kind: pipeline type: docker name: default steps: - name: test image: alpine commands: - apk add libxml2-utils libxslt - xmllint --noout --schema itsb.xsd itsb.xml - 'xsltproc xslt/itsb.xsl itsb.xml | xmllint --noout --schema itsb.xsd -' - name: deploy image: drillster/drone-rsync settings: source: . target: ~/dev/itsb/ hosts: - user: lucidiot exclude: - .git - feeds - feeds.* key: from_secret: rsync_ssh_key script: - tree ~/dev/itsb/ when: branch: - main repo: - lucidiot/itsb - name: irc image: plugins/irc settings: host: port: 6697 nick: lucibot channel: '#station' enable_tls: yes use_sasl: yes sasl_password: from_secret: sasl_password template: 'deploying{{ build.commit }} - {{ build.status }} ({{ }})' when: status: - success - failure branch: - main repo: - lucidiot/itsb # For some reason, the IRC plugin works but causes # an "Error, disconnected: EOF" when quitting, which # makes the pipeline fail every timeā€¦ failure: ignore