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2020-03-02 10:13:15 +00:00
%YAML 1.1
- name: fun
description: >-
Aliases of questionable usefulness, mostly for puns, private jokes,
or showing off.
- name: git
description: Git-related shortcuts.
- name: docker
description: Docker-related shortcuts.
- name: python
description: Python-related shortcuts.
- name: basic
description: >-
Rather basic aliases that you might already have built into your shell.
- name: specific
description: Aliases that are quite specific to my own setup.
- name: aliasless
description: In honour of ~aliasless!
value: 'alias | less'
tag: fun
- name: please
description: For when you want to be polite with your terminal.
value: sudo
tag: fun
- name: ':q'
description: For when I get confused between Vim and a shell.
value: exit
tag: fun
- name: ':q!'
value: exit
tag: fun
- name: ':wq'
value: exit
tag: fun
- name: gs
value: git status
tag: git
- name: gch
value: git checkout
tag: git
- name: gchm
value: git checkout master
tag: git
- name: gchb
value: git checkout -b
tag: git
- name: gl
description: >-
Yet another git log alias.
You will probably want to customize it with your own format.
value: >-
git log
--pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s
%Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset'
tag: git
- name: ga
value: git add
tag: git
- name: gaa
value: git add -A
tag: git
- name: gapa
value: git add --patch
tag: git
- name: gb
value: git branch
tag: git
- name: gbd
value: git branch -d
tag: git
- name: gbD
value: git branch -D
tag: git
- name: gbs
value: git bisect
tag: git
- name: gbs!
value: git bisect start
tag: git
- name: gbsg
value: git bisect good
tag: git
- name: gbsb
value: git bisect bad
tag: git
- name: gbss
value: git bisect skip
tag: git
- name: gbsr
value: git bisect reset
tag: git
- name: gc
value: git commit
tag: git
- name: gca
value: git commit -a
tag: git
- name: gcas
value: git commit -a -s
tag: git
- name: gcm
value: git commit -m
tag: git
- name: gcms
value: git commit -s -m
tag: git
- name: gcs
value: git commit -s
tag: git
- name: gcam
value: git commit -a -m
tag: git
- name: gcams
value: git commit -a -s -m
tag: git
- name: gcan
value: git commit --amend --no-edit
tag: git
- name: gcans
value: git commit --amend -s --no-edit
tag: git
- name: gcaan
value: git commit --amend -a --no-edit
tag: git
- name: gcaans
value: git commit --amend -a -s --no-edit
tag: git
- name: gcp
value: git cherry-pick
tag: git
- name: gcpa
value: git cherry-pick --abort
tag: git
- name: gcpc
value: git cherry-pick --continue
tag: git
- name: gd
value: git diff
tag: git
- name: gds
value: git diff --staged
tag: git
- name: gf
value: git fetch
tag: git
- name: gfp
value: git fetch --prune
tag: git
- name: gg
description: For when you give up with command-line Git.
value: git gui
tag: git
- name: gm
value: git merge
tag: git
- name: gma
value: git merge --abort
tag: git
- name: gp
value: git push
tag: git
- name: gpf
value: git push --force-with-lease
tag: git
- name: gpfo
value: git push --force-with-lease origin
tag: git
- name: gpu
value: git push -u origin
tag: git
- name: gr
value: git remote
tag: git
- name: gra
value: git remote add
tag: git
- name: grrm
value: git remote remove
tag: git
- name: grmv
value: git remote rename
tag: git
- name: grb
value: git rebase
tag: git
- name: grba
value: git rebase --abort
tag: git
- name: grbc
value: git rebase --continue
tag: git
- name: grbi
value: git rebase -i
tag: git
- name: grbm
value: git rebase master
tag: git
- name: grbs
value: git rebase --skip
tag: git
- name: grh
value: git reset
tag: git
- name: grhh
value: git reset --hard
tag: git
- name: grl
value: git reflog
tag: git
- name: gst
value: git stash
tag: git
- name: gsta
value: git stash push
tag: git
- name: gstam
value: git stash push -m
tag: git
- name: gstd
value: git stash clear
tag: git
- name: gstl
value: git stash list
tag: git
- name: gstp
value: git stash pop
tag: git
- name: gsts
value: git stash show --text
tag: git
- name: gt
value: git tag
tag: git
- name: gtf
value: git tag -f
tag: git
- name: gtd
value: git tag -d
tag: git
- name: hd
value: hexdump -C
tag: basic
- name: https
description: An alias for HTTPie to use HTTPS more quickly
value: http --default-scheme=https
- name: ka
value: killall
tag: basic
- name: nuke
value: kill -9
tag: fun
- name: l
value: ls -lah
tag: basic
- name: la
value: ls -lAh
tag: basic
- name: ll
value: ls -lh
tag: basic
- name: md
value: mkdir
tag: basic
- name: rd
value: rmdir
tag: basic
- name: mdp
value: mkdir -p
tag: basic
- name: chown
description: Why isn't this the default?!
value: chown --preserve-root
tag: basic
- name: chmod
description: Why isn't this the default?!
value: chmod --preserve-root
tag: basic
- name: oneplus
description: >-
I have KDEConnect installed on my OnePlus One,
and I often use its not-so-comfortable CLI.
value: "kdeconnect-cli -n 'OnePlus One'"
tag: specific
- name: nuketheswap
description: |-
Named after a private joke at work. Cleans up your swap.
Be careful not to run this if you do not have enough space in RAM or if
you still have some programs eating up your RAM: this could freeze
your machine.
value: sudo swapoff -a; sudo swapon -a
tag: specific
- name: scream
value: "tr '[[:lower:]]' '[[:upper:]]'"
tag: fun
- name: whisper
value: "tr '[[:upper:]]' '[[:lower:]]'"
tag: fun
- name: cowscream
description: For the big moo-ds.
value: "figlet -f big -w 999999 | cowsay -nw"
tag: fun
- name: cowanxiety
description: For the big bad moo-ds.
value: "figlet -f big -w 999999 | cowthink -nw"
tag: fun
- name: sl
description: I like trains, but not too much.
value: sl -e
tag: fun
- name: fullwidth
description: >-
Convert normal character to their full-width equivalents.
Great for vaporware-style text, or for messing up some terminals.
value: "sed \"y/!\\\"#\\$%&'()*+,-.\\/0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\\\\\]^_\\`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~¢£¬¯¦¥ /!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~¢£¬ ̄¦¥ /\""
tag: fun
- name: dco
value: docker-compose
tag: docker
- name: dcp
value: docker container prune
tag: docker
- name: dccp
value: docker container cp
tag: docker
- name: dcpf
value: docker container prune -f
tag: docker
- name: de
value: docker exec
tag: docker
- name: dei
value: docker exec -it
tag: docker
- name: di
value: docker inspect
tag: docker
- name: dip
value: docker image prune
tag: docker
- name: dipf
value: docker image prune -f
tag: docker
- name: drmi
value: docker rmi
tag: docker
- name: drmia
value: docker images -q | xargs docker rmi
tag: docker
- name: dk
value: docker kill
tag: docker
- name: dka
value: docker ps -q | xargs docker kill
tag: docker
- name: dl
value: docker logs
tag: docker
- name: dlf
value: docker logs -f
tag: docker
- name: dlft
value: docker logs -f --tail
tag: docker
- name: dlt
value: docker logs --tail
tag: docker
- name: dn
value: docker network
tag: docker
- name: dnc
value: docker network create
tag: docker
- name: dnp
value: docker network prune
tag: docker
- name: dnpf
value: docker network prune -f
tag: docker
- name: dp
value: docker ps
tag: docker
- name: dpq
value: docker ps -q
tag: docker
- name: dr
value: docker run
tag: docker
- name: dri
value: docker run -it
tag: docker
- name: dsp
value: docker system prune
tag: docker
- name: dspf
value: docker system prune -f
tag: docker
- name: gut
description: >-
You can also have a function that looks for 'status' in the argument,
and prints 'hungry' for `gut status`.
value: git
tag: git
- name: got
description: For when you type your aliases so fast you miss a key.
value: git
tag: git
- name: cdp
value: cdproject
tag: python
- name: wk
value: workon
tag: python
- name: sqlite
value: sqlite3
- name: ssh
description: >-
Used in my Termux setup because the ssh-agent compatible ssh is ssha.
value: ssha
tag: specific
- termux
- name: shutdown
value: exit
description: |-
As an i3 user, the easiest way for me to shut the computer down is to
use `shutdown now`. I can use i3's launcher to do that, or I can just
run that in any terminal that I already have opened. As I often leave an
SSH connection to opened for a while when my home computer is
running, sometimes I accidentally try to shut the town down!
Luckily, it does not let me do that because there are other users
logged on, but I set an alias just to avoid the little scare I can
get from that.
tag: specific
- tildetown
- name: joke
type: git
value: '!curl -s | shuf | head -n1'
tag: fun
- name: ytdl
value: youtube-dl
- name: weather
value: 'curl --fail -s ""'
- name: moon
value: 'curl --fail -s ""'
- name: ./
description: Yet another fat finger autocorrector, but for Django.
value: ./
tag: python
- name: ./maange.Py
value: ./
tag: python
- name: prunetmpenv
description: >-
Using virtualenvwrapper's `mktmpenv`, then not deactivating properly,
results in useless environments piling up!
value: 'rmvirtualenv $(wk | grep ^tmp-)'
tag: python
- name: unzst
description: Because I always forget how to extract .tar.zst archives.
value: tar -I zstd -xf
- name: flushall
description: Clear all of the local Redis database!
value: "echo FLUSHALL | redis-cli"
tag: specific
- name: poule
value: pull
description: >-
French pun: the french noun «poule» (chicken) is pronounced
in the same way as the english verb "pull".
type: git
tag: fun
- name: gud
description: Mac- and Linux-compatible.
value: >-
!xdg-open\?s\=d\&iie\=1\&q\=how+to+use+git 2>/dev/null
|| open\?s\=d\&iie\=1\&q\=how+to+use+git
type: git
tag: fun
- name: mkcd
type: function
description: Stolen from some reply on StackExchange.
value: |-
case "$1" in
*/..|*/../) cd -- "$1";;
/*/../*) (cd "${1%/../*}/.." && mkdir -p "./${1##*/../}") && cd -- "$1";;
/*) mkdir -p "$1" && cd "$1";;
*/../*) (cd "./${1%/../*}/.." && mkdir -p "./${1##*/../}") && cd "./$1";;
../*) (cd .. && mkdir -p "${1#.}") && cd "$1";;
*) mkdir -p "./$1" && cd "./$1";;
- name: ytmp3
type: function
description: >-
I mostly only ever use youtube-dl to fill my music library.
You can use this as `ytmp3 dQw4w9WgXcQ` to use the video's original title,
or `ytmp3 dQw4w9WgXcQ "We Are Number One"` to use your own.
value: 'youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 -o "${2:-%(title)s}.%(ext)s" "$1"'
- name: ttm
type: function
value: 'curl -F"file=@$1"'
- name: ttmu
type: function
value: 'curl -F"url=$1"'
- name: shorten
type: function
value: 'curl -F"shorten=$1"'
- name: oxo
type: function
value: 'curl -F"file=@$1"'
- name: gbdo
type: function
value: 'git push origin -d $@ && git branch -D $@'
tag: git
- name: gpmr
type: function
description: >-
Git push with options for automatically creating a GitLab merge request
with a given title.
value: |-
[ "$#" -le 0 ] && echo "Usage: $0 <title> <other options>" && return 1
local title=$1
git push -u origin \
-o merge_request.create \
-o \
-o merge_request.remove_source_branch \
-o merge_request.title="$title" \
tag: git