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<title>the shell spellbook</title>
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{% macro funchighlight(func) -%}
{% highlight 'zsh',lineno='table' %}
function {{|quote }} () {
{{ func.value|indent(first=True) }}
{% endhighlight %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro printalias(alias) -%}
{% if alias.type == 'git' %}
<h3>git {{ }}</h3>
{% else %}
<h3>{{ }}</h3>
{% endif %}
{% if alias.description %}
{% markdown %}{{ alias.description|safe }}{% endmarkdown %}
{% endif %}
{% if alias.type == 'git' %}
{% highlight 'zsh' %}git config --global {{ ('alias.' +|quote }} {{ alias.value|quote }}{% endhighlight %}
{% elif alias.type == 'function' %}
{% autoescape false %}
{{ funchighlight(alias)|replace('\n', '<br />') }}
{% endautoescape %}
{% elif alias.type == 'alias' %}
{% highlight 'zsh' %}alias {{|quote }}={{ alias.value|quote }}{% endhighlight %}
{% else %}
{% highlight 'zsh' %}{{ alias.value }}{% endhighlight %}
{% endif %}
{%- endmacro %}
{% macro section(title, slug='', description='', aliases=[]) -%}
<div class="section" id="{{ slug|default(title|slug, true) }}">
<a href="#contents" class="toplink">back to top</a>
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
{% if description %}
{% markdown %}{{ description|safe }}{% endmarkdown %}
{% endif %}
{% for alias in aliases|sort(attribute='name') %}
{{ printalias(alias) }}
{% endfor %}
{%- endmacro %}
<body class="container">
<h1>the shell spellbook</h1>
<strong>{{ data.aliases|selectattr('private', 'eq', False)|selectattr('type', 'eq', 'alias')|list|length }}</strong> aliases,
<strong>{{ data.aliases|selectattr('private', 'eq', False)|selectattr('type', 'eq', 'git')|list|length }}</strong> git aliases,
<strong>{{ data.aliases|selectattr('private', 'eq', False)|selectattr('type', 'eq', 'function')|list|length }}</strong> functions
<br />
last updated: <tt>{{ timestamp }}</tt>
<div class="section" id="contents">
<p>This page holds a collection of shell aliases and functions I use regularly. I will soon write a sync script to automatically update my alias collection on every computer I use to turn this into an over-engineered alias management system.</p>
<p>This is generated using <a href="" target="_blank"><tt>jinja2</tt></a> from a YAML file of mine. Note that some aliases might have a strange escaping because I escape them using Python's <a href="" target="_blank"><tt>shlex</tt></a> module.</p>
{% for tag in data.tags|sort(attribute='name') %}
<a href="#{{|slug }}">{{ }}</a>
{% if tag.description %}
<br />
{{ tag.description }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if data.aliases|selectattr('private', 'eq', False)|selectattr('tag', 'none')|list|length %}
<li><a href="#__uncategorized__">uncategorized</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% for tag in data.tags|sort(attribute='name') %}
{{ section(,|slug, tag.description, data.aliases|selectattr('private', 'eq', False)|selectattr('tag', 'eq',|list) }}
{% endfor %}
{% if data.aliases|selectattr('private', 'eq', False)|selectattr('tag', 'none')|list|length %}
{{ section('uncategorized', '__uncategorized__', '', data.aliases|selectattr('private', 'eq', False)|selectattr('tag', 'none')|list) }}
{% endif %}