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from datetime import datetime
from urbantz.utils import Coordinates
from urbantz.exceptions import APIError
import requests
class Delivery(object):
A UrbanTZ delivery with a unique ID.
def __init__(self, id):
:param str id: A delivery ID.
""" = id
The delivery ID.
:type: str
self.last_updated = None
Last API update date/time. Is None if data has never been fetched
from the API.
:type: datetime or None
self.position = None
Coordinates of the delivery truck's position.
:type: urbantz.utils.Coordinates
self.destination = None
Coordinates of the delivery destination.
:type: urbantz.utils.Coordinates
def __repr__(self):
return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
def api_url(self):
URL pointing to the API endpoint to use for the specific delivery.
:type: str
return '' +
def update(self):
Fetch the latest delivery information from the API.
:raises requests.exceptions.HTTPError: If the response has an
HTTP 4xx or 5xx code.
:raises urbantz.exceptions.APIError: If the API returned an error.
resp = requests.get(self.api_url)
data = resp.json()
if 'error' in data:
raise APIError(data['error'])
self.position = Coordinates.fromJSON(data['position'])
self.destination = Coordinates.fromJSON(
self.last_updated =