from datetime import datetime from urbantz.base import JSONSerializable from urbantz.utils import DictObject class LogEntry(DictObject): """ A log entry for a delivery or a delivery item that logs status changes. - ``id`` : Unique identifier of the log entry - ``by`` : Unique identifier of the author of the change. Nullable. - ``when`` : Date/time of the log entry as a ISO 8601 string - ``to`` : Updated status """ @property def datetime(self): """ Datetime for the log entry. """ from import DATE_FORMAT return datetime.strptime(self.when, DATE_FORMAT) class Item(JSONSerializable): """ Describes a delivery item. """ def __init__(self, payload): self.payload = payload """ The original JSON payload for the item. :type: dict """ = self.payload['_id'] """ Unique identifier of the delivery item. :type: str """ self.type = self.payload['type'] """ Type of the delivery item. Types vary with each company. :type: str """ self.barcode = self.payload['barcode'] """ Barcode of the delivery item. See :attr:`Item.barcode_encoding` to know the barcode's encoding. """ self.barcode_encoding = self.payload['barcodeEncoding'] """ Encoding method of the barcode (EAN 13, UPC, etc.) """ self.damage_confirmed = self.payload['damaged']['confirmed'] """ Indicates whether the item has been damaged. :type: bool """ self.damage_pictures = self.payload['damaged']['pictures'] """ Pictures of the damages. """ self.status = self.payload['status'] """ Status of the delivery item. :type: str """ self.quantity = self.payload['quantity'] """ Quantity of the given item. :type: int """ self.labels = self.payload['labels'] """ Custom labels given to the item. :type: list """ self.skills = self.payload['skills'] """ Required skills to handle the delivery item. :type: list """ self.dimensions = DictObject(self.payload['dimensions']) """ Dimensions of the item, as custom settings set by the shipment company. :type: urbantz.utils.DictObject """ self.metadata = DictObject(self.payload['metadata']) """ Metadata about the delivery that seems to be set by UrbanTZ themselves. :type: urbantz.utils.DictObject """ self.logs = list(map(LogEntry.fromJSON, self.payload['log'])) """ Status update logs. :type: urbantz.items.LogEntry """ def __repr__(self): return ''.format( def toJSON(self): return self.payload @classmethod def fromJSON(cls, payload): return cls(payload)