Post about the Outworldz LSL feed

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~lucidiot 2022-09-25 02:16:56 +02:00
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commit 47241d41e0

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<p>Here's a pretty well-known feed of pretty images that are pretty great. Since 1995-06-16, every day, APoD gives you a new cool space pic. It's one of those nice, simple feeds that I like to have in my feedreader; I block out an hour of time to read through many posts in my reader, and will start with APoD among others to warm up.</p>
<title>LSL scripts from Outworldz</title>
<pubDate>Sun, 25 Sep 2022 02:03:17 +0200</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">outworldz-lsl-scripts</guid>
<category domain="">Feed</category>
<p>I have a list of over a hundred ideas for posts on this feed, and had the next post already planned out, but then I stumbled upon a feed that I clearly couldn't expect. I was trying to find the correct word for the servers that regroup other servers hosting virtual worlds, all compatible with Second Life. Those servers are called <em>hypergrids</em>, and each server grouped within them is called a <em>grid</em>. Each grid contains tiles, also called regions, which are one square kilometer of virtual world. All of this has existed long before companies tried to get involved in the <em>metaverse</em>, and long before cryptocurrency even began to exist. Those worlds are still active, although probably not as much as during Second Life's peak.</p>
<p>While looking for some sort of authoritative source for the definition of a hypergrid, I found <a href="" target="_blank">Outworldz</a>, a website full of resources related to OpenSimulator, the server software that runs all of those worlds. Its name seems to be a pun on InWorldz, one of the largest commercial OpenSimulator grids, which has existed from 2010 to 2018 before shutting down and seemingly starting from scratch.</p>
<p>I am quite curious about those old virtual worlds, especially now with all this <em>metaverse</em> bullshit. I browsed around a bit and realized they provide an RSS feed of the LSL scripts shared on this website. LSL, or the Linden Scripting Language, is the scripting language made by Linden Lab for Second Life. Scripting is how most of the virtual worlds come to life; be it enabling automatic transactions, sending messages, embedding YouTube videos to create movie theaters, etc., LSL can become important quite fast if you want to do interesting things in OpenSim. So here it is, a feed that genuinely surprised me, full of interesting content for a community that sounds inactive today, but still definitely exists.</p>