dm[0])) & 31; b = (b + m_codec.decode(dm[1])) & 63; c = (c + m_codec.decode(dm[0])) & 31; d = (d + m_codec.decode(dm[0])) & 31; e = (e + m_codec.decode(dm[1])) & 63; f = (f + m_codec.decode(dm[0])) & 31; *pDst++ = c | (b << 5U) | (a << 11U) | (f << 16U) | (e << 21U) | (d << 27U); } } m_codec.stop_decoding(); return true; } bool decode_color_selectors() { const bool has_etc_color_blocks = m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC1 || m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC2 || m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC2A || m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC1S || m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC2AS; const bool has_subblocks = m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC1 || m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC2 || m_pHeader->m_format == cCRNFmtETC2A; m_codec.start_decoding(m_pData + m_pHeader->m_color_selectors.m_ofs, m_pHeader->m_color_selectors.m_size); static_huffman_data_model dm; m_codec.decode_receive_static_data_model(dm); m_color_selectors.resize(m_pHeader->m_color_selectors.m_num << (has_subblocks ? 1 : 0)); for (uint32 s = 0, i = 0; i < m_pHeader->m_color_selectors.m_num; i++) { for (uint32 j = 0; j < 32; j += 4) s ^= m_codec.decode(dm) << j; if (has_etc_color_blocks) { for (uint32 selector = (~s & 0xAAAAAAAA) | (~(s ^ s >> 1) & 0x55555555), t = 8, h = 0; h < 4; h++, t -= 15) { for (uint32 w = 0; w < 4; w++, t += 4) { if (has_subblocks) { uint32 s0 = selector >> (w << 3 | h << 1); m_color_selectors[i << 1] |= ((s0 >> 1 & 1) | (s0 & 1) << 16) << (t & 15); } uint32 s1 = selector >> (h << 3 | w << 1); m_color_selectors[has_subblocks ? i << 1 | 1 : i] |= ((s1 >> 1 & 1) | (s1 & 1) << 16) << (t & 15); } } } else { m_color_selectors[i] = ((s ^ s << 1) & 0xAAAAAAAA) | (s >> 1 & 0x55555555); } } m_codec.stop_decoding(); return true; } bool decode_alpha_endpoints() { const uint32 num_alpha_endpoints = m_pHeader->m_alpha_endpoints.m_num; if (!m_codec.start_decoding(m_pData + m_pHeader->m_alpha_endpoints.m_ofs, m_pHeader->m_alpha_endpoints.m_size)) return false; static_huffman_data_model dm; if (!m_codec.decode_receive_static_data_model(dm)) return false; if (!m_alpha_endpoints.resize(num_alpha_endpoints)) return false; uint16* CRND_RESTRICT pDst = &m_alpha_endpoints[0]; uint32 a = 0, b = 0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < num_alpha_endpoints; i++) { a = (a + m_codec.decode(dm)) & 255; b = (b + m_codec.decode(dm)) & 255; *pDst++ = (uint16)(a | (b << 8)); } m_codec.stop_decoding(); return true; } bool decode_alpha_selectors() { m_codec.start_decoding(m_pData + m_pHeader->m_alpha_selectors.m_ofs, m_pHeader->m_alpha_selectors.m_size); static_huffman_data_model dm; m_codec.decode_receive_static_data_model(dm); m_alpha_selectors.resize(m_pHeader->m_alpha_selectors.m_num * 3); uint8 dxt5_from_linear[64]; for (uint32 i = 0; i < 64; i++) dxt5_from_linear[i] = g_dxt5_from_linear[i & 7] | g_dxt5_from_linear[i >> 3] << 3; for (uint32 s0_linear = 0, s1_linear = 0, i = 0; i < m_alpha_selectors.size();) { uint32 s0 = 0, s1 = 0; for (uint32 j = 0; j < 24; s0 |= dxt5_from_linear[s0_linear >> j & 0x3F] << j, j += 6) s0_linear ^= m_codec.decode(dm) << j; for (uint32 j = 0; j < 24; s1 |= dxt5_from_linear[s1_linear >> j & 0x3F] << j, j += 6) s1_linear ^= m_codec.decode(dm) << j; m_alpha_selectors[i++] = s0; m_alpha_selectors[i++] = s0 >> 16 | s1 << 8; m_alpha_selectors[i++] = s1 >> 8; } m_codec.stop_decoding(); return true; } bool decode_alpha_selectors_etc() { m_codec.start_decoding(m_pData + m_pHeader->m_alpha_selectors.m_ofs, m_pHeader->m_alpha_selectors.m_size); static_huffman_data_model dm; m_codec.decode_receive_static_data_model(dm); m_alpha_selectors.resize(m_pHeader->m_alpha_selectors.m_num * 6); uint8 s_linear[8] = {}; uint8* data = (uint8*)m_alpha_selectors.begin(); for (uint i = 0; i < m_alpha_selectors.size(); i += 6, data += 12) { for (uint s_group = 0, p = 0; p < 16; p++) { s_group = p & 1 ? s_group >> 3 : s_linear[p >> 1] ^= m_codec.decode(dm); uint8 s = s_group & 7; if (s <= 3) s = 3 - s; uint8 d = 3 * (p + 1); uint8 byte_offset = d >> 3; uint8 bit_offset = d & 7; data[byte_offset] |= s << (8 - bit_offset); if (bit_offset < 3) data[byte_offset - 1] |= s >> bit_offset; d += 9 * ((p & 3) - (p >> 2)); byte_offset = d >> 3; bit_offset = d & 7; data[byte_offset + 6] |= s << (8 - bit_offset); if (bit_offset < 3) data[byte_offset + 5] |= s >> bit_offset; } } m_codec.stop_decoding(); return true; } bool decode_alpha_selectors_etcs() { m_codec.start_decoding(m_pData + m_pHeader->m_alpha_selectors.m_ofs, m_pHeader->m_alpha_selectors.m_size); static_huffman_data_model dm; m_codec.decode_receive_static_data_model(dm); m_alpha_selectors.resize(m_pHeader->m_alpha_selectors.m_num * 3); uint8 s_linear[8] = {}; uint8* data = (uint8*)m_alpha_selectors.begin(); for (uint i = 0; i < (m_alpha_selectors.size() << 1); i += 6) { for (uint s_group = 0, p = 0; p < 16; p++) { s_group = p & 1 ? s_group >> 3 : s_linear[p >> 1] ^= m_codec.decode(dm); uint8 s = s_group & 7; if (s <= 3) s = 3 - s; uint8 d = 3 * (p + 1) + 9 * ((p & 3) - (p >> 2)); uint8 byte_offset = d >> 3; uint8 bit_offset = d & 7; data[i + byte_offset] |= s << (8 - bit_offset); if (bit_offset < 3) data[i + byte_offset - 1] |= s >> bit_offset; } } m_codec.stop_decoding(); return true; } static inline uint32 tiled_offset_2d_outer(uint32 y, uint32 AlignedWidth, uint32 LogBpp) { uint32 Macro = ((y >> 5) * (AlignedWidth >> 5)) << (LogBpp + 7); uint32 Micro = ((y & 6) << 2) << LogBpp; return Macro + ((Micro & ~15) << 1) + (Micro & 15) + ((y & 8) << (3 + LogBpp)) + ((y & 1) << 4); } static inline uint32 tiled_offset_2d_inner(uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 LogBpp, uint32 BaseOffset) { uint32 Macro = (x >> 5) << (LogBpp + 7); uint32 Micro = (x & 7) << LogBpp; uint32 Offset = BaseOffset + Macro + ((Micro & ~15) << 1) + (Micro & 15); return ((Offset & ~511) << 3) + ((Offset & 448) << 2) + (Offset & 63) + ((y & 16) << 7) + (((((y & 8) >> 2) + (x >> 3)) & 3) << 6); } static inline void limit(uint& x, uint n) { int v = x - n; int msk = (v >> 31); x = (x & msk) | (v & ~msk); } bool unpack_dxt1(uint8** pDst, uint32 output_pitch_in_bytes, uint32 output_width, uint32 output_height) { const uint32 num_color_endpoints = m_color_endpoints.size(); const uint32 width = output_width + 1 & ~1; const uint32 height = output_height + 1 & ~1; const int32 delta_pitch_in_dwords = (output_pitch_in_bytes >> 2) - (width << 1); if (m_block_buffer.size() < width) m_block_buffer.resize(width); uint32 color_endpoint_index = 0; uint8 reference_group = 0; for (uint32 f = 0; f < m_pHeader->m_faces; f++) { uint32* pData = (uint32*)pDst[f]; for (uint32 y = 0; y < height; y++, pData += delta_pitch_in_dwords) { bool visible = y < output_height; for (uint32 x = 0; x < width; x++, pData += 2) { visible = visible && x < output_width; if (!(y & 1) && !(x & 1)) reference_group = m_codec.decode(m_reference_encoding_dm); block_buffer_element &buffer = m_block_buffer[x]; uint8 endpoint_reference; if (y & 1) { endpoint_reference = buffer.endpoint_reference; } else { endpoint_reference = reference_group & 3; reference_group >>= 2; buffer.endpoint_reference = reference_group & 3; reference_group >>= 2; } if (!endpoint_reference) { color_endpoint_index += m_codec.decode(m_endpoint_delta_dm[0]); if (color_endpoint_index >= num_color_endpoints) color_endpoint_index -= num_color_endpoints; buffer.color_endpoint_index = color_endpoint_index; } else if (endpoint_reference == 1) { buffer.color_endpoint_index = color_endpoint_index; } else { color_endpoint_index = buffer.color_endpoint_index; } uint32 color_selector_index = m_codec.decode(m_selector_delta_dm[0]); if (visible) { pData[0] = m_color_endpoints[color_endpoint_index]; pData[1] = m_color_selectors[color_selector_index]; } } } } return true; } bool unpack_dxt5(uint8** pDst, uint32 row_pitch_in_bytes, uint32 output_width, uint32 output_height) { const uint32 num_color_endpoints = m_color_endpoints.size(); const uint32 num_alpha_endpoints = m_alpha_endpoints.size(); const uint32 width = output_width + 1 & ~1; const uint32 height = output_height + 1 & ~1; const int32 delta_pitch_in_dwords = (row_pitch_in_bytes >> 2) - (width << 2); if (m_block_buffer.size() < width) m_block_buffer.resize(width); uint32 color_endpoint_index = 0; uint32 alpha0_endpoint_index = 0; uint8 reference_group = 0; for (uint32 f = 0; f < m_pHeader->m_faces; f++) { uint32* pData = (uint32*)pDst[f]; for (uint32 y = 0; y < height; y++, pData += delta_pitch_in_dwords) { bool visible = y < output_height; for (uint32 x = 0; x < width; x++, pData += 4) { visible = visible && x < output_width; if (!(y & 1) && !(x & 1)) reference_group = m_codec.decode(m_reference_encoding_dm); block_buffer_element &buffer = m_block_buffer[x]; uint8 endpoint_reference; if (y & 1) { endpoint_reference = buffer.endpoint_reference; } else { endpoint_reference = reference_group & 3; reference_group >>= 2; buffer.endpoint_reference = reference_group & 3; reference_group >>= 2; } if (!endpoint_reference) { color_endpoint_index += m_codec.decode(m_endpoint_delta_dm[0]); if (color_endpoint_index >= num_color_endpoints) color_endpoint_index -= num_color_endpoints; buffer.color_endpoint_index = color_endpoint_index; alpha0_endpoint_index += m_codec.decode(m_endpoint_delta_dm[1]); if (alpha0_endpoint_index >= num_alpha_endpoints) alpha0_endpoint_index -= num_alpha_endpoints; buffer.alpha0_endpoint_index = alpha0_endpoint_index; } else if (endpoint_reference == 1) { buffer.color_endpoint_index = color_endpoint_index; buffer.alpha0_endpoint_index = alpha0_endpoint_index; } else { color_endpoint_index = buffer.color_endpoint_index; alpha0_endpoint_index = buffer.alpha0_endpoint_index; } uint32 color_selector_index = m_codec.decode(m_selector_delta_dm[0]); uint32 alpha0_selector_index = m_codec.decode(m_selector_delta_dm[1]); if (visible) { const uint16* pAlpha0_selectors = &m_alpha_selectors[alpha0_selector_index * 3]; pData[0] = m_alpha_endpoints[alpha0_endpoint_index] | (pAlpha0_selectors[0] << 16); pData[1] = pAlpha0_selectors[1] | (pAlpha0_selectors[2] << 16); pData[2] = m_color_endpoints[color_endpoint_index]; pData[3] = m_color_selectors[color_selector_index]; } } } } return true; } bool unpack_dxn(uint8** pDst, uint32 row_pitch_in_bytes, uint32 output_width, uint32 output_height) { const uint32 num_alpha_endpoints = m_alpha_endpoints.size(); const uint32 width = output_width + 1 & ~1; const uint32 height = output_height + 1 & ~1; const int32 delta_pitch_in_dwords = (row_pitch_in_bytes >> 2) - (width << 2); if (m_block_buffer.size() < width) m_block_buffer.resize(width); uint32 alpha0_endpoint_index = 0; uint32 alpha1_endpoint_index = 0; uint8 reference_group = 0; for (uint32 f = 0; f < m_pHeader->m_faces; f++) { uint32* pData = (uint32*)pDst[f]; for (uint32 y = 0; y < height; y++, pData += delta_pitch_in_dwords) { bool visible = y < output_height; for (uint32 x = 0; x < width; x++, pData += 4) { visible = visible && x < output_width; if (!(y & 1) && !(x & 1)) reference_group = m_codec.decode(m_reference_encoding_dm); block_buffer_element &buffer = m_block_buffer[x]; uint8 endpoint_reference; if (y & 1) { endpoint_reference = buffer.endpoint_reference; } else { endpoint_reference = reference_group & 3; reference_group >>= 2; buffer.endpoint_reference = reference_group & 3; reference_group >>= 2; } if (!endpoint_reference) { alpha0_endpoint_index += m_codec.decode(m_endpoint_delta_dm[1]); if (alpha0_endpoint_index >= num_alpha_endpoints) alpha0_endpoint_index -= num_alpha_endpoints; buffer.alpha0_endpoint_index = alpha0_endpoint_index; alpha1_endpoint_index += m_codec.decode(m_endpoint_delta_dm[1]); if (alpha1_endpoint_index >= num_alpha_endpoints) alpha1_endpoint_index -= num_alpha_endpoints; buffer.alpha1_endpoint_index = alpha1_endpoint_index; } else if (endpoint_reference == 1) { buffer.alpha0_endpoint_index = alpha0_endpoint_index; buffer.alpha1_endpoint_index = alpha1_endpoint_index; } else { alpha0_endpoint_index = buffer.alpha0_endpoint_index; alpha1_endpoint_index = buffer.alpha1_endpoint_index; } uint32 alpha0_selector_index = m_codec.decode(m_selector_delta_dm[1]); uint32 alpha1_selector_index = m_codec.decode(m_selector_delta_dm[1]); if (visible) { const uint16* pAlpha0_selectors = &m_alpha_selectors[alpha0_selector_index * 3]; const uint16* pAlpha1_selectors = &m_alpha_selectors[alpha1_selector_index * 3]; pData[0] = m_alpha_endpoints[alpha0_endpoint_index] | (pAlpha0_selectors[0] << 16); pData[1] = pAlpha0_selectors[1] | (pAlpha0_selectors[2] << 16); pData[2] = m_alpha_endpoints[alpha1_endpoint_index] | (pAlpha1_selectors[0] << 16); pData[3] = pAlpha1_selectors[1] | (pAlpha1_selectors[2] << 16); } } } } return true; } bool unpack_dxt5a(uint8** pDst, uint32 row_pitch_in_bytes, uint32 output_width, uint32 output_height) { const uint32 num_alpha_endpoints = m_alpha_endpoints.size(); const uint32 width = output_width + 1 & ~1; const uint32 height = output_height + 1 & ~1; const int32 delta_pitch_in_dwords = (row_pitch_in_bytes >> 2) - (width << 1); if (m_block_buffer.size() < width) m_block_buffer.resize(width); uint32 alpha0_endpoint_index = 0; uint8 reference_group = 0; for (uint32 f = 0; f < m_pHeader->m_faces; f++) { uint32* pData = (uint32*)pDst[f]; for (uint32 y = 0; y < height; y++, pData += delta_pitch_in_dwords) { bool visible = y < output_height; for (uint32 x = 0; x < width; x++, pData += 2) { visible = visible && x < output_width; if (!(y & 1) && !(x & 1)) reference_group = m_codec.decode(m_reference_encoding_dm); block_buffer_element &buffer = m_block_buffer[x]; uint8 endpoint_reference; if (y & 1) { endpoint_reference = buffer.endpoint_reference; } else { endpoint_reference = reference_group & 3; reference_group >>= 2; buffer.endpoint_reference = reference_group & 3; reference_group >>= 2; } if (!endpoint_reference) { alpha0_endpoint_index += m_codec.decode(m_endpoint_delta_dm[1]); if (alpha0_endpoint_index >= num_alpha_endpoints) alpha0_endpoint_index -= num_alpha_endpoints; buffer.alpha0_endpoint_index = alpha0_endpoint_index; } else if (endpoint_reference == 1) { buffer.alpha0_endpoint_index = alpha0_endpoint_index; } else { alpha0_endpoint_index = buffer.alpha0_endpoint_index; } uint32 alpha0_selector_index = m_codec.decode(m_selector_delta_dm[1]); if (visible) { const uint16* pAlpha0_selectors = &m_alpha_selectors[alpha0_selector_index * 3]; pData[0] = m_alpha_endpoints[alpha0_endpoint_index] | (pAlpha0_selectors[0] << 16); pData[1] = pAlpha0_selectors[1] | (pAlpha0_selectors[2] << 16); } } } } return true; } bool unpack_etc1(uint8** pDst, uint32 output_pitch_in_bytes, uint32 output_width, uint32 output_height) { const uint32 num_color_endpoints = m_color_endpoints.size(); const uint32 width = output_width + 1 & ~1; const uint32 height = output_height + 1 & ~1; const int32 delta_pitch_in_dwords = (output_pitch_in_bytes >> 2) - (width << 1); if (m_block_buffer.size() < width << 1) m_block_buffer.resize(width << 1); uint32 color_endpoint_index = 0, diagonal_color_endpoint_index = 0; uint8 reference_group = 0; for (uint32 f = 0; f < m_pHeader->m_faces; f++) { uint32* pData = (uint32*)pDst[f]; for (uint32 y = 0; y < height; y++, pData += delta_pitch_in_dwords) { bool visible = y < output_height; for (uint32 x = 0; x < width; x++, pData += 2) { visible = visible && x < output_width; block_buffer_element &buffer = m_block_buffer[x << 1]; uint8 endpoint_reference, block_endpoint[4], e0[4], e1[4]; if (y & 1) { endpoint_reference = buffer.endpoint_reference; } else { reference_group = m_codec.decode(m_reference_encoding_dm); endpoint_reference = (reference_group & 3) | (reference_group >> 2 & 12); buffer.endpoint_reference = (reference_group >> 2 & 3) | (reference_group >> 4 & 12); } if (!(endpoint_reference & 3)) { color_endpoint_index += m_codec.decode(m_endpoint_delta_dm[0]); if (color_endpoint_index >= num_color_endpoints) color_endpoint_index -= num_color_endpoints; buffer.color_endpoint_index = color_endpoint_index; } else if ((endpoint_reference & 3) == 1) { buffer.color_endpoint_index = color_endpoint_index; } else if ((endpoint_reference & 3) == 3) { buffer.color_endpoint_index = color_endpoint_index = diagonal_color_endpoint_index; } else { color_endpoint_index = buffer.color_endpoint_index; } endpoint_reference >>= 2; *(uint32*)&e0 = m_color_endpoints[color_endpoint_index]; uint32 selector_index = m_codec.decode(m_selector_delta_dm[0]); if (endpoint_reference) { color_endpoint_index += m_codec.decode(m_endpoint_delta_dm[0]); if (color_endpoint_index >= num_color_endpoints) color_endpoint_index -= num_color_endpoints; } diagonal_color_endpoint_index = m_block_buffer[x << 1 | 1].color_endpoint_index; m_block_buffer[x << 1 | 1].color_endpoint_index = color_endpoint_index; *(uint32*)&e1 = m_color_endpoints[color_endpoint_index]; if (visible) { uint32 flip = endpoint_reference >> 1 ^ 1, diff = 1; for (uint c = 0; diff && c < 3; c++) diff = e0[c] + 3 >= e1[c] && e1[c] + 4 >= e0[c] ? diff : 0; for (uint c = 0; c < 3; c++) block_endpoint[c] = diff ? e0[c] << 3 | ((e1[c] - e0[c]) & 7) : (e0[c] << 3 & 0xF0) | e1[c] >> 1; block_endpoint[3] = e0[3] << 5 | e1[3] << 2 | diff << 1 | flip; pData[0] = *(uint32*)&block_endpoint; pData[1] = m_color_selectors[selector_index << 1 | flip]; } } } } return true; } bool unpack_etc2a(uint8** pDst, uint32 output_pitch_in_bytes, uint32 output_width, uint32 output_height) { const uint32 num_color_endpoints = m_color_endpoints.size(); const uint32 num_alpha_endpoints = m_alpha_endpoints.size(); const uint32 width = output_width + 1 & ~1; const uint32 height = output_height + 1 & ~1; const int32 delta_pitch_in_dwords = (output_pitch_in_bytes >> 2) - (width << 2); if (m_block_buffer.size() < width << 1) m_block_buffer.resize(width << 1); uint32 color_endpoint_index = 0, diagonal_color_endpoint_index = 0, alpha0_endpoint_index = 0, diagonal_alpha0_endpoint_index = 0; uint8 reference_group = 0; for (uint32 f = 0; f < m_pHeader->m_faces; f++) { uint32* pData = (uint32*)pDst[f]; for (uint32 y = 0; y < height; y++, pData += delta_pitch_in_dwords) { bool visible = y < output_height; for (uint32 x = 0; x < width; x++, pData += 4) { visible = visible && x < output_width; block_buffer_element &buffer = m_block_buffer[x << 1]; uint8 endpoint_reference, block_endpoint[4], e0[4], e1[4]; if (y & 1) { endpoint_reference = buffer.endpoint_reference; } else { reference_group = m_codec.decode(m_reference_encoding_dm); endpoint_reference = (reference_group & 3) | (reference_group >> 2 & 12); buffer.endpoint_reference = (reference_group >> 2 & 3) | (reference_group >> 4 & 12); } if (!(endpoint_reference & 3)) { color_endpoint_index += m_codec.decode(m_endpoint_delta_dm[0]); if (color_endpoint_index >= num_color_endpoints) color_endpoint_index -= num_color_endpoints; alpha0_endpoint_index += m_codec.decode(m_endpoint_delta_dm[1]); if (alpha0_endpoint_index >= num_alpha_endpoints) alpha0_endpoint_index -= num_alpha_endpoints; buffer.color_endpoint_index = color_endpoint_index; buffer.alpha0_endpoint_index = alpha0_endpoint_index; } else if ((endpoint_reference & 3) == 1) { buffer.color_endpoint_index = color_endpoint_index; buffer.alpha0_endpoint_index = alpha0_endpoint_index; } else if ((endpoint_reference & 3) == 3) { buffer.color_endpoint_index = color_endpoint_index = diagonal_color_endpoint_index; buffer.alpha0_endpoint_index = alpha0_endpoint_index = diagonal_alpha0_endpoint_index; } else { color_endpoint_index = buffer.color_endpoint_index; alpha0_endpoint_index = buffer.alpha0_endpoint_index; } endpoint_reference >>= 2; *(uint32*)&e0 = m_color_endpoints[color_endpoint_index]; uint32 color_selector_index = m_codec.decode(m_selector_delta_dm[0]); uint32 alpha0_selector_index = m_codec.decode(m_selector_delta_dm[1]); if (endpoint_reference) { color_endpoint_index += m_codec.decode(m_endpoint_delta_dm[0]); if (color_endpoint_index >= num_color_endpoints) color_endpoint_index -= num_color_endpoints; } *(uint32*)&e1 = m_color_endpoints[color_endpoint_index]; diagonal_color_endpoint_index = m_block_buffer[x << 1 | 1].color_endpoint_index; diagonal_alpha0_endpoint_index = m_block_buffer[x << 1 | 1].alpha0_endpoint_index; m_block_buffer[x << 1 | 1].color_endpoint_index = color_endpoint_index; m_block_buffer[x << 1 | 1].alpha0_endpoint_index = alpha0_endpoint_index; if (visible) { uint32 flip = endpoint_reference >> 1 ^ 1, diff = 1; for (uint c = 0; diff && c < 3; c++) diff = e0[c] + 3 >= e1[c] && e1[c] + 4 >= e0[c] ? diff : 0; for (uint c = 0; c < 3; c++) block_endpoint[c] = diff ? e0[c] << 3 | ((e1[c] - e0[c]) & 7) : (e0[c] << 3 & 0xF0) | e1[c] >> 1; block_endpoint[3] = e0[3] << 5 | e1[3] << 2 | diff << 1 | flip; const uint16* pAlpha0_selectors = &m_alpha_selectors[alpha0_selector_index * 6 + (flip ? 3 : 0)]; pData[0] = m_alpha_endpoints[alpha0_endpoint_index] | pAlpha0_selectors[0] << 16; pData[1] = pAlpha0_selectors[1] | pAlpha0_selectors[2] << 16; pData[2] = *(uint32*)&block_endpoint; pData[3] = m_color_selectors[color_selector_index << 1 | flip]; } } } } return true; } }; crnd_unpack_context crnd_unpack_begin(const void* pData, uint32 data_size) { if ((!pData) || (data_size < cCRNHeaderMinSize)) return NULL; crn_unpacker* p = crnd_new(); if (!p) return NULL; if (!p->init(pData, data_size)) { crnd_delete(p); return NULL; } return p; } bool crnd_get_data(crnd_unpack_context pContext, const void** ppData, uint32* pData_size) { if (!pContext) return false; crn_unpacker* pUnpacker = static_cast(pContext); if (!pUnpacker->is_valid()) return false; if (ppData) *ppData = pUnpacker->get_data(); if (pData_size) *pData_size = pUnpacker->get_data_size(); return true; } bool crnd_unpack_level( crnd_unpack_context pContext, void** pDst, uint32 dst_size_in_bytes, uint32 row_pitch_in_bytes, uint32 level_index) { if ((!pContext) || (!pDst) || (dst_size_in_bytes < 8U) || (level_index >= cCRNMaxLevels)) return false; crn_unpacker* pUnpacker = static_cast(pContext); if (!pUnpacker->is_valid()) return false; return pUnpacker->unpack_level(pDst, dst_size_in_bytes, row_pitch_in_bytes, level_index); } bool crnd_unpack_level_segmented( crnd_unpack_context pContext, const void* pSrc, uint32 src_size_in_bytes, void** pDst, uint32 dst_size_in_bytes, uint32 row_pitch_in_bytes, uint32 level_index) { if ((!pContext) || (!pSrc) || (!pDst) || (dst_size_in_bytes < 8U) || (level_index >= cCRNMaxLevels)) return false; crn_unpacker* pUnpacker = static_cast(pContext); if (!pUnpacker->is_valid()) return false; return pUnpacker->unpack_level(pSrc, src_size_in_bytes, pDst, dst_size_in_bytes, row_pitch_in_bytes, level_index); } bool crnd_unpack_end(crnd_unpack_context pContext) { if (!pContext) return false; crn_unpacker* pUnpacker = static_cast(pContext); if (!pUnpacker->is_valid()) return false; crnd_delete(pUnpacker); return true; } } // namespace unitycrnd #endif // CRND_INCLUDE_CRND_H //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // crn_decomp.h uses the ZLIB license: // http://opensource.org/licenses/Zlib // // Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Richard Geldreich, Jr. and Binomial LLC // // This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied // warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages // arising from the use of this software. // // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, // including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it // freely, subject to the following restrictions: // // 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not // claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software // in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be // appreciated but is not required. // // 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be // misrepresented as being the original software. // // 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------