AssetStudio/Unity Studio/Mesh.cs

1041 lines
48 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
/*Notes about handedness
Converting from left-handed to right-handed and vice versa requires either:
a) swapping any 2 axes
b) flipping any 1 axis
c) any odd combinations of a&b
An even number of combinations will result in the same handedness, but in a different perspective.
Also, rotating the axes is just that, the same handedness in a different system.
Y-up or Z-up are not requirements OR defining characteristics of a handedness, they are just common that way.
Unity is left-handed with Y-up
Aircraft View
Y Top Y Up
| |
| Z Nose |
| / |
| / |
+--------X X--------+
Right to the \
left \
Z towards viewer
3ds Max is right-handed with Z up
Aircraft View
Z Top Z Up (Viewcube Top)
| |
| (-Y) Nose away Y |
| / from \ |
| / viewer \ |
+--------(-X) (VC Back) +--------X to the right
Right (Viewcube Right)
FBX and Maya are both right-handed but with Y up! (90 degree rotation on X = samme handedness)
Aircraft View
Y Top Y Up (Viewcube Top)
| |
| Z Nose |
| / |
| / |
+--------(-X) +--------X to the right
Right \ (Viewcube Right)
Z towards viewer
(Viewcube Front)
Exporting FBX from Max, vertex components are ALWAYS written as they are in max: X Y Z.
The Axis option only affects GlobalSettings and PreRotation in the FBX file.
"Z-up" option:
UpAxis=2,Sign=1 <=> ViewCube Up = FBX vertex[2] <=> Max Z = FBX Z <=> Maya Y = FBX Z
FrontAxis=1,Sign=-1 <=> ViewCube -Front = FBX v[1] <=> Max -(-Y) = FBX Y <=> Maya -Z = FBX Y
CoordAxis=0,Sign=1 <=> ViewCube Right = FBX v[0] <=> Max X = FBX X <=> Maya X = FBX X
no PreRotation
"Y-up" option:
UpAxis=1,Sign=1 <=> ViewCube Up = FBX vertex[1] <=> Max Z = FBX Y <=> Maya Y = FBX Y
FrontAxis=2,Sign=1 <=> ViewCube Front = FBX v[2] <=> Max -Y = FBX Z <=> Maya Z = FBX Z
CoordAxis=0,Sign=1 <=> ViewCube Right = FBX v[0] <=> Max X = FBX X <=> Maya X = FBX X
PreRotation -90,0,0 to bring Original Up (FBX Z) to ViewCube Up when importing
PreRotation means only the geometry is rotated locally around pivot before applying other modifiers. It is "invisible" to the user.
Importing FBX in Unity, Axis settings and PreRotations are ignored.
They probably ignore them because the order of vertex components is always the same in FBX, and Unity axes never change orientation (as opposed to Max-Maya).
Vertex components are loaded as follows:
Unity Up(Y) = FBX Y
Unity Front(Z) = FBX Z
Unity Left(X) = FBX -X
Technically, this is a correct handedness conversion, but to a different system, because the model is not properly oriented (plane nose is down).
So Unity adds a -90 degree rotation, similar to the FBX PreRotation, to bring the nose to Front(Z).
Except it does it as a regular rotation, and combines it with any other rotations in the Transform asset.
Converting from Unity back to FBX, the same vertex conversion cannot be applied because we have to take into account the rotation.
Option 0: convert vertices and transformations as -X,Y,Z and set FBX option to Y-up without PreRotation!
the result will be Max Z = FBX Y, Max -Y = FBX Z, Max X = FBX X => final order -X -Z Y
Option 1: convert vertices and transformations as -X,-Z,Y and set FBX options as "Z-up".
The -90 rotation exported from Unity will bring the model in correct orientation.
Option 2: convert vertices and transformations as -X,-Y,-Z, add -90 PreRotation to every Mesh Node and set FBX options as "Y-up".
The -90 rotation from Unity plus the -90 PreRotation will bring the model in correct orientation.
Remember though that the PreRotation is baked into the Geometry.
But since the -90 rotation from Unity is a regular type, it will show up in the modifier in both cases.
Also, re-importing this FBX in Unity will now produce a (-90)+(-90)=-180 rotation.
This is an unfortunate eyesore, but nothing more, the orientation will be fine.
In theory, one could add +90 degrees rotation to GameObjects that link to Mesh assets (but not other types) and use a different conversion for vertex components.
The problem is you can never know where the Unity mesh originated from. If it came from a left-handed format such as OBJ, there wouldn't have been any conversion and it wouldn't have that -90 degree adjustment.
So it would "fix" meshes that were originally sourced form FBX, but would still have the "extra" rotation in mehses sourced from left-handed formats.
namespace Unity_Studio
public class Mesh
private EndianStream a_Stream;
public string m_Name;
public List<SubMesh> m_SubMeshes = new List<SubMesh>();
public List<uint> m_Indices = new List<uint>(); //use a list because I don't always know the facecount for triangle strips
public List<int> m_materialIDs = new List<int>();
public uint m_VertexCount;
private ChannelInfo[] m_Channels;
private StreamInfo[] m_Streams;
private uint[] m_IndexBuffer;
public float[] m_Vertices;
public float[] m_Normals;
public float[] m_Colors;
public float[] m_UV1;
public float[] m_UV2;
public float[] m_Tangents;
public class SubMesh
public uint firstByte;
public uint indexCount;
public int topology;
public uint triangleCount;
public uint firstVertex;
public uint vertexCount;
public class ChannelInfo
public byte stream;
public byte offset;
public byte format;
public byte dimension;
public class StreamInfo
public BitArray channelMask;
public int offset;
public int stride;
public uint align; //3.5.0 - 3.5.7
public byte dividerOp; //4.0.0 and later
public ushort frequency;
public class PackedBitVector
public uint m_NumItems;
public float m_Range = 1.0f;
public float m_Start = 0.0f;
public byte[] m_Data;
public byte m_BitSize;
public float bytesToFloat (byte[] inputBytes)
float result = 0;
if (a_Stream.endian == EndianType.BigEndian) { Array.Reverse(inputBytes); }
switch (inputBytes.Length)
case 1:
result = (float)inputBytes[0] / 255.0f;
case 2:
result = Half.ToHalf(inputBytes, 0);
case 4:
result = BitConverter.ToSingle(inputBytes, 0);
return result;
public uint[] UnpackBitVector (PackedBitVector pakData)
uint[] unpackedVectors = new uint[pakData.m_NumItems];
//int bitmax = 0;//used to convert int value to float
//for (int b = 0; b < pakData.m_BitSize; b++) { bitmax |= (1 << b); }
//the lazy way
//split data into groups of "aligned" bytes i.e. 8 packed values per group
//I could calculate optimized group size based on BitSize, but this is the lazy way
if (pakData.m_BitSize == 0)
pakData.m_BitSize = (byte)((pakData.m_Data.Length * 8) / pakData.m_NumItems);
//don't know, don't care
int groupSize = pakData.m_BitSize; //bitSize * 8 values / 8 bits
byte[] group = new byte[groupSize];
int groupCount = (int)(pakData.m_NumItems / 8);
for (int g = 0; g < groupCount; g++)
Buffer.BlockCopy(pakData.m_Data, g * groupSize, group, 0, groupSize);
BitArray groupBits = new BitArray(group);
for (int v = 0; v < 8; v++)
BitArray valueBits = new BitArray(new Boolean[pakData.m_BitSize]);
for (int b = 0; b < pakData.m_BitSize; b++)
valueBits.Set(b, groupBits.Get(b + v * pakData.m_BitSize));
var valueArr = new int[1];
valueBits.CopyTo(valueArr, 0);
//unpackedVectors[v + g * 8] = (float)(valueArr[0] / bitmax) * pakData.m_Range + pakData.m_Start;
//valueBits.CopyTo(unpackedVectors, v + g * 8);//doesn't work with uint[]
unpackedVectors[v + g * 8] = (uint)valueArr[0];
//m_NumItems is not necessarily a multiple of 8, so there can be one extra group with fewer values
int endBytes = pakData.m_Data.Length - groupCount * groupSize;
int endVal = (int)(pakData.m_NumItems - groupCount * 8);
if (endBytes > 0)
Buffer.BlockCopy(pakData.m_Data, groupCount * groupSize, group, 0, endBytes);
BitArray groupBits = new BitArray(group);
for (int v = 0; v < endVal; v++)
BitArray valueBits = new BitArray(new Boolean[pakData.m_BitSize]);
for (int b = 0; b < pakData.m_BitSize; b++)
valueBits.Set(b, groupBits.Get(b + v * pakData.m_BitSize));
var valueArr = new int[1];
valueBits.CopyTo(valueArr, 0);
//unpackedVectors[v + groupCount * 8] = (float)(valueArr[0] / bitmax) * pakData.m_Range + pakData.m_Start;
//valueBits.CopyTo(unpackedVectors, v + groupCount * 8);
unpackedVectors[v + groupCount * 8] = (uint)valueArr[0];
//the hard way
//compute bit position in m_Data for each value
/*byte[] value = new byte[4] { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
int byteCount = pakData.m_BitSize / 8;//bytes in single value
int bitCount = pakData.m_BitSize % 8;
for (int v = 0; v < pakData.m_NumItems; v++)
if ((bitCount * v) % 8 == 0) //bitstream is "aligned"
{//does this make sense if I'm gonna compute unaligned anywhay?
for (int b = 0; b < byteCount; b++)
value[b] = pakData.m_Data[b + v * (byteCount+1)];
if (byteCount < 4) //shouldn't it be always?
byte lastByte = pakData.m_Data[bitCount * v / 8];
for (int b = 0; b < bitCount; b++)//no
//set bit in val[byteCount+1]
//god knows
unpackedVectors[v] = BitConverter.ToSingle(value, 0);
//first I split the data into byte-aligned arrays
//too complicated to calculate group size each time
//then no point in dividing?
/*int groupSize = byteCount + (bitCount + 7)/8;
int groups = pakData.m_Data.Length / groupSize;
int valPerGr = (int)(pakData.m_NumItems / groups);
byte[] group = new byte[groupSize];
for (int g = 0; g < groups; g++)
Buffer.BlockCopy(pakData.m_Data, g * groupSize, group, 0, groupSize);
for (int v = 0; v < valPerGr; v++)
unpackedVectors[v + g * valPerGr] = BitConverter.ToSingle(value, 0);
//m_Data size is not necessarily a multiple of align, so there can be one extra group with fewer values
int lastBytes = pakData.m_Data.Length % groupSize;
int lastVal = (int)(pakData.m_NumItems - groups * valPerGr);
if (lastBytes > 0)
Buffer.BlockCopy(pakData.m_Data, groups * groupSize, group, 0, lastBytes);
for (int v = 0; v < lastVal; v++)
unpackedVectors[v + groups * valPerGr] = BitConverter.ToSingle(value, 0);
return unpackedVectors;
public Mesh(AssetPreloadData MeshPD)
//Stream = new EndianStream(File.OpenRead(sourceFile.filePath), sourceFile.endianType);
//Stream.endian = sourceFile.endianType;
var version = MeshPD.sourceFile.version;
a_Stream = MeshPD.sourceFile.a_Stream;
a_Stream.Position = MeshPD.Offset;
bool m_Use16BitIndices = true; //3.5.0 and newer always uses 16bit indices
uint m_MeshCompression = 0;
if (MeshPD.sourceFile.platform == -2)
uint m_ObjectHideFlags = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
PPtr m_PrefabParentObject = MeshPD.sourceFile.ReadPPtr();
PPtr m_PrefabInternal = MeshPD.sourceFile.ReadPPtr();
m_Name = a_Stream.ReadAlignedString(a_Stream.ReadInt32());
if (version[0] < 3 || (version[0] == 3 && version[1] < 5))
m_Use16BitIndices = a_Stream.ReadBoolean();
a_Stream.Position += 3;
#region Index Buffer for 2.5.1 and earlier
if (version[0] == 2 && version[1] <= 5)
int m_IndexBuffer_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
if (m_Use16BitIndices)
m_IndexBuffer = new uint[m_IndexBuffer_size / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < m_IndexBuffer_size / 2; i++) { m_IndexBuffer[i] = a_Stream.ReadUInt16(); }
m_IndexBuffer = new uint[m_IndexBuffer_size / 4];
for (int i = 0; i < m_IndexBuffer_size / 4; i++) { m_IndexBuffer[i] = a_Stream.ReadUInt32(); }
int m_SubMeshes_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
for (int s = 0; s < m_SubMeshes_size; s++)
m_SubMeshes.Add(new SubMesh());
m_SubMeshes[s].firstByte = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
m_SubMeshes[s].indexCount = a_Stream.ReadUInt32(); //what is this in case of triangle strips?
m_SubMeshes[s].topology = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); //isTriStrip
if (version[0] < 4)
m_SubMeshes[s].triangleCount = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
if (version[0] >= 3)
m_SubMeshes[s].firstVertex = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
m_SubMeshes[s].vertexCount = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
a_Stream.Position += 24; //Axis-Aligned Bounding Box
#region m_Shapes for 4.1.0 and later, excluding 4.1.0 alpha
if (version [0] >= 5 || (version[0] == 4 && (version[1] > 1 || (version[1] == 1 && MeshPD.sourceFile.buildType[0] != "a"))))
if (version[0] == 4 && version[1] <= 2) //4.1.0f4 - 4.2.2f1
int m_Shapes_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
if (m_Shapes_size > 0)
bool stop = true;
for (int s = 0; s < m_Shapes_size; s++) //untested
string shape_name = a_Stream.ReadAlignedString(a_Stream.ReadInt32());
a_Stream.Position += 36; //uint firstVertex, vertexCount; Vector3f aabbMinDelta, aabbMaxDelta; bool hasNormals, hasTangents
int m_ShapeVertices_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
a_Stream.Position += m_ShapeVertices_size * 40; //vertex positions, normals, tangents & uint index
else //4.3.0 and later
int m_ShapeVertices_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
a_Stream.Position += m_ShapeVertices_size * 40; //vertex positions, normals, tangents & uint index
int shapes_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
a_Stream.Position += shapes_size * 12; //uint firstVertex, vertexCount; bool hasNormals, hasTangents
int channels_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
for (int c = 0; c < channels_size; c++)
string channel_name = a_Stream.ReadAlignedString(a_Stream.ReadInt32());
a_Stream.Position += 12; //uint nameHash; int frameIndex, frameCount
int fullWeights_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
a_Stream.Position += fullWeights_size * 4; //floats
int m_BindPose_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
a_Stream.Position += m_BindPose_size * 16 * 4; //matrix 4x4
int m_BoneNameHashes_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
a_Stream.Position += m_BoneNameHashes_size * 4; //uints
uint m_RootBoneNameHash = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
#region Index Buffer for 2.6.0 and later
if (version[0] >= 3 || (version[0] == 2 && version[1] >= 6))
m_MeshCompression = a_Stream.ReadByte();
if (version[0] >= 4)
if (version[0] < 5) { uint m_StreamCompression = a_Stream.ReadByte(); }
bool m_IsReadable = a_Stream.ReadBoolean();
bool m_KeepVertices = a_Stream.ReadBoolean();
bool m_KeepIndices = a_Stream.ReadBoolean();
int m_IndexBuffer_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
if (m_Use16BitIndices)
m_IndexBuffer = new uint[m_IndexBuffer_size / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < m_IndexBuffer_size / 2; i++) { m_IndexBuffer[i] = a_Stream.ReadUInt16(); }
m_IndexBuffer = new uint[m_IndexBuffer_size / 4];
for (int i = 0; i < m_IndexBuffer_size / 4; i++) { m_IndexBuffer[i] = a_Stream.ReadUInt32(); }
#region Vertex Buffer for 3.4.2 and earlier
if (version[0] < 3 || (version[0] == 3 && version[1] < 5))
m_VertexCount = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
m_Vertices = new float[m_VertexCount * 3];
for (int v = 0; v < m_VertexCount * 3; v++) { m_Vertices[v] = a_Stream.ReadSingle(); }
int m_Skin_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
a_Stream.Position += m_Skin_size * 32; //4x float weights & 4x int boneIndices
int m_BindPose_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
a_Stream.Position += m_BindPose_size * 16 * 4; //matrix 4x4
int m_UV1_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
m_UV1 = new float[m_UV1_size * 2];
for (int v = 0; v < m_UV1_size * 2; v++) { m_UV1[v] = a_Stream.ReadSingle(); }
int m_UV2_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
m_UV2 = new float[m_UV2_size * 2];
for (int v = 0; v < m_UV2_size * 2; v++) { m_UV2[v] = a_Stream.ReadSingle(); }
if (version[0] == 2 && version[1] <= 5)
int m_TangentSpace_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
m_Normals = new float[m_TangentSpace_size * 3];
for (int v = 0; v < m_TangentSpace_size; v++)
m_Normals[v * 3] = a_Stream.ReadSingle();
m_Normals[v * 3 + 1] = a_Stream.ReadSingle();
m_Normals[v * 3 + 2] = a_Stream.ReadSingle();
a_Stream.Position += 16; //Vector3f tangent & float handedness
else //2.6.0 and later
int m_Tangents_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
a_Stream.Position += m_Tangents_size * 16; //Vector4f
int m_Normals_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
m_Normals = new float[m_Normals_size * 3];
for (int v = 0; v < m_Normals_size * 3; v++) { m_Normals[v] = a_Stream.ReadSingle(); }
#region Vertex Buffer for 3.5.0 and later
#region read vertex stream
int m_Skin_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
a_Stream.Position += m_Skin_size * 32; //4x float weights & 4x int boneIndices
if (version[0] <= 3 || (version[0] == 4 && version[1] <= 2))
int m_BindPose_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
a_Stream.Position += m_BindPose_size * 16 * 4; //matrix 4x4
int m_CurrentChannels = a_Stream.ReadInt32();//defined as uint in Unity
m_VertexCount = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
#region 3.5.0 - 3.5.7
if (version[0] < 4)
if (m_MeshCompression != 0 && version[2] == 0) //special case not just on platform 9
a_Stream.Position += 12;
m_Streams = new StreamInfo[4];
for (int s = 0; s < 4; s++)
m_Streams[s] = new StreamInfo();
m_Streams[s].channelMask = new BitArray(new int[1] { a_Stream.ReadInt32() });
m_Streams[s].offset = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
m_Streams[s].stride = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
m_Streams[s].align = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
#region 4.0.0 and later
int singleStreamStride = 0;//used tor unity 5
m_Channels = new ChannelInfo[a_Stream.ReadInt32()];
for (int c = 0; c < m_Channels.Length; c++)
m_Channels[c] = new ChannelInfo();
m_Channels[c].stream = a_Stream.ReadByte();
m_Channels[c].offset = a_Stream.ReadByte();
m_Channels[c].format = a_Stream.ReadByte();
m_Channels[c].dimension = a_Stream.ReadByte();
//calculate stride for Unity 5
singleStreamStride += m_Channels[c].dimension * (m_Channels[c].format % 2 == 0 ? 4 : 2);//fingers crossed!
if (version[0] < 5)
m_Streams = new StreamInfo[a_Stream.ReadInt32()];
for (int s = 0; s < m_Streams.Length; s++)
m_Streams[s] = new StreamInfo();
m_Streams[s].channelMask = new BitArray(new int[1] { a_Stream.ReadInt32() });
m_Streams[s].offset = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
m_Streams[s].stride = a_Stream.ReadByte();
m_Streams[s].dividerOp = a_Stream.ReadByte();
m_Streams[s].frequency = a_Stream.ReadUInt16();
else //it's just easier to create my own stream here
m_Streams = new StreamInfo[1];
m_Streams[0] = new StreamInfo();
m_Streams[0].channelMask = new BitArray(new int[1] { m_CurrentChannels });
m_Streams[0].offset = 0;
m_Streams[0].stride = singleStreamStride;
//actual Vertex Buffer
byte[] m_DataSize = new byte[a_Stream.ReadInt32()];
a_Stream.Read(m_DataSize, 0, m_DataSize.Length);
#region compute FvF
byte valueBufferSize = 0;
byte[] valueBuffer;
float[] dstArray;
if (m_Channels != null)
//it is better to loop channels instead of streams
//because channels are likely to be sorted by vertex property
#region 4.0.0 and later
foreach (var m_Channel in m_Channels)
if (m_Channel.dimension > 0)
var m_Stream = m_Streams[];
for (int b = 0; b < 6; b++)
if (m_Stream.channelMask.Get(b))
switch (m_Channel.format)
case 0: //32bit
valueBufferSize = 4;
case 1: //16bit
valueBufferSize = 2;
case 2: //8bit
valueBufferSize = 1;
m_Channel.dimension = 4;//these are actually groups of 4 components
valueBuffer = new byte[valueBufferSize];
dstArray = new float[m_VertexCount * m_Channel.dimension];
for (int v = 0; v < m_VertexCount; v++)
for (int d = 0; d < m_Channel.dimension; d++)
int m_DataSizeOffset = m_Stream.offset + m_Channel.offset + m_Stream.stride * v + valueBufferSize * d;
Buffer.BlockCopy(m_DataSize, m_DataSizeOffset, valueBuffer, 0, valueBufferSize);
dstArray[v * m_Channel.dimension + d] = bytesToFloat(valueBuffer);
switch (b)
case 0://1
m_Vertices = dstArray;
case 1://2
m_Normals = dstArray;
case 2://4
m_Colors = dstArray;
case 3://8
m_UV1 = dstArray;
case 4://16
m_UV2 = dstArray;
case 5://32
m_Tangents = dstArray;
m_Stream.channelMask.Set(b, false); //is this needed?
valueBuffer = null;
dstArray = null;
break; //go to next channel
#region 3.5.0 - 3.5.7
else if (m_Streams != null)
foreach (var m_Stream in m_Streams)
//a stream may have multiple vertex components but without channels there are no offsets, so I assume all vertex properties are in order
//Unity 3.5.x only uses floats, and that's probably why channels were introduced in Unity 4
ChannelInfo m_Channel = new ChannelInfo();//create my own channel so I can use the same methods
m_Channel.offset = 0;
for (int b = 0; b < 6; b++)
if (m_Stream.channelMask.Get(b))
switch (b)
case 0:
case 1:
valueBufferSize = 4;
m_Channel.dimension = 3;
case 2:
valueBufferSize = 1;
m_Channel.dimension = 4;
case 3:
case 4:
valueBufferSize = 4;
m_Channel.dimension = 2;
case 5:
valueBufferSize = 4;
m_Channel.dimension = 4;
valueBuffer = new byte[valueBufferSize];
dstArray = new float[m_VertexCount * m_Channel.dimension];
for (int v = 0; v < m_VertexCount; v++)
for (int d = 0; d < m_Channel.dimension; d++)
int m_DataSizeOffset = m_Stream.offset + m_Channel.offset + m_Stream.stride * v + valueBufferSize * d;
Buffer.BlockCopy(m_DataSize, m_DataSizeOffset, valueBuffer, 0, valueBufferSize);
dstArray[v * m_Channel.dimension + d] = bytesToFloat(valueBuffer);
switch (b)
case 0:
m_Vertices = dstArray;
case 1:
m_Normals = dstArray;
case 2:
m_Colors = dstArray;
case 3:
m_UV1 = dstArray;
case 4:
m_UV2 = dstArray;
case 5:
m_Tangents = dstArray;
m_Channel.offset += (byte)(m_Channel.dimension * valueBufferSize); //strides larger than 255 are unlikely
m_Stream.channelMask.Set(b, false); //is this needed?
valueBuffer = null;
dstArray = null;
#region Compressed Mesh data for 2.6.0 and later - 160 bytes
if (version[0] >= 3 || (version[0] == 2 && version[1] >= 6))
//remember there can be combinations of packed and regular vertex properties
PackedBitVector m_Vertices_Packed = new PackedBitVector();
m_Vertices_Packed.m_NumItems = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
m_Vertices_Packed.m_Range = a_Stream.ReadSingle();
m_Vertices_Packed.m_Start = a_Stream.ReadSingle();
m_Vertices_Packed.m_Data = new byte[a_Stream.ReadInt32()];
a_Stream.Read(m_Vertices_Packed.m_Data, 0, m_Vertices_Packed.m_Data.Length);
m_Vertices_Packed.m_BitSize = a_Stream.ReadByte();
a_Stream.Position += 3; //4 byte alignment
if (m_Vertices_Packed.m_NumItems > 0)
m_VertexCount = m_Vertices_Packed.m_NumItems / 3;
uint[] m_Vertices_Unpacked = UnpackBitVector(m_Vertices_Packed);
int bitmax = 0;//used to convert int value to float
for (int b = 0; b < m_Vertices_Packed.m_BitSize; b++) { bitmax |= (1 << b); }
m_Vertices = new float[m_Vertices_Packed.m_NumItems];
for (int v = 0; v < m_Vertices_Packed.m_NumItems; v++)
m_Vertices[v] = (float)m_Vertices_Unpacked[v] / bitmax * m_Vertices_Packed.m_Range + m_Vertices_Packed.m_Start;
PackedBitVector m_UV_Packed = new PackedBitVector(); //contains both channels
m_UV_Packed.m_NumItems = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
m_UV_Packed.m_Range = a_Stream.ReadSingle();
m_UV_Packed.m_Start = a_Stream.ReadSingle();
m_UV_Packed.m_Data = new byte[a_Stream.ReadInt32()];
a_Stream.Read(m_UV_Packed.m_Data, 0, m_UV_Packed.m_Data.Length);
m_UV_Packed.m_BitSize = a_Stream.ReadByte();
a_Stream.Position += 3; //4 byte alignment
if (m_UV_Packed.m_NumItems > 0)
uint[] m_UV_Unpacked = UnpackBitVector(m_UV_Packed);
int bitmax = 0;
for (int b = 0; b < m_Vertices_Packed.m_BitSize; b++) { bitmax |= (1 << b); }
m_UV1 = new float[m_VertexCount * 2];
for (int v = 0; v < m_VertexCount * 2; v++)
m_UV1[v] = (float)m_UV_Unpacked[v] / bitmax * m_UV_Packed.m_Range + m_UV_Packed.m_Start;
if (m_UV_Packed.m_NumItems == m_VertexCount * 4)
m_UV2 = new float[m_VertexCount * 2];
for (uint v = 0; v < m_VertexCount * 2; v++)
m_UV2[v] = (float)m_UV_Unpacked[v + m_VertexCount * 2] / bitmax * m_UV_Packed.m_Range + m_UV_Packed.m_Start;
if (version[0] < 5)
PackedBitVector m_BindPoses_Packed = new PackedBitVector();
m_BindPoses_Packed.m_NumItems = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
m_BindPoses_Packed.m_Range = a_Stream.ReadSingle();
m_BindPoses_Packed.m_Start = a_Stream.ReadSingle();
m_BindPoses_Packed.m_Data = new byte[a_Stream.ReadInt32()];
a_Stream.Read(m_BindPoses_Packed.m_Data, 0, m_BindPoses_Packed.m_Data.Length);
m_BindPoses_Packed.m_BitSize = a_Stream.ReadByte();
a_Stream.Position += 3; //4 byte alignment
PackedBitVector m_Normals_Packed = new PackedBitVector();
m_Normals_Packed.m_NumItems = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
m_Normals_Packed.m_Range = a_Stream.ReadSingle();
m_Normals_Packed.m_Start = a_Stream.ReadSingle();
m_Normals_Packed.m_Data = new byte[a_Stream.ReadInt32()];
a_Stream.Read(m_Normals_Packed.m_Data, 0, m_Normals_Packed.m_Data.Length);
m_Normals_Packed.m_BitSize = a_Stream.ReadByte();
a_Stream.Position += 3; //4 byte alignment
PackedBitVector m_Tangents_Packed = new PackedBitVector();
m_Tangents_Packed.m_NumItems = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
m_Tangents_Packed.m_Range = a_Stream.ReadSingle();
m_Tangents_Packed.m_Start = a_Stream.ReadSingle();
m_Tangents_Packed.m_Data = new byte[a_Stream.ReadInt32()];
a_Stream.Read(m_Tangents_Packed.m_Data, 0, m_Tangents_Packed.m_Data.Length);
m_Tangents_Packed.m_BitSize = a_Stream.ReadByte();
a_Stream.Position += 3; //4 byte alignment
PackedBitVector m_Weights_Packed = new PackedBitVector();
m_Weights_Packed.m_NumItems = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
m_Weights_Packed.m_Data = new byte[a_Stream.ReadInt32()];
a_Stream.Read(m_Weights_Packed.m_Data, 0, m_Weights_Packed.m_Data.Length);
m_Weights_Packed.m_BitSize = a_Stream.ReadByte();
a_Stream.Position += 3; //4 byte alignment
PackedBitVector m_NormalSigns_packed = new PackedBitVector();
m_NormalSigns_packed.m_NumItems = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
m_NormalSigns_packed.m_Data = new byte[a_Stream.ReadInt32()];
a_Stream.Read(m_NormalSigns_packed.m_Data, 0, m_NormalSigns_packed.m_Data.Length);
m_NormalSigns_packed.m_BitSize = a_Stream.ReadByte();
a_Stream.Position += 3; //4 byte alignment
if (m_Normals_Packed.m_NumItems > 0)
uint[] m_Normals_Unpacked = UnpackBitVector(m_Normals_Packed);
uint[] m_NormalSigns = UnpackBitVector(m_NormalSigns_packed);
int bitmax = 0;
for (int b = 0; b < m_Normals_Packed.m_BitSize; b++) { bitmax |= (1 << b); }
m_Normals = new float[m_Normals_Packed.m_NumItems / 2 * 3];
for (int v = 0; v < m_Normals_Packed.m_NumItems / 2; v++)
m_Normals[v * 3] = (float)((double)m_Normals_Unpacked[v * 2] / bitmax) * m_Normals_Packed.m_Range + m_Normals_Packed.m_Start;
m_Normals[v * 3 + 1] = (float)((double)m_Normals_Unpacked[v * 2 + 1] / bitmax) * m_Normals_Packed.m_Range + m_Normals_Packed.m_Start;
m_Normals[v * 3 + 2] = (float)Math.Sqrt(1 - m_Normals[v * 3] * m_Normals[v * 3] - m_Normals[v * 3 + 1] * m_Normals[v * 3 + 1]);
if (m_NormalSigns[v] == 0) { m_Normals[v * 3 + 2] *= -1; }
PackedBitVector m_TangentSigns = new PackedBitVector();
m_TangentSigns.m_NumItems = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
m_TangentSigns.m_Data = new byte[a_Stream.ReadInt32()];
a_Stream.Read(m_TangentSigns.m_Data, 0, m_TangentSigns.m_Data.Length);
m_TangentSigns.m_BitSize = a_Stream.ReadByte();
a_Stream.Position += 3; //4 byte alignment
if (version[0] >= 5)
PackedBitVector m_FloatColors = new PackedBitVector();
m_FloatColors.m_NumItems = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
m_FloatColors.m_Range = a_Stream.ReadSingle();
m_FloatColors.m_Start = a_Stream.ReadSingle();
m_FloatColors.m_Data = new byte[a_Stream.ReadInt32()];
a_Stream.Read(m_FloatColors.m_Data, 0, m_FloatColors.m_Data.Length);
m_FloatColors.m_BitSize = a_Stream.ReadByte();
a_Stream.Position += 3; //4 byte alignment
if (m_FloatColors.m_NumItems > 0)
uint[] m_FloatColors_Unpacked = UnpackBitVector(m_FloatColors);
int bitmax = 0;
for (int b = 0; b < m_Vertices_Packed.m_BitSize; b++) { bitmax |= (1 << b); }
m_Colors = new float[m_FloatColors.m_NumItems];
for (int v = 0; v < m_FloatColors.m_NumItems; v++)
m_Colors[v] = (float)m_FloatColors_Unpacked[v] / bitmax * m_FloatColors.m_Range + m_FloatColors.m_Start;
PackedBitVector m_BoneIndices = new PackedBitVector();
m_BoneIndices.m_NumItems = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
m_BoneIndices.m_Data = new byte[a_Stream.ReadInt32()];
a_Stream.Read(m_BoneIndices.m_Data, 0, m_BoneIndices.m_Data.Length);
m_BoneIndices.m_BitSize = a_Stream.ReadByte();
a_Stream.Position += 3; //4 byte alignment
PackedBitVector m_Triangles = new PackedBitVector();
m_Triangles.m_NumItems = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
m_Triangles.m_Data = new byte[a_Stream.ReadInt32()];
a_Stream.Read(m_Triangles.m_Data, 0, m_Triangles.m_Data.Length);
m_Triangles.m_BitSize = a_Stream.ReadByte();
a_Stream.Position += 3; //4 byte alignment
if (m_Triangles.m_NumItems > 0) { m_IndexBuffer = UnpackBitVector(m_Triangles); }
#region Colors & Collision triangles for 3.4.2 and earlier
if (version[0] <= 2 || (version[0] == 3 && version[1] <= 4)) //
a_Stream.Position += 24; //Axis-Aligned Bounding Box
int m_Colors_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
m_Colors = new float[m_Colors_size * 4];
for (int v = 0; v < m_Colors_size * 4; v++) { m_Colors[v] = (float)(a_Stream.ReadByte()) / 0xFF; }
int m_CollisionTriangles_size = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
a_Stream.Position += m_CollisionTriangles_size * 4; //UInt32 indices
int m_CollisionVertexCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
#region Compressed colors & Local AABB for 3.5.0 to 4.x.x
else //vertex colors are either in streams or packed bits
if (version[0] < 5)
PackedBitVector m_Colors_Packed = new PackedBitVector();
m_Colors_Packed.m_NumItems = a_Stream.ReadUInt32();
m_Colors_Packed.m_Data = new byte[a_Stream.ReadInt32()];
a_Stream.Read(m_Colors_Packed.m_Data, 0, m_Colors_Packed.m_Data.Length);
m_Colors_Packed.m_BitSize = a_Stream.ReadByte();
a_Stream.Position += 3; //4 byte alignment
if (m_Colors_Packed.m_NumItems > 0)
if (m_Colors_Packed.m_BitSize == 32)
//4 x 8bit color channels
m_Colors = new float[m_Colors_Packed.m_Data.Length];
for (int v = 0; v < m_Colors_Packed.m_Data.Length; v++)
m_Colors[v] = (float)m_Colors_Packed.m_Data[v] / 0xFF;
else //not tested
uint[] m_Colors_Unpacked = UnpackBitVector(m_Colors_Packed);
int bitmax = 0;//used to convert int value to float
for (int b = 0; b < m_Colors_Packed.m_BitSize; b++) { bitmax |= (1 << b); }
m_Colors = new float[m_Colors_Packed.m_NumItems];
for (int v = 0; v < m_Colors_Packed.m_NumItems; v++)
m_Colors[v] = (float)m_Colors_Unpacked[v] / bitmax;
a_Stream.Position += 24; //Axis-Aligned Bounding Box
int m_MeshUsageFlags = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
if (version[0] >= 5)
//int m_BakedConvexCollisionMesh = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
//a_Stream.Position += m_BakedConvexCollisionMesh;
//int m_BakedTriangleCollisionMesh = a_Stream.ReadInt32();
//a_Stream.Position += m_BakedConvexCollisionMesh;
#region Build face indices
for (int s = 0; s < m_SubMeshes_size; s++)
uint firstIndex = m_SubMeshes[s].firstByte / 2;
if (!m_Use16BitIndices) { firstIndex /= 2; }
if (m_SubMeshes[s].topology == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < m_SubMeshes[s].indexCount / 3; i++)
m_Indices.Add(m_IndexBuffer[firstIndex + i * 3]);
m_Indices.Add(m_IndexBuffer[firstIndex + i * 3 + 1]);
m_Indices.Add(m_IndexBuffer[firstIndex + i * 3 + 2]);
for (int i = 0; i < m_SubMeshes[s].indexCount - 2; i++)
uint fa = m_IndexBuffer[firstIndex + i];
uint fb = m_IndexBuffer[firstIndex + i + 1];
uint fc = m_IndexBuffer[firstIndex + i + 2];
if ((fa!=fb) && (fa!=fc) && (fc!=fb))
if ((i % 2) == 0)